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<script src="js/vue.min.js"></script><script>new Vue({el:"#app",data:{books:[{title:"The Evolution of Forward Surgery in the US Army: From the Revolutionary War to the Operations of the 21st Century",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=26d8885c-13bc-4569-afa8-40130ab5dd0e",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=b9e3e32a-9aa2-4531-9ca7-43ab28ccb028",year:2019,description:"This volume in the Borden Institute’s history series will describe forward US Army surgery from the 1700s to the present time. The book will look at advances in medicine and surgery that improved the lot of the American soldier. In particular, the book will examine the impact of disease upon troop strength, which had special impact in the Revolutionary War through the post-Civil War period. Forward surgery in the modern sense came of age in World War I. The challenge of so many different theaters of conflict in World War II will be examined from the portable surgical hospital of the China-Burma-India Theater of Operations to the surgical evacuation hospital teams of the European Theater of Operations. The evolving care models will feature the story of the Korean War mobile army surgical hospital. The defining performance of helicopter air evacuation in Vietnam, along with improved surgical techniques, will be discussed. Finally, the many advances of forward surgery from the post-Vietnam era to the present will be presented."},{title:"Some System of the Nature Here Proposed: Joseph Lovell`s Remarks on the Sick Report, Northern Department, U.S. Army, 1817, and the Rise of the Modern US Army Medical Department",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=ee8ba119-7e75-4e6d-8cca-7e5483a187f8",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=6726be0e-a68f-467e-b964-f58b157e4880",year:2015,description:"A regimental surgeon promoted to hospital director in the War of 1812, Joseph Lovell, MD, became the first Army staff-level surgeon general. This volume in Borden`s history of medicine series is an in-depth analysis of how Lovell`s report on Army medicine just after the war gave rise to innovations, from focus on the soldier`s welfare and preventive medicine to accurate epidemiology and experimental research, that formed the organizational and functional principles of today`s professional and effective Medical Department."},{title:"US Army Psychiatry in the Vietnam War: New Challenges in Extended Counterinsurgency Warfare",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=d07b0b39-6789-45dd-80a5-f0741f9a591f",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=68f93226-ac0d-4e79-a92f-9033426de0ad",year:2014,description:"During the Vietnam War (1965-1973), the US Army suffered a severe breakdown in soldier morale and discipline in Vietnam - matters that not only are at the heart of military leadership but also ones that can overlap with the mission of Army psychiatry. The psychosocial strain on deployed solders and their leaders in Vietnam, especially during the second half of the war, produced a wide array of individual and group symptoms that thoroughly tested Army psychiatrists and their mental health colleagues there. In the aftermath of the Vietnam War, the Army Medical Department apparently intended to sponsor a history of Army psychiatry along with other medical specialties, but that project was never begun. This book seeks to consolidate a history of the military psychiatric experience in Vietnam through assembling and synthesizing extant information from a wide variety of sources, documenting the successes and failures of Army psychiatry in responding to the psychiatric and behavioral problems that changed and expanded as the war became protracted and bitterly controversial."},{title:"Good Tuberculosis Men: The Army Medical Department`s Struggle With Tuberculosis",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=60b29fa6-f20b-4a4e-9024-9a2dd25bb45c",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=a08901a6-f6dd-4387-b663-fa0fa9a19c02",year:2014,description:"In 1917, as the United States prepared for war in Europe, Army Surgeon General William C. Gorgas recognized the threat of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to American troops. What the Army needed was some good tuberculosis men. Despite the efforts of the nation`s best tuberculosis men, the disease would become a leading cause of World War I disability discharges and veterans benefits. The fact that tuberculosis patients often experienced cycles in which they recovered their health and then fell ill again challenged government officials to judge the degree to which a person was disabled and required government care and support. This book tracks the impact of tuberculosis on the US Army from the late 1890s, when it was a ubiquitous presence in society, to the 1960s when it became a curable and controllable disease."