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A scala based O(n^2) agglomerative clustering implementation
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet
import scala.collection.mutable.Stack
class NeighborChainAgglomerativeClustering {
* Clusters the elements represented as symmetric adjacency matrix. Values in
* {@code adj} represent the similarity between any two points using a
* symmetric similarity metric. This returns sets of points assigned to the
* same cluster.
def cluster(adj: Array[Array[Double]],
numClusters: Int) = {
// A mapping from cluster id's to their point sets.
val clusterMap = new HashMap[Int, HashSet[Int]]()
// A set of clusters to be considered for merging.
val remaining = new HashSet[Int]()
// Create a cluster for every data point and add it to the cluster map
// and to the examine set.
for (r <- 0 until adj.size) {
clusterMap(r) = HashSet(r)
// Create a stack to represent the nearest neighbor. The tuple stores
// the similarity from this node to it's parent in the chain and the id
// of the current node.
val chain = new Stack[(Double, Int)]()
// Initializes the chain.
initializeChain(chain, remaining);
while (clusterMap.size > numClusters) {
// Get the last link in the chain.
val (parentSim, current) =
// Find the nearest neighbor using the clusters not in the chain
// already.
val (linkSim, next) = findBest(remaining, adj, current)
// Check the similarity for the best neighbor and compare it to that of
// the current node in the chain. If the neighbor sim is larger, then
// the current node and it's parent aren't RNNs. Otherwise, the current
// node is RNNs with it's parent.
if (linkSim > parentSim) {
// Not RNNs. So push the best node and it's similarity to the
// current node onto the chain and remove it from the examine
// set.
chain.push((linkSim, next))
} else {
// Yes top two on stack are RNNs.
// Pop the current node from the top.
// Pop the parent of the best node.
val (_, parent) = chain.pop
// Remove the current and parent clusters from the cluster map
// and extract the sizes.
val (c1Points, c1Size) = removeCluster(clusterMap, current)
val (c2Points, c2Size) = removeCluster(clusterMap, parent)
val total = c1Size + c2Size
// Update the similarity between the new merged cluster and all
// other existing clusters. We can do this in constant time by
// computing the weighted average of the similarities to to the
// constituent clusters. For other agglomerative criteria, this
// method includes different terms and different scaling values,
// but is otherwise computable in constant time.
for (key <- clusterMap.keys) {
val s1 = adj(current)(key)
val s2 = adj(parent)(key)
val newSim = (c1Size*s1 + c2Size*s2) / total
adj(current)(key) = newSim
// Replace the mapping from current to now point to the merged
// cluster and add current back into the set of remaining
// clusters so that it's compared to nodes in the chain.
clusterMap(current) = c1Points ++ c2Points
// If the chain is now empty, re-initialize it.
if (chain.size == 0)
initializeChain(chain, remaining)
// Once we found the right number of clusters, simply return the list of
// point sets in a list.
* Adds an arbitrary node to the neighbor chain and removes it from the set
* of remaining clusters. For simplicity, we just use the most easily
* accesible element in {@code remaining}.
def initializeChain(chain: Stack[(Double, Int)], remaining: HashSet[Int]) {
chain.push((-2.0, remaining.last))
* Computes the distance between {@code current} and each cluster in {@code
* remaining} and returns the cluster with the largest similarity to {@code
* current}.
def findBest(remaining: HashSet[Int],
adj: Array[Array[Double]],
current: Int) = => (adj(current)(i), i)).max
def removeCluster(clusterMap: HashMap[Int, HashSet[Int]], id: Int) = {
val s = clusterMap.remove(id).get
(s, s.size)
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