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Created April 14, 2023 02:12
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GetProcAddressEx "in Rust"
use windows::core::*;
use windows::Win32::Foundation::HMODULE;
use windows::Win32::System::LibraryLoader::{GetProcAddress, LoadLibraryA};
//use windows::Win32::UI::Input::XboxController::XINPUT_STATE;
// ref:
struct XinputThing {
dwPacketNumber: u32,
wButtons: u16,
bLeftTrigger: u8,
bRightTrigger: u8,
sThumbLX: u16,
sThumbLY: u16,
sThumbRX: u16,
sThumbRY: u16,
fn main() {
unsafe {
let foo = LoadLibraryA(s!("xinput1_4.dll")).expect("couldn't find xinput1_4.dll :(");
let GetProcAddressOrdinal = std::mem::transmute::<
unsafe fn(
hmodule: HMODULE,
lpprocname: PCSTR,
) -> Option<unsafe extern "system" fn() -> isize>,
unsafe extern "system" fn(
hmodule: HMODULE,
lpprocname: i32,
) -> windows::Win32::Foundation::FARPROC,
let XInputGetStateEx = std::mem::transmute::<
unsafe extern "system" fn() -> isize,
unsafe extern "system" fn(index: i32, output: *mut XinputThing),
>(GetProcAddressOrdinal(foo, 100).expect("couldn't resolve XInputGetStateEx :("));
let mut out = XinputThing::default();
XInputGetStateEx(0, &mut out);
println!("state: {:?}", out);
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