The Law of Correctness states:
Beautiful code is almost certainly correct, but correct code might not be beautiful.
For any piece of code, there exists a refactor which approaches a one-liner.
If you cannot find the refactor, there is a mistake in your design. Solving the mistake will unlock the refactor.
Following this Law must be balanced with The Principle of Maximum Clarity.
Opposite of The Principle of Maximum Caller Flexibility.
Instead of writing this…
data PriceHistory = ...
shouldIBuyBitcoin :: Maybe PriceHistory -> IO Bool
Write this!
shouldIBuyBitcoin :: PriceHistory -> IO Bool
The same is true of Either
or other types with holes in their domains.
Written by Nikita Volkov. Only depends on base
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
import BasePrelude
comeOnSimonWhereIsThis :: Either a b -> Maybe b
With errors
by Gabriel Gonzales:
hush :: Either a b -> Maybe b
hushT :: Monad m => ExceptT a m b -> MaybeT m b
note :: a -> Maybe b -> Either a b
noteT :: Monad m => a -> MaybeT m b -> ExceptT a m b
hoistMaybe :: Monad m => Maybe b -> MaybeT m b
hoistEither :: Monad m => Either e a -> ExceptT e m a
failWith :: Applicative m => e -> Maybe a -> ExceptT e m a
Written by Gabriel Gonzales.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
data ChainwebEnv w = ChainwebEnv
{ nodes :: w ::: Word8 <?> "The number of nodes to simulate"
, config :: w ::: FilePath <?> "Path to config file"
, peer :: w ::: [Text] <?> "Known peers to connect to"
} deriving (Generic)
instance ParseRecord (ChainwebEnv Wrapped)
main :: IO ()
main = do
ChainwebEnv n c p <- unwrapRecord "chainweb"
Recall these from base
mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]
catMaybes :: [Maybe a] -> [a]
partitionEithers :: [Either a b] -> ([a], [b])
From witherable
by Kinoshita Fumiaki:
wither :: Applicative f => (a -> f (Maybe b)) -> t a -> f (t b)
From compactable
by Isaac Shapira:
fmapEither :: Functor t => (a -> Either l r) -> t a -> (t l, t r)
traverseEither :: (Applicative f, Traversable t) => (a -> f (Either l r)) -> t a -> f (t l, t r)
Recall this from async
-- This starts a thread for every item in `t`!
mapConcurrently :: Traversable t => (a -> IO b) -> t a -> IO (t b)
From scheduler
by Alexey Kuleschevich:
-- Also exposed are patterns `Par` and `Par'` which automatically use all
-- available cores.
data Comp = Seq | ParOn [Int] | ParN Word16
-- The `m` is essentially `IO`. Like `mapConcurrently`, item order is preserved.
traverseConcurrently :: (MonadUnliftIO m, Traversable t) => Comp -> (a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
Adhering to the Principle of Perfect Input…
Do you expect your [a]
input to be non-empty? Then be honest:
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NEL
-- Or use `NEL.head`, which is total!
foo :: NEL.NonEmpty a -> ...
foo (a :| rest) = ...
by Justin Le provides NESet
, NEMap
, and NESeq
. All
have an instance of Foldable1
class Foldable t => Foldable1 t where
fold1 :: Semigroup m => t m -> m
foldMap1 :: Semigroup m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
toNonEmpty :: t a -> NonEmpty a
Recall a common pattern for generating lenses:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
data Cat = Cat { _name :: Text, _age :: Word, _money :: Double }
makeLenses ''Cat
>>> let jack = Cat "Jack" 6 10.0
>>> jack ^. name
>>> jack & money += 5.0
Cat "Jack" 6 15.0
With generic-lens
written by Csongor Kiss:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
data Cat = Cat { name :: Text, age :: Word, money :: Double } deriving (Generic)
>>> let jack = Cat "Jack" 6 10.0
>>> jack ^. field @"name"
>>> jack & field @"money" += 5.0
Cat "Jack" 6 15.0
But we also get sane ToJSON
and FromJSON
instances this way!
oracle :: Stream (Of Question) IO r -> Stream (Of (Hint, Warning)) IO r
This causes a space leak.
