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jbryer / RBloggers.R
Created January 13, 2012 15:14
Retrieving and Analyzing R-Bloggers using the Google Reader API
rbloggers = getRSSFeed(feedURL="",
entries = rbloggers[which(names(rbloggers) == "entry")]
saveXML(rbloggers, file='rbloggers.xml')
simecek / facebook_mining.r
Created January 18, 2012 18:26
Facebook Mining
# go to '' to get your access token
access_token <- "******************* INPUT YOUR ACCESS TOKEN ******************************"
# Facebook json function copied from original (Romain Francois) post
facebook <- function( path = "me", access_token, options){
if( !missing(options) ){
options <- sprintf( "?%s", paste( names(options), "=", unlist(options), collapse = "&", sep = "" ) )
timelyportfolio / japan trade with korea.r
Created March 14, 2012 03:43
japan trade with korea.r
#further explore Japanese trade data by region
#website is
#format is
#and the filename increments from 001 to 008 for the geographic areas
numgeog <- 8 #there are really 9 but the last is "special area"
urls <- paste("",
jeromyanglim / example-r-markdown.rmd
Created May 17, 2012 04:23
Example of using R Markdown
This post examines the features of [R Markdown](
using [knitr]( in Rstudio 0.96.
This combination of tools provides an exciting improvement in usability for
[reproducible analysis](
Specifically, this post
(1) discusses getting started with R Markdown and `knitr` in Rstudio 0.96;
(2) provides a basic example of producing console output and plots using R Markdown;
(3) highlights several code chunk options such as caching and controlling how input and output is displayed;
(4) demonstrates use of standard Markdown notation as well as the extended features of formulas and tables; and
(5) discusses the implications of R Markdown.
`r opts_chunk$set(cache=TRUE)`
This is a quick set of analyses of the California Test Score dataset. The post was produced using R Markdown in RStudio 0.96. The main purpose of this post is to provide a case study of using R Markdown to prepare a quick reproducible report. It provides examples of using plots, output, in-line R code, and markdown. The post is designed to be read along side the R Markdown source code, which is available as a gist on github.
<!-- more -->
### Preliminaries
* This post builds on my earlier post which provided a guide for [Getting Started with R Markdown, knitr, and RStudio 0.96](
* The dataset analysed comes from the `AER` package which is an accompaniment to the book [Applied Econometrics with R]( written by [Christian Kleiber]( and [Achim Zeileis](
fototo / currencyplot.r
Created July 26, 2012 06:26 — forked from timelyportfolio/currencyplot.r
dendrogram grouped currency plot
#get asian currency data from the FED FRED data series
getSymbols("DEXKOUS",src="FRED") #load Korea
getSymbols("DEXMAUS",src="FRED") #load Malaysia
getSymbols("DEXSIUS",src="FRED") #load Singapore
getSymbols("DEXTAUS",src="FRED") #load Taiwan
getSymbols("DEXCHUS",src="FRED") #load China
getSymbols("DEXJPUS",src="FRED") #load Japan
iolloyd / Spot the Hijack
Created September 2, 2012 20:09
Use Audio Hijack Pro to record Spotify tracks while you listen
* Script to record and tag spotify tracks, by Lloyd Moore *)
(* Make sure you are already recording in Audio Hijack Pro with a session called 'spotifySession' *)
tell application "Spotify"
set currentTrack to (current track)
set trackName to (name of currentTrack)
tell application "Audio Hijack Pro"
set theSession to my getSession()
end tell
dsparks / plyr_NOMINATE.R
Created October 3, 2012 16:40
Letting plyr do the work for us
# Letting plyr do the work for us.
doInstall <- TRUE # Change to FALSE if you don't want packages installed.
toInstall <- c("foreign", "plyr", "Hmisc", "ggplot2")
if(doInstall){install.packages(toInstall, repos = "")}
lapply(toInstall, library, character.only = TRUE)
# See:
dwNominate <- read.dta("")
# Make a re-coded party variable
fototo / distance_matrix.R
Created October 7, 2012 05:35 — forked from dsparks/distance_matrix.R
Calculating distances (including between matrices)
# Cross-matrix distances and different measurement options, with "proxy"
doInstall <- TRUE # Change to FALSE if you don't want packages installed.
toInstall <- c("proxy", "MASS", "Zelig")
if(doInstall){install.packages(toInstall, repos = "")}
lapply(toInstall, library, character.only = TRUE)
# Invent two data frames
voterIdealPoints <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(26*2), ncol = 2))
rownames(voterIdealPoints) <- letters
fototo / Heatmap.R
Created October 12, 2012 06:08 — forked from dsparks/Heatmap.R
ggplot2 heatmap with "spectral" palette
# Simple ggplot2 heatmap
# with colorBrewer "spectral" palette
doInstall <- TRUE # Change to FALSE if you don't want packages installed.
toInstall <- c("ggplot2", "reshape2", "RColorBrewer")
if(doInstall){install.packages(toInstall, repos = "")}
lapply(toInstall, library, character.only = TRUE)
# Generate a random matrix
# This can be any type of numeric matrix,