},{title:"Skilled and Resolute: A History of the 12th Evacuation Hospital and the 212th MASH, 1917-2006",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=5235fb02-c7a7-491d-b817-31f5b0b434c1",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=e8fb65dd-4a98-4b49-bfcb-369f273c9677",year:2014,description:"Tracing the 90-year history of the US Army`s oldest deployable hospital, this book looks at how medicine and the military have changed in these decades. Recognizing the challenges and accomplishments of the men and women of the 12th Evac and and 212th MASH, the text pays tribute to each generation of these \"skilled and resolute\" soldiers as they worked to save the lives of fellow US service members, allies, prisoners, and local civilians, from World War I Europe to recent conflicts in the Near East."},{title:"In the Interest of Truth: The Life and Science of Surgeon General George Miller Sternberg",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=4a286dc6-cf9b-43f5-959e-18abf63c4ad2",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=46c9e833-2aac-445c-9ee1-99032e6748f0",year:2013,description:"This book chronicles the life of Brigadier General George Miller Sternberg, who served as the 18th Surgeon General of the US Army from 30 May 1893 to 8 June 1902. He was combat tested in the American Civil War and the campaigns against the Native Americans on the frontier. His lifelong interest in infectious disease defined him as one of the premier medical scientists of his day and as America`s first bacteriologist. As Surgeon General, he established the Army Medical School, led the Army Medical Department through the Spanish American War, and appointed the Yellow Fever Commission."},{title:"The Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences, 1960-2010",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=e483ad7a-9859-46b3-ac07-05bc0d9be9e5",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=f11cce84-891c-4fd0-b19e-7b261a8149d1",year:2013,description:"Begun in 1959 as a result of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, the Thailand SEATO Cholera Research Project in Bangkok, later the Medical Research Laboratory, and finally, AFRIMS (in 1977), was a collaborative research effort between the US Army Medical Department and the Royal Thai Army. Throughout the institute`s history, US Army and Thai doctors jointly pursued research and therapy for illnesses that threatened both US troops and Thai citizens, such as cholera, malaria, opisthorchiasis, dengue, Japanese B encephalitis, hepatitis, enteric infections, and HIV/AIDS, as documented in these photographs."},{title:"Envision, Design, Train: A Pictorial History of the Army Medical Department Center and School ",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=aae55cd2-3163-464a-a7b9-f79d2ae197f2",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=2e1c6629-6096-4b43-a01f-0ee90bfcade1",year:2013,description:"This book is an engaging organizational history built on a multitude of fascinating tidbits of information and images obtained from the organization`s Annual Historical Reports, After Action Reports, scrapbooks, newspapers, journals, and museum collections. It chronicles 90 years of Army Medicine`s schoolhouse, emphasizing the early years at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, from 1920 to 1946; the relocation to Fort Sam Houston, Texas, in 1946; and the continuing development of the Center and School`s command mission of advanced professional military medical education through the following decades."},{title:"Builders of Trust: Biographical Profiles from the Medical Corps Coin",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=6e714d73-6831-4e5d-befc-4cc788c80198",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=a2ee6ee7-f871-41c5-8327-b2b056c81fb9",year:2011,description:"The diligence, insights, and compassion of the Medical Corps officers built the Medical Department`s trusted reputation. They advised their commanders on how to keep soldiers healthy, and then did their utmost for each and every soldier who puts his/her life on the line in defense of the Nation. They built an organization that could learn and improve. Uniformed members of the Army Medical Corps were principal proponents in bringing science to bear on medical problems with which the US Army and the US military struggled. Their solutions often influenced civilian and academic colleagues, and changed the face of national defense, global health, and international commerce. This series of narratives was undertaken as the first in a series of corps histories from which all AMEDD members and the public at large can draw encouragement and a broader perspective. Included are fourteen biographical profiles of John Warren, William Beaumont, Jonathan Letterman, John Shaw Billings, George Miller Sternberg, Walter Reed, William Crawford Gorgas, William T. Fitzsimons, Stanhope Bayne-Jones, James Stevens Simmons, Albert Julius Glass, Leonard D. Heaton, Spurgeon Hart Neel, Jr., and Edward Louis Buescher."