With strict-tuple
by Mitchell Rosen:
import Data.Tuple.Strict (T2(..))
oracle :: Stream (Of Question) IO r -> Stream (Of (T2 Hint Warning)) IO r
data JohnsWorkout = JohnsWorkout
{ duration :: Word
, location :: Location
, activities :: [Activity] }
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
data JohnsWorkout = JohnsWorkout
{ duration :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word
, location :: !Location
, activities :: ![Activity] }
This reduces strain on the strictness checker inside GHC.
data Env = Env { _foo :: Foo, ... }
makeLenses ''Env
bar :: Foo -> Foo
work :: MonadState Env m => ...
work ... = do
env <- get
put $ env { _foo = bar $ _foo env }
work :: MonadState Env m => ...
work ... = modify' (\env -> env { _foo = bar $ _foo env })
work :: MonadState Env m => ...
work ... = foo %= bar
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
data LaunchTarget = LaunchTarget { _planet :: Planet, _time :: Time, _orbit :: Orbit }
elon :: LaunchTarget -> IO ()
elon LaunchTarget{..} = do
f _planet
g _orbit
This does code-gen and slows compiles!
work :: Foo -> IO (Maybe Bar)
solveFamousMathProblem :: Foo -> IO ()
solveFamousMathProblem foo = work foo >>= \mbar ->
case mbar of
Nothing -> ...
Just bar -> ...
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
solveFamousMathProblem :: Foo -> IO ()
solveFamousMathProblem foo = work foo >>= \case
Nothing -> ...
Just bar -> ...
solveFamousMathProblem :: Foo -> IO ()
solveFamousMathProblem = work >=> traverse_ f
Save on binary size and link time, and also plays better with incremental compilation.
This is another way to adhere to the Principle of Perfect Input.
sendAMuffin :: Text -> Text -> IO ()
sendAMuffin name address = ...
newtype Name = Name { name :: Text }
newtype Address = Address { address :: Text }
sendAMuffin :: Name -> Address -> IO ()
sendAMuffin name address = ...
This keeps your Haddocks clean and improves compiler performance.
module Noodles
( -- * Soups
-- | Noodles in some sort of broth.
-- Can be eaten in \(O(\log{n})\) time.
-- ** Chinese
beefNoodle, ramen
-- ** Vietnamese
, pho
-- ** Japanese
, udon, soba
) where
Even in your main module:
module Main ( main ) where
getFriend :: IO (Maybe Friend)
sellData :: Friend -> IO (Maybe Cash)
facebookKiller :: IO ()
facebookKiller = do
mfriend <- getFriend
case mfriend of
Nothing -> putStrLn "No!"
Just a -> do
mdata <- sellData a
case mdata of
Nothing -> putStrLn "Zuckerberg wins again..."
Just b -> f b
facebookKiller :: IO ()
facebookKiller = getFriend >>= \case
Nothing -> putStrLn "No!"
Just a -> sellData a >>= \case
Nothing -> putStrLn "Zuckerberg wins again..."
Just b -> f b
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..))
facebookKiller :: IO ()
facebookKiller = runMaybeT g >>= \case
Nothing -> putStrLn "Zuckerberg wins again..."
Just b -> f b
g :: MaybeT IO Cash
g = do
friend <- MaybeT getFriend
MaybeT $ sellData friend
But those aren’t the same…
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT(..))
facebookKiller :: IO ()
facebookKiller = runExceptT g >>= \case
Left e -> putStrLn e
Right b -> f b
g :: ExceptT Text IO Cash
g = do
friend <- noteT "Couldn't find a friend..." $ MaybeT getFriend
noteT "Caught by the government" . MaybeT $ sellData friend
facebookKiller :: IO ()
facebookKiller = runExceptT g >>= either putStrLn f