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Created July 11, 2018 17:15
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Shopify Reviews App - Currently it's not possible to reveal the "Write a review" form when linking to a product page. This would be useful for asking customers to provide a review of the product via email. Revision 1 is the original code from Shopify (spr.js), Revision 2 is my (very inexperienced) suggested change.
!function() {
var e = function(e) {
var t = {
exports: {}
return, t, t.exports),
e(function() {
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r = 1 !== t.childNodes.length)) {
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!1 === s)
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window.SPR = function() {
function e() {}
return =, = "//",
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e.api_url = + "/proxy/" + e.version,
e.badgeEls = [],
e.reviewEls = [],
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return this.badgeEls = this.$(".shopify-product-reviews-badge[data-id]"),
this.reviewEls = this.$("#shopify-product-reviews[data-id]"),
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return function(t, r) {
var a;
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e.elSettings[a].reviews_el = "#" + (e.$(r).attr("data-reviews-prefix") ? e.$(r).attr("data-reviews-prefix") : "reviews_"),
e.elSettings[a].form_el = "#" + (e.$(r).attr("data-form-prefix") ? e.$(r).attr("data-form-prefix") : "form_")
e.loadProducts = function() {
return this.$.each(this.reviewEls, function(e) {
return function(t, r) {
var a, i;
if (a = e.$(r).attr("data-id"),
"false" !== e.$(r).attr("data-autoload"))
return i = e.$.extend({
product_id: a,
version: e.version
}, e.extraAjaxParams),
e.$.get(e.api_url + "/reviews/product", i, e.productCallback, "jsonp")
e.loadBadges = function() {
var e, t, r, a, i;
if (r = this.$.map(this.badgeEls, function(e) {
return function(t) {
return e.$(t).attr("data-id")
r.length > 0) {
for (t = 7,
i = []; (e = r.splice(0, t)).length > 0; )
a = this.$.extend(this.extraAjaxParams, {
product_ids: e
i.push(this.$.get(this.api_url + "/reviews/badges", a, this.badgesCallback, "jsonp"));
return i
e.initFormVisibility = function() {
var p;
if(window.location.href.indexOf("review-product=true") > -1) {
p = this.$("#shopify-product-reviews").attr("data-id")
e.pageReviews = function(e) {
var t, r, a;
return a = this.$(e).data("product-id"),
r = this.$(e).data("page"),
t = this.$.extend({
page: r,
product_id: a
}, this.extraAjaxParams),
this.$.get(this.api_url + "/reviews", t, this.paginateCallback, "jsonp"),
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var t;
return t = this.$(e).serializeObject(),
t = this.$.extend(t, this.extraAjaxParams),
t = this.$.param(t),
t = t.replace(/%0D%0A/g, "%0A"),
url: this.api_url + "/reviews/create",
type: "GET",
dataType: "jsonp",
data: t,
success: this.formCallback,
beforeSend: function(e) {
return function() {
return e.$(".spr-button-primary").attr("disabled", "disabled")
complete: function(e) {
return function() {
return e.$(".spr-button-primary").removeAttr("disabled")
e.reportReview = function(e) {
var t;
return confirm("Are you sure you want to report this review as inappropriate?") && (t = this.$.extend({
id: e
}, this.extraAjaxParams),
this.$.get(this.api_url + "/reviews/report", t, this.reportCallback, "jsonp")),
e.toggleReviews = function(e) {
var t;
return t = this.$("#shopify-product-reviews[data-id='" + e + "']"),
e.toggleForm = function(e) {
var t;
return t = this.$("#shopify-product-reviews[data-id='" + e + "']"),
e.setRating = function(e) {
var t, r, a;
return t = this.$(e).parents("form"),
a = this.$(e).attr("data-value"),
r = this.$(e).parent(),
this.setStarRating(a, r)
e.setStarRating = function(e, t) {
return t.find("a:lt(" + e + ")").removeClass("spr-icon-star-empty spr-icon-star-hover"),
t.find("a:gt(" + (e - 1) + ")").removeClass("spr-icon-star-hover").addClass("spr-icon-star-empty")
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var a;
if (a = e.$(t).attr("data-id"),
r[a] !== undefined)
return e.$(t).replaceWith(r[a]),
e.triggerEvent("spr:badge:loaded", {
id: a
e.productCallback = function(t) {
var r;
return r = t.remote_id.toString(),
e.renderProduct(r, t.product),
e.renderForm(r, t.form),
e.renderProduct = function(e, t) {
return this.$.map(this.reviewEls, function(r) {
return function(a) {
if (e === r.$(a).attr("data-id"))
return r.$(a).html(innerShiv(t, !1)),
r.triggerEvent("spr:product:loaded", {
id: e
e.renderForm = function(e, t) {
var r;
return r = this.$(this.elSettings[e].form_el + e),
this.triggerEvent("spr:form:loaded", {
id: e
e.renderReviews = function(t, r) {
var a;
return a = e.$(e.elSettings[t].reviews_el + t),
e.triggerEvent("spr:reviews:loaded", {
id: t
e.formCallback = function(t) {
var r, a, i, n;
return n = t.status,
i = t.remote_id,
a = t.form,
r = e.$(e.elSettings[i].form_el + i),
"failure" === n && e.initStarRating(r),
"success" === n && e.$("#shopify-product-reviews[data-id='" + i + "'] .spr-summary-actions-newreview").hide(),
e.triggerEvent("spr:form:" + n, {
id: i
e.initStarRating = function(e) {
var t, r, a;
if ((a = e.find("input[name='review[rating]']")) && a.val())
return r = a.val(),
t = e.find(".spr-starrating"),
this.setStarRating(r, t)
e.paginateCallback = function(t) {
var r, a;
return a = t.remote_id.toString(),
r =,
e.renderReviews(a, r)
e.reportCallback = function(t) {
var r;
return r = "#report_" +,
e.$(r).replaceWith("<span class='spr-review-reportreview'>" + e.$(r).attr("data-msg") + "</span>")
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function() {
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