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Tautvydas fosron

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ChrisCinelli / gist:2051841
Created March 16, 2012 18:57
Logging of Javascript error on the Frontend to the Backend
/* ==========================================================
* Log on a remote server most of the errors in the browser
* @author Chris Cinelli
* Depends on:
* stacktrace.js -
* jsonStringify.js -
matiskay / widget-skeleton.php
Created December 14, 2011 19:22
Wordpress Widget Skeleton
class Widget_Name extends WP_Widget {
function Widget_Name() {
$widget_opts = array(
'classname' => 'your-awesome-class',
'description' => 'Your awesome Description',
jonathonbyrdziak / CustomWidgetFile.php
Last active September 29, 2022 22:00
EMPTY WIDGET Plugin code to create a single widget in wordpress.
* Duplicate this file as many times as you would like, just be sure to change the
* Empty_Widget class name to a custom name of your choice. Have fun!
* Plugin Name: Empty Widget
* Description: Single Widget Class handles all of the widget responsibility, all that you need to do is create the html. Just use Find/Replace on the Contact_RedRokk_Widget keyword to rebrand this class for your needs.
* Author: RedRokk Interactive Media
* Version: 1.0.0
* Author URI:
dongilbert /
Created May 2, 2011 15:27
Auto Install Latest WordPress from Shell
# Install script for Latest WordPress by Johnathan Williamson - extended by Don Gilbert
# Disclaimer: It might not bloody work
# Disclaimer 2: I'm not responsible for any screwups ... :)
# DB Variables
echo "MySQL Host:"
read mysqlhost
export mysqlhost