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ElfSundae /
Last active September 19, 2023 23:10
Git checkout all remote branches
remote=origin ; for brname in `git branch -r | grep $remote | grep -v /master | grep -v /HEAD | awk '{gsub(/^[^\/]+\//,"",$1); print $1}'`; do git branch --track $brname $remote/$brname || true; done 2>/dev/null
feighter09 / ViewUtilities.swift
Created April 28, 2016 04:34
IBInspectable UIView Extensions for Fun and Profit
extension UIView {
@IBInspectable var borderColor: UIColor? {
get { return }
set { layer.borderColor = newValue?.CGColor }
@IBInspectable var borderWidth: CGFloat {
get { return layer.borderWidth }
set { layer.borderWidth = newValue }
williballenthin /
Last active July 14, 2022 21:10
Extract ASCII and Unicode strings using Python.
import re
from collections import namedtuple
ASCII_BYTE = " !\"#\$%&\'\(\)\*\+,-\./0123456789:;<=>\?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\[\]\^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\{\|\}\\\~\t"
String = namedtuple("String", ["s", "offset"])
bsweger /
Last active January 12, 2025 13:54
Useful Pandas Snippets

Useful Pandas Snippets

A personal diary of DataFrame munging over the years.

Data Types and Conversion

Convert Series datatype to numeric (will error if column has non-numeric values)
(h/t @makmanalp)

octocat / .gitignore
Created February 27, 2014 19:38
Some common .gitignore configurations
# Compiled source #
# Packages #
gruber / Liberal Regex Pattern for Web URLs
Last active February 14, 2025 16:31
Liberal, Accurate Regex Pattern for Matching Web URLs
The regex patterns in this gist are intended only to match web URLs -- http,
https, and naked domains like "". For a pattern that attempts to
match all URLs, regardless of protocol, see:
# Single-line version:
mattt / Emoji.plist
Created December 30, 2013 17:26
Emoji grouped by category, as extracted by by private APIs on the iPhone simulator, via [Cédric Luthi](
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
  1. Plain Strings (207): foo
  2. Anchors (208): k$
  3. Ranges (202): ^[a-f]*$
  4. Backrefs (201): (...).*\1
  5. Abba (169): ^(.(?!(ll|ss|mm|rr|tt|ff|cc|bb)))*$|^n|ef
  6. A man, a plan (177): ^(.)[^p].*\1$
  7. Prime (286): ^(?!(..+)\1+$)
  8. Four (199): (.)(.\1){3}
  9. Order (198): ^[^o].....?$
  10. Triples (507): (^39|^44)|(^([0369]|([147][0369]*[258])|(([258]|[147][0369]*[147])([0369]*|[258][0369]*[147])([147]|[258][0369]*[258])))*$)
@user.should have(1).error_on(:username) # Checks whether there is an error in username
@user.errors[:username].should include("can't be blank") # check for the error message
response.should render_template(:index)
response.should redirect_to(movies_path)
fizruk / pygments.hs
Created September 19, 2013 08:48
A Pandoc filter to use Pygments for Pandoc.
-- A Pandoc filter to use Pygments for Pandoc
-- Code blocks in HTML output
-- Nickolay Kudasov 2013
-- Requires Pandoc 1.12
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.JSON (toJSONFilter)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Data.Char(toLower)
import System.Process (readProcess)