},{title:"Attack on the Pentagon: The Medical Response to 9/11",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=0287e206-5e9b-4b9b-a860-560cb288b70b",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=22a02011-ac81-4cf4-852d-bccc8e73885b",year:2011,description:"This book relates the story of the medical response to the 9/11 attacks, primarily the Army Medical Department`s actions at the Pentagon, on the day of the attacks as well as during the weeks and months following. In addition to the initial emergency response, the book relates the state of emergency planning and training in Washington, DC, at the time, among both military and civilian facilities; the roles of the various military and civilian medical teams and facilities; casualty recovery and identification; and the short and long-term occupational and mental health responses, for victims, families, and responders. Also included is a chapter on the response at ground zero in New York City. The book then analyses successes and shortcomings of the response, including lessons learned and resulting developments in emergency preparedness."},{title:"Legacy of Excellence: The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 1862-2011",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=7c52aac5-1b0f-4481-9810-5ebc290b100f",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=1229ffa5-9f33-412d-b476-1a52cb40f4a8",year:2011,description:"Provides a narrative and photographic history of the AFIP (originally the Army Medical Museum) from its beginning during the Civil War, through the development of the modern field of pathology in the 20th century, to the response to 9/11 and beyond in the 21st century."},{title:"Call Sign - DUSTOFF: A History of U.S. Army Aeromedical Evacuation from Conception to Hurricane Katrina",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=64d6c9a5-d657-493c-a955-72e99d6849b1ageUrl",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=90578035-946b-4677-b39a-d23455872ff5",year:2011,description:"This book covers the conceptualization of the initial attempts to use aircraft for evacuation, reviews its development and maturity through those conflicts, and focuses on the history of MEDEVAC post-Vietnam to the transformation of the MEDEVAC units from medical to aviation command in 2003 and the response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Much has been written about U.S. Army aeromedical evacuation - or MEDEVAC - and most works have focused on the war in Korea or Vietnam. This book focuses on the unique use of helicopters to accomplish this mission. Part I looks at the heritage of MEDEVAC from its beginnings in World War II through the bitter battles in Korea, the interwar years, and the long struggle in Vietnam. Part II covers the 1980s, a time of domestic duties and contingency operations. Part III reviews the turbulent 1990s with the end of the cold war, a hot war in the Persian Gulf, dramatic military force reductions, and a call to duty in the Balkans. Part IV stretches into the millennium, covering the events of 9/11, further conflict in Afghanistan and Iraq‚ the Aviation Transformation Initiative that moved MEDEVAC from medical to aviation control, and the national response to Hurricane Katrina. In general, after Part I, a thematic approach is used, and the chapters are organized with interweaving sections covering doctrine (service and joint), organization, and operations."},{title:"A Contemporary History of the U.S. Army Nurse Corps",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=1cb571ee-ba97-45cc-bda0-658c237a9f20",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=099df372-1e64-4a5f-99a6-c814bd87fe6c",year:2010,description:"Presents an analysis that documents the U.S. Army Nurse Corps from the early 1970s to the beginning of the 21st century. Author Mary T. Sarnecky, who had first-hand knowledge about the U.S. Army Nurse Corps inner workings as an active duty officer, addresses a remarkable episode in the organization`s evolution, a period characterized by a series of progressive steps empowering Nurse Corps officers to assume key command and leadership positions in the Army Medical Department. The book explores the vital roles of the Army Nurse Corps in supporting and sustaining high-level military operations that began with Operation Desert Storm. In tandem with her previous work (A History of the U.S. Army Nurse Corps published in 1999), Sarnecky offers a wealth of scholarly research narrated in her unique, straightforward style imparting a rich institutional history of which all professional nurses should be exceptionally proud."},{title:"Borden`s Dream: The Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=a2737914-dac0-4d9a-abd6-f221c5f85693",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=518ebd44-f542-4bc3-a9b1-17027cd472ae",year:2009,description:"A reproduction of a 1952 manuscript about the history of Walter Reed Army Medical Center written by Mary W Standlee. Contains reproductions of historical documents and photographs from WRAMC`s first 40 years."},{title:"The Walter Reed Army Medical Center Centennial, A Pictorial History, 1909-2009",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=229619b3-5239-40c9-a961-551b58da41e0",link:"bookDetail.aspx?id=44540d60-ce0f-4047-af91-31f709eb369f",year:2009,description:"A photographic history highlighting 100 years at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Contains images of the changing campus from its original plans through the construction of two hospitals and support, museum, and research buildings; clinical, research, and rehabilitative activities; and patients, staff, and visitors through the years."