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Created May 19, 2017 02:35
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Traditional Stock Buy Sell Problem
* Problem: Transaction in k
* List the days to buy and days to sell
* Complexity
* p = prices
* k = transactions
* O(p + k)
const daysToSell = (prices, k) => {
const buySellDays = []
let minMaxBool = true
let profit = 0
// count how many transactions have been pushed
let i = 0;
prices.forEach((price, day) => {
if (prices.length - 1 === day) {
if (!minMaxBool) {
buySellDays[i].sellDay = day
buySellDays[i].localProfit = prices[day] - prices[buySellDays[i].buyDay]
profit = profit + prices[day]
// last day reached
if (minMaxBool) {
// look for min
if (price < prices[day + 1]) {
buySellDays[i] = {'buyDay': day}
minMaxBool = false
profit = profit - prices[day]
} else {
if (price > prices[day + 1]) {
profit = profit + prices[day]
buySellDays[i].sellDay = day
buySellDays[i].localProfit = prices[day] - prices[buySellDays[i].buyDay]
minMaxBool = true
buySellDays.sort((tranA, tranB) => {
return tranA.localProfit < tranB.localProfit
const limitedTransactions = buySellDays.slice(0, k)
const limitedProfits = limitedTransactions.reduce((total, transaction) => {
return total + transaction.localProfit
}, 0)
return {'transactions': buySellDays.slice(0, k), 'totalProfit': limitedProfits}
const prices = [2, 5, 7, 1, 4, 3, 1, 3]
console.log(daysToSell(prices1, 3))
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I wouldn't use this. There is a bug in this. Doesn't work in this set of data
const prices = [2, 5, 7, 1, 4, 3, 2, 20]

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