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Jason Bryer jbryer

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jbryer / R
Created February 13, 2025 12:58
Download IPEDS Data
out_dir <- '~/Downloads/IPEDS/'
years <- 2023:1980
ipeds_base <- ''
ipeds_url <- ''
jbryer / Login.r
Created January 26, 2024 03:44
Shiny authentication
# This script is modified by Jason Bryer ([email protected]) from Huidong Tian's
# original script. The blog post describing the method is here:
# The original R script is located here:
# This script adds two new features: 1. Render a logout button, and 2. provide
# the ability for visitors to create a new account.
# Within your server.R file, be sure to use: source('Login.R', local=TRUE)
token <- '' # Get token here:
options(noaakey = token)
marathon_dates <- c('2021-01-10','2020-01-12','2019-01-13',
jbryer / app.R
Last active February 28, 2022 15:51
Framework for running Shiny Applications from R packages with parameters passed to the application. See this blog post for more information:
# Run the App on a Shiny Server
shiny::shinyApp(ui = shiny_ui,
server = shiny_server)
jbryer / DisneyMarathonWeather.R
Last active October 2, 2018 17:36
Disney Marathon Weather in ggplot2
weather <- read.csv('DisneyMarathonWeather.csv')
weather.melt <- melt(weather[,c('Year', 'Low', 'High', 'Wind', 'StartHumidity', 'Sky')],
id.vars = c('Year', 'Wind', 'StartHumidity', 'Sky'))
ggplot(weather.melt, aes(x = Year)) +
geom_ribbon(data = weather, aes(ymin = Low, ymax = High), alpha = 0.3, fill = 'skyblue') +
geom_path(aes(y = value, group = variable)) +
jbryer / Login.R
Last active September 24, 2020 10:35
# This script is modified by Jason Bryer ([email protected]) from Huidong Tian's
# original script. The blog post describing the method is here:
# The original R script is located here:
# This script adds two new features: 1. Render a logout button, and 2. provide
# the ability for visitors to create a new account.
# Within your server.R file, be sure to use:
jbryer / 2013-08-B.txt
Created February 21, 2016 18:14
From San Francisco to New York to Paris, city governments, high-class restaurants,
schools, and religious groups are ditching bottled water in favor of what comes out of the
faucet. With people no longer content to pay 1,000 times as much for bottled water, a
product no better than water from the tap, a backlash against bottled water is growing.
(5) The U.S. Conference of Mayors, which represents some 1,100 American cities,
discussed at its June 2007 meeting the irony of purchasing bottled water for city employees
and for city functions while at the same time touting1 the quality of municipal water. The
group passed a resolution sponsored by Mayors Gavin Newsom of San Francisco, Rocky
Anderson of Salt Lake City, and R. T. Rybak of Minneapolis that called for the examination
(10) of bottled water’s environmental impact. The resolution noted that with $43 billion a year
# Directory
ipedsHelp('HD', 2012)
jbryer / strtable.R
Last active December 21, 2023 21:36
Implementation of the str function to return a data.frame
#' Creates a \code{data.frame} version of the str function for data.frames.
#' Note that this function only works with \code{data.frames}. The function
#' will throw an error for any other object types.
#' @param n the first n element to show
#' @param width maximum width in characters for the examples to show
#' @param n.levels the first n levels of a factor to show.
#' @param width.levels maximum width in characters for the number of levels to show.
#' @param factor.values function defining how factor examples should be printed.
jbryer / gitbook.R
Last active February 1, 2023 09:07
Functions to work with and R Markdown
#' Initializes a new Gitbook.
#' This will initalize a new Gitbook in the given directory. When done, it will
#' also change the working directory.
#' @author Jason Bryer <[email protected]>
newGitbook <- function(dir) {
.Deprecated('This function has been moved to the gitbook R package. See for more information')