},{title:"A History of Dentistry in the US Army to World War II",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=68b60947-7efc-4e76-ae01-b244b715e284",link:"bookDetail.aspx?id=8d4d44d2-2ce9-4b0c-9845-68294087baa0",year:2008,description:"A detailed history of the development of military dentistry in the United States, from beginnings in the early 17th century, through the professionalization of dentistry in the 19th century, dental care on both sides of the Civil War, the establishment of the US Army Dental Corps in 1909, and the expansion of the Corps through World War I and afterward, to the verge of the Second World War."},{title:"Answering the Call: The US Army Nurse Corps, 1917-1919",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=fb7e462a-c87e-4b36-8b2b-615db7f60b29",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=e2fa4ac1-99e7-476d-9aa0-5a8ee61e43b7",year:2008,description:"A commemorative photographic tribute to military nursing in World War I. Only 17 years after the Army Nurse Corps` establishment, the United States entered the First World War. During the next 2 years, the ANC grew from 403 to over 22,000 members. The contributions and achievements of these dedicated professionals reduced morbidity and mortality on the battlefield, advanced care of the wounded and ill throughout the world, and created a blueprint for how US military nurses would respond to their country`s call to serve throughout the 20th century and beyond. Note: This book is available in PDF on this website. The hard copy and ebook are available for purchase at the Government Printing Office bookstore at It is not available through Borden`s online order form."},{title:"Urology In The Vietnam War: Casualty Management and Lessons Learned ",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=6fdc27a7-a49a-4b52-802c-344caff3dfae",link:"bookDetail.aspx?id=73542c04-ce63-48f6-bd7c-2a19cdf35365",year:2005,description:"Provides a thorough review of lessons learned in the management of urological war wounds and examines current techniques in the treatment of battlefield and civilian urological trauma. The 260-page book, complete with case studies, offers historical, medical, and surgical considerations relating to urological injuries during the Vietnam War. Renal injuries, blunt pelvic trauma, penile injuries, anterior urethral penetrating and blunt injuries, and lessons learned in the management of casualties with genitourinary system injuries are included. Publisher: Department of Defense, Office of The Surgeon General, US Army, Borden Institute. 2005: 260 p.; ill."}]}})</script>
<script src="js/vue.min.js"></script><script>new Vue({el:"#app",data:{books:[{title:"Emergency War Surgery, 5th Ed",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=d94be7f0-76d0-4d4f-8393-14c2d081d7a9",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=cb88853d-5b33-4b3f-968c-2cd95f7b7809",year:2018,description:"The latest edition of EWS has been updated and expanded, with a new chapter on Tactical Combat Casualty Care. Other chapters have been revised to include the latest practices and lessons learned on the battlefield.This publication expertly addresses the appropriate medical management of blast wounds, burns, multiple penetrating injuries, as well as other battle and nonbattle injuries. Topics include triage, hemorrhage control, airway/breathing, shock and resuscitation, anesthesia, infections, critical care, damage control surgery, face and neck injuries, soft-tissue injuries, ocular injuries, head injuries, extremity fractures, thoracic injuries, amputations, abdominal injuries, pediatric care, and more."},{title:"Promoting Successful Integration ",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=a0c52940-9204-4e82-99e7-eb29dd81d597",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=a48283a7-8861-4350-9724-505e8211dacf",year:2018,description:"This handbook is intended to be a source of information for the broad military community, including uniformed military personnel, family members, civilian personnel of federal agencies, veterans, and all people who contribute to the success of wounded, injured, and ill service members. When service members return from a deployment with visible or hidden impairments or challenges, it is important for the entire community to provide support to ameliorate the long-term impact of wounds, injuries, and illnesses that can manifest into permanent disabilities. The information contained in this book should help the reader understand and implement the steps necessary for helping wounded, injured, or ill service members and their families to successfully continue their military careers or to become successful as veterans within civilian communities. A multifaceted approach will be presented, and there is no one single solution that will work for all service members. However, the information contained within this handbook should provide insight into the options available and the many pathways that lead to success."