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Last active July 20, 2023 13:58
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Generate a ClearTax capital gains report using the capital gains statement from Kuvera (depends on beautifulsoup4 and openpyxl)

Installing dependencies

This script requires two Python dependencies: beautifulsoup4 and openpyxl. Install them first using pip:

$ pip install beautifulsoup4
$ pip install openpyxl

You might have to use sudo if installing globally.

Running the script

The script takes as input two excel sheets:

  1. The capital gains statement from Kuvera (let's call it gains.xls)
  2. The Excel template from ClearTax (say, template.xlsx)

Note that the Excel file from Kuvera is an .xls and the one from ClearTax is .xlsx.

For generating the capital gains report for ClearTax, we run the script as follows:

$ python gains.xls template.xlsx output.xlsx

This will write a file called output.xlsx to the current directory. You can then verify if the information is correct, and then directly upload it to your ITR on ClearTax.

Known issues

After you upload, if ClearTax complains that it found errors for one or more rows in your Excel sheet, open output.xlsx using any spreadsheet program, and save it in the Microsoft Excel 2007-2013 XML Format, and then try uploading that Excel sheet.

import re
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from openpyxl.styles.numbers import FORMAT_DATE_DDMMYY, FORMAT_NUMBER_00
class Transaction:
def __init__(self, fund_name, fund_type, isin, folio, txn_data):
self.fund_name = fund_name
self.fund_type = fund_type
# We only need ISIN for equity funds
self.isin = isin if fund_type == 'MF (Equity)' else None
self.folio = folio
serial_no, units, purchase_date, purchase_value, \
acquisition_value, jan31_value, redemption_date, \
redemption_value, stcg, ltcg \
= txn_data
self.serial_no = int(serial_no)
self.units = float(units)
self.purchase_date = datetime.strptime(purchase_date, '%b %d, %Y').strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
self.purchase_value = float(purchase_value)
self.acquisition_value = float(acquisition_value)
self.jan31_value = float(jan31_value)
self.jan31_value = None
self.redemption_date = datetime.strptime(redemption_date, '%b %d, %Y').strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
self.redemption_value = float(redemption_value)
self.stcg = float(stcg.replace(',', ''))
self.stcg = None
self.ltcg = float(ltcg.replace(',', ''))
self.ltcg = None
def get_data(self):
return (
self.redemption_value / self.units if self.redemption_value else None,
self.jan31_value / self.units if self.jan31_value else None,
0.0 # Set "Transfer expenses (stamp duty, brokerage, etc.) column to 0
# Reads all transactions from the capital gains report from Kuvera and returns the parsed data
# in a tuple of (transactions, total_stcg, total_ltcg)
def read_transactions(capital_gains_xls_file):
fund_name_pattern = re.compile('(.*)\[ISIN')
isin_pattern = re.compile('\[ISIN: (.*)\]')
folio_pattern = re.compile('Folio No: (.*)')
with open(capital_gains_xls_file) as f:
data =
soup = BeautifulSoup(data, 'html.parser')
# The second table contains capital gains data
capital_gains_table ='table')[1]
capital_gains_tbody ='tbody')[0]
current_fund_name = None
current_fund_type = None
current_isin = None
current_folio = None
equity_subtotal = None
debt_subtotal = None
total_stcg = None
total_ltcg = None
all_transactions = []
fund_types = {
'Equity': 'MF (Equity)',
'Others': 'MF (Equity)', # Index funds are marked "Others" in Kuvera's report, for some reason
'Debt': 'MF (Other than Equity)'
for row in'tr'):
columns ='td')
if len(columns) == 1:
# This row contains either the ISIN or the Folio number
column_data = columns[0].string
isin_match =
folio_match =
if isin_match:
current_isin =
elif folio_match:
current_folio =
# Extract fund name
fund_name_match =
if fund_name_match:
current_fund_name =
for fund_type in fund_types:
if fund_type in column_data:
current_fund_type = fund_types[fund_type]
elif len(columns) == 10:
# This row contains a transaction
txn_data = [col.string for col in columns]
transaction = Transaction(current_fund_name, current_fund_type, current_isin, current_folio, txn_data)
elif len(columns) == 8:
# Summary of transactions for a fund, we can skip these rows
elif len(columns) == 3:
row_title = columns[0].string
if row_title == 'Total':
total_stcg = float(columns[1].string.split()[1].replace(',', ''))
total_ltcg = float(columns[2].string.split()[1].replace(',', ''))
return (all_transactions, total_stcg, total_ltcg)
def write_capital_gains_report(all_transactions, output_xlsx_file, cleartax_template_xlsx_file):
wb = load_workbook(cleartax_template_xlsx_file)
# We only populate data in the Mutual Fund Sheet, which is the second one in the template
mf_sheet = wb.worksheets[1]
# Columns 9, 11 and 13 are computed from the other columns
columns_to_update = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12]
column_types = [
for i in range(len(all_transactions)):
txn_data = all_transactions[i].get_data()
for (val, j, col_type) in zip(txn_data, columns_to_update, column_types):
cell = mf_sheet.cell(row=i+2, column=j)
if val is not None:
cell.value = val
if col_type == 'float':
cell.number_format = FORMAT_NUMBER_00
def prepare(capital_gains_xls_file, cleartax_template_xlsx_file, output_xlsx_file):
all_transactions, total_stcg, total_ltcg = read_transactions(capital_gains_xls_file)
stcg_sum = sum([txn.stcg for txn in all_transactions if txn.stcg is not None])
ltcg_sum = sum([txn.ltcg for txn in all_transactions if txn.ltcg is not None])
print('Sum of all STCG across all transactions:', stcg_sum)
print('Total STCG from report:', total_stcg)
print('Sum of all LTCG across all transactions:', ltcg_sum)
print('Total LTCG from report:', total_ltcg)
write_capital_gains_report(all_transactions, output_xlsx_file, cleartax_template_xlsx_file)
if __name__ == '__main__':
prepare(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])
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anilgeorge04 commented Oct 14, 2020

The first row value with fund name and ISIN does not have a closing </tr>
It is commented out in the soup parsed output. And so the script is unable to pick up the value within this first td
Everything else gets picked up correctly. Do you know how to solve that? @foulegg

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arora-nikhil commented Jul 28, 2021

Firstly, thanks @foulegg for creating this. Very helpful!

@anilgeorge04 I've modified the code that @foulegg created to work with the Kuvera Capital Gains sheet being an .xlsx, as opposed to a .xls (which actually is a .html) to manage the missing in the Fund Name & ISIN row. So just do a 'Save as...' of the Kuvera Capital Gains file to a .xlsx and use that instead of the original .xls file.

Also, updated the code to account for the updated Kuvera file format - there are additional columns now (13 as opposed to 10).

Happy to share that. It works perfectly now!

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@arora-nikhil Can you share the edited code?

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arora-nikhil commented Aug 13, 2021 via email

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That's great @arora-nikhil.
Can't see the code you've changed. Can you share the gist?

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I've just created a fork -- please check that out:

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