Often, in big Ember projects where you have a lot of models, it makes sense to put model files into their own directories.
For example, instead of:
-- models
-- dog.js
-- cat.js
-- bat.js
-- candidate.js
-- offer.js
-- answer.js
it makes sense to namespace:
-- models
-- ephermal
-- candidate.js
-- offer.js
-- answer.js
-- persistent
-- dog.js
-- cat.js
-- bat.js
But how do you get your application store to correctly resolve your organized models? The Ember guys didn't document this because they probably thought the solution is obvious (it wasn't to me): you use the "/".
store.find "ephermal/candidate"
store.find "persistent/dog"
container.resolve "model:ephermal/offer" # resolves to your model, a subclass of DS.Model