},{title:"US Army Physician Assistant Handbook ",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=108db9bb-8d4f-4afa-8ef8-df230af10c7c",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=82149703-916d-4e40-a67e-2881814a6f21",year:2018,description:"The Army physician assistant (PA) has an important role throughout Army medicine. This handbook will describe the myriad positions and organizations in which PAs play leadership roles in management and patient care. Chapters also cover PA education, certification, continuing training, and career progression. Topics include the Interservice PA Program, assignments at the White House and the Old Guard (3d US Infantry Regiment), and roles in research and recruiting, as well as the PA’s role in emergency medicine, aeromedical evacuation, clinical care, surgery, and occupational health."},{title:"Out of the Crucible: How the US Military Transformed Combat Casualty Care in Iraq and Afghanistan ",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=f47d7bf7-adf9-45d5-889a-dc860ee36129",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=380a108e-7c8c-4349-a8c9-0a6e7f9bf624",year:2017,description:"During the last decade, the US Military Health System—while caring simultaneously for combatants fighting two wars and for millions of service members, dependents, and military retirees at home—completely transformed its approach to combat casualty care. From the point of injury on the battlefield to rehabilitation and reintegration of wounded warriors into their communities, military innovators rapidly devised, implemented, refined, and spread new techniques and technologies throughout the force. They were able to succeed because the Military Health System was willing to learn from its failures and build on its successes. Through a mix of keen observation and the systematic collection and analysis of data (most notably, creation of the Joint Trauma System), military medicine continually improved. Primarily written by the military providers responsible for innovations in each field, this 44-chapter book documents each of these advances and provides stories of individual service members who benefited from them."},{title:"Pediatric Surgery and Medicine for Hostile Environments",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=5fdcf816-419d-4e15-92e3-856fcca5bdf9",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=6633bc15-2d66-43f2-8d45-d7bbca73663d",year:2017,description:"Children are an often overlooked and under-reported population medically affected by war and conflict. This pediatric version of Borden`s popular Emergency War Surgery Handbook applies lessons learned in past and present conflicts to ill and injured pediatric casualties. Topics include critical care, surgical treatment, and general medical management of acute and chronic conditions. Individual chapters address concerns such as anesthesia and intraoperative resuscitation, mechanical ventilation, aeromedical evacuation, thoracic surgery, surgery of the abdominal wall and diaphragm, fluid management, status epilepticus, care of the newborn, and emergency nutrition. Written and compiled by experts in the field of pediatric trauma, this book is constructed in an easy-to-read bullet format for quick reference, and includes up-to-the moment treatment recommendations for ill or injured children in theaters of war and austere environments."},{title:"A Legacy of Lessons Learned: Landstuhl Regional Medical Center During Wartime, 2001-2014",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=02459ae7-a14b-43c4-8557-7654c1bc5533",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=9fe51570-ce5b-4a41-bc5f-eb99a5e6d825",year:2016,description:"Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (LRMC), located in Germany, is the largest and most capable medical facility outside of the United States It is strategically positioned as the sole evacuation/tertiary referral center for four Combat Commands More than 62,000 wounded men and women from Iraq and Afghanistan have been treated at Landstuhl during the recent conflicts. Almost every one of those soldiers (99%) has survived and many have returned again to active duty. This book describes the various departments and the operations developed and implemented at Landstuhl that resulted in their impressive achievements. It captures the challenges and successes encountered which led to valuable lessons learned for future medical facilities. The compelling story of Landstuhl lies not only in the realm of its size and medical capabilities, but even more so in the men and women who serve and who have been served."},{title:"Field Management of Chemical and Biological Casualties Handbook",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=e0090996-eba1-426a-b41b-f667f2eda34a",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=d5d5a800-066c-441c-a827-c10cfb53159d",year:2016,description:"Provides guidance on immediate field response to a chemical or biological attack. In addition to describing individual agents and their countermeasures, this handbook includes detailed procedures for performing triage and patient decontamination, including handling exposed military working dogs. The handbook serves as a guide for conventional forward-deployed medical elements providing health service support to chemical and biological casualties."