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Last active September 24, 2020 10:35
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  • Save jbryer/e17c5587a43188258ee5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jbryer/e17c5587a43188258ee5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# This script is modified by Jason Bryer ([email protected]) from Huidong Tian's
# original script. The blog post describing the method is here:
# The original R script is located here:
# This script adds two new features: 1. Render a logout button, and 2. provide
# the ability for visitors to create a new account.
# Within your server.R file, be sure to use:
# source('Login.R', local=TRUE)
# To use this file, you can add uiOutput('uiLogin'), uiOutput('uiNewAccount'),
# and uiOutput('uiLogout') anywhere in your shiny application. If you wish to
# have part of you application available only to authenticated users, you can
# checked to see if they are logged in with the USER$Logged field (this is a
# logical). Additional, USER$Username and USER$Group will give the username
# and password of the logged in user, respectively.
# This is the file that contains a data.frame PASSWORD used for authentication.
users.file <- 'users.rda' <- 'user' # The value for Group when creating new accounts
if(!file.exists(users.file)) {
# Create initial, empty file, otherwise errors will occur below
PASSWORD <- data.frame(Username = character(),
Password = character(),
Group = character(),
Email = character(),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
save(PASSWORD, file=users.file)
USER <- reactiveValues(Logged = FALSE,
Unique = format(Sys.time(), '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'),
Username = NA,
Email = NA,
Group = NA)
# Password input textbox
passwdInput <- function(inputId, label, value) {
tags$input(id=inputId, type="password", value=value, class='form-control')
# Returns a panel for logging in.
output$uiLogin <- renderUI({
div(textInput(paste0("username", USER$Unique),
"Username: ", value='')),
div(passwdInput(paste0("password", USER$Unique),
"Password: ", value='')),
actionButton("Login", "Login")
# Provides a UI for creating an account
output$uiNewAccount <- renderUI({
div(textInput(paste0("newusername", USER$Unique),
"Username: ", value='')),
div(passwdInput(paste0("newpassword1", USER$Unique),
"Password: ", value='')),
div(passwdInput(paste0("newpassword2", USER$Unique),
"Confirm Password: ", value='')),
div(textInput(paste0('newemail', USER$Unique),
"Email Address: ", value='')),
actionButton("CreateUser", "Create Account")
# UI for a logout button
output$uiLogout <- renderUI({
actionButton('logoutButton', 'Logout')
# Log the user out
observeEvent(input$logoutButton, {
if(!is.null(input$logoutButton) & input$logoutButton == 1) {
USER$Logged <- FALSE
USER$Username <- USER$Group <- NA
USER$Unique <- format(Sys.time(), '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
USER$Email <- NA
# Add a new user
output$newuser <- renderText({
text <- ''
if(USER$Logged == FALSE) {
if(!is.null(input$CreateUser)) {
if(input$CreateUser > 0) {
newusername <- input[[paste0('newusername', USER$Unique)]]
newpassword1 <- input[[paste0('newpassword1', USER$Unique)]]
newpassword2 <- input[[paste0('newpassword2', USER$Unique)]]
newemail <- input[[paste0('newemail', USER$Unique)]]
# Validate input fields
if(is.null(newusername) |
is.null(newpassword1) |
is.null(newpassword2) |
is.null(newemail)) {
text <- 'Please enter all fields'
} else if(nchar(newusername) < 5 |
nchar(newpassword1) < 5) {
text <- 'Please enter username and password with at least 5 characters'
} else if(newpassword1 != newpassword2) {
text <- 'Passwords do not match'
} else if(is.null(newemail) |
nchar(newemail) < 5 |
grep(".+@.+", newemail) < 1) {
text <- 'Invalid email address'
} else if(tolower(newusername) %in% PASSWORD$Username) {
text <- 'Username already exists'
} else { # Add the user
newuser <- data.frame(
Username = newusername,
Password = newpassword1,
Group = 'user',
Email = newemail
for(i in names(PASSWORD)[(!names(PASSWORD) %in% names(newuser))]) {
newuser[,i] <- NA # Make sure the data.frames line up
PASSWORD <- rbind(PASSWORD, newuser[,names(PASSWORD)])
save(PASSWORD, file=users.file)
USER$Logged <- TRUE
USER$Username <- newusername
USER$Group <-
USER$Email <- newemail
# Log the user in
output$pass <- renderText({
if(USER$Logged == FALSE) {
if(!is.null(input$Login)) {
if(input$Login > 0) {
Username <- isolate(input[[paste0('username', USER$Unique)]])
Password <- isolate(input[[paste0('password', USER$Unique)]])
Id.username <- which(PASSWORD$Username == tolower(Username))
if(!is.null(Id.username) & length(Id.username) == 1 &
Password == PASSWORD[Id.username,]$Password)
USER$Logged <- TRUE
USER$Username <- Username
USER$Group <- PASSWORD[Id.username,]$Group
USER$Email <- PASSWORD[Id.username,]$Email
} else {
"Username or password failed!"
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jbryer commented Feb 21, 2016

To use this script, you have to set the local=TRUE on the source function.

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