},{title:"Airborne Hazards Related to Deployment",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=70d56e7e-e35d-483b-8def-b40ac2c8b0fc",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=87a2edd6-da3e-4ed9-b0d2-8c1246e8f5f7",year:2015,description:"Developed from the Airborne Hazards Symposium held in Washington, DC, in August 2012, this book covers such topics as diagnosis and workup of symptomatic individuals, exposure characterization, current epidemiology, the potential role of pulmonary function testing (spirometry) in surveillance, strategic research planning, clinical follow-up and registries, risk communication, etc. Symposium presentations were delivered by a diverse group of scientific experts and contain valuable veteran perspectives. This book represents a compendium of what is currently known regarding the potential long-term health consequences of exposure to airborne hazards during Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation New Dawn deployments. Airborne Hazards Related to Deployment presents a balanced, comprehensive approach to furthering the understanding of airborne hazards during deployments and other military operations, ultimately improving airborne hazard prevention, protection, and avoidance while improving healthcare and minimizing adverse health outcomes of our service members and veterans."},{title:"Mild TBI Rehabilitation Toolkit",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=61737c97-9736-4880-b060-f4de404d5d28",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=065de2f7-81c4-4f9d-9c85-75fe59dbae13",year:2015,description:"Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a complex condition for which limited research exists. The recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have resulted in numerous service members returning home after sustaining TBI, and healthcare providers scrambling to find resources on how to treat them. This toolkit is a comprehensive source of inventories and therapy options for treating service members with mild TBI. All aspects of mild TBI are covered, including vestibular disorders, vision impairment, balance issues, posttraumatic headache, temporomandibular dysfunction, cognition, and fitness, among others. With easy-to-follow treatment options and evaluation instruments, this toolkit is a one-stop resource for clinicians and therapists working with patients with mild TBI."},{title:"Medical Management of Chemical Casualties Handbook",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=e0daf0d4-2bc4-4e97-94e4-af3b8bb75abf",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=a0968070-71b0-46c0-a139-9362d1b13265",year:2014,description:"Chemical agents can produce casualties during warfare and, when used by terrorists, cause both military and civilian casualties in settings remote from a defined battlefield. Military healthcare providers have a responsibility to recognize and manage chemical casualties whatever the setting. Military medical personnel must be able to respond to chemical exposures at US stockpile sites of chemical warfare agents and provide expert consultation to their civilian counterparts in the event of a terrorist attack involving these agents. This handbook has been produced by the US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense to help address the need for first provider training. Note: This book is available in electronic versions on this website. The hard copy is available for purchase at the Government Printing Office bookstore at It is not available through Borden`s online order form."},{title:"Combat Casualty Care: Lessons Learned from OEF and OIF",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=b8e4322e-4192-4240-865f-b633b15d3acb",link:"bookDetail.aspx?id=a0798abf-8cf0-4af2-9043-86ecd9935057",year:2012,description:"This book is designed to deliver combat casualty care information that will facilitate transition from a CONUS or civilian practice to the combat care environment. Establishment of the Joint Theater Trauma System (JTTS) and the Joint Theater Trauma Registry (JTTR), coupled with the efforts of the authors, has resulted in the creation of the most comprehensive, evidence-based depiction of the latest advances in combat casualty care. Lessons learned in Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) have been fortified with evidence-based recommendations with the intent of improving casualty care. The chapters specifically discuss the differences between combat casualty care and civilian sector care, particularly in the scheme of echelonized care. Overall, the educational curriculum was designed to address the leading causes of preventable death and disability in OEF and OIF. Specifically, the generalist CCC provider is presented requisite information for optimal care of US combat casualties in the first 72 to 96 hours after injury. The specialist combat casualty care provider is afforded similar information, which is supplemented by lessons learned for definitive care of host nation patients. This information provides an excellent supplement to pre-deployment CCC training and education."},{title:"Musculoskeletal Injuries in Military Women",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=d0e5c61f-30c1-4a66-9665-05f365295fd7",link:"bookDetail.aspx?id=48bed9ad-2299-4218-a00f-137d3f59c940",year:2012,description:"This monograph discusses the most common musculoskeletal injuries in military women. Prevention and management of these injuries are very important to sustain the fighting force and maintain military readiness. Information about the incidence, risk factors, prevention, diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of common musculoskeletal overuse and traumatic injuries sustained by women in the military is included. Sections topics cover an overview of musculoskeletal injuries in military women; common lower extremity overuse injuries; common traumatic injuries; an overview of general injury prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation techniques; and specific injury prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation techniques in the military."},{title:"The Warrior in Transition Leader Medical Rehabilitation Handbook",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=ad50e965-5a57-40e2-ac55-50cc5a2e7b7c",link:"bookDetail.aspx?id=833ad5a5-e982-4cf8-8b24-8dabe5f12b7e",year:2011,description:"This book is targeted toward helping Army leaders of all levels to assist wounded, injured, and ill soldiers and their families while undergoing medical rehabilitation or interacting with essential healthcare and community reintegration services. Many facets are involved in the successful healing and reintegration of soldiers, whether they continue on active duty or become successful veterans. This book should serve as a valuable tool for learning about the resources and processes that will maximize each wounded, injured, or ill soldier`s chances for success and be a resource for leaders. Information is provided about the Army Warrior Transition Command and key Army, federal agencies, veteran and military service organizations, and selected other organizations and their services and programs. Accessible information about essential principles, practices, and definitions in medical rehabilitation are included. Also presented are several vignettes on soldiers who have successfully adapted to their impairments to lead remarkable lives as soldiers or Army veterans. Although geared toward nonmedical personnel working with wounded, injured, and ill soldiers, the book has material of interest to a much broader audience. It is a must-read for anyone working within the Warrior Transition Command, or who is closely involved with or interested in assisting wounded, injured, and ill soldiers and their families."},{title:"Water Requirements and Soldier Hydration",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=9e1e3f9e-9bc4-4e42-91ec-d62bbc0a80bc",link:"bookDetail.aspx?id=291ba220-d64d-4db9-9d1c-d1504214246b",year:2010,description:"This monograph presents information to assist the caregiver--whether physician, medic, unit leader, or fellow soldier--in understanding the influence of environment, physical activity, body size and gender, and load carriage in maintaining water balance. Scientific literature is the basis for a deeper understanding of the mechanisms governing thirst, sweating, and other (nonsweating) water losses through the skin and respiratory tract, renal regulation, and fluid shifts between compart­ments affected by exercise, nutrition, and other key factors. This publication also discusses the effect of harsh environments on fluid require­ments and presents methods to sustain water balance during deployment to environmental extremes."},{title:"Load Carriage in Military Operations: A Review of Historical, Physiological, Biomechanical, and Medical Aspects",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=d053bfc1-dbe6-4fb6-840a-af34d17a0987",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=930ed2db-0a68-41ff-ba61-bae59405a53e",year:2010,description:"This monograph presents a comprehensive overview of research on soldier load carriage. It discusses elements that facilitate load carriage: making loads lighter, improving load distribution, using appropriate physical training, selecting proper equipment, and choosing specific techniques directed at injury prevention. Research on rifle carriage and body armor is covered, as well as alternative methods of load carriage (eg, carts and motorized vehicles). This monograph provides practical information on the signs and symptoms of these injuries associated with load carriage, as well as treatment and evidence-based suggestions for injury prevention."},{title:"Blast Injury: Translating Research into Operational Medicine",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=4ebb3893-21ba-492a-a310-d4bb5be8b862",link:"bookDetail.aspx?id=dd581445-336d-4d8f-97cb-cded961ca963",year:2010,description:"This monograph describes pioneering biomedical research that forms the basis of our current knowledge of blast injury mechanisms. This research, conducted over the past 25 years by the US Army`s Military Operational Medicine Research Program is being applied to help improve the safety and performance of soldiers in the current conflicts."},{title:"The Military Advanced Regional Anesthesia and Analgesia (MARAA) Handbook",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=0a5f4aed-19a2-4a5b-a5cc-00a542f22693",link:"bookDetail.aspx?id=bed7fb1a-f875-46ba-9795-284494458916",year:2009,description:"This fully illustrated instructional manual provides step-by-step instructions for performing regional anesthesia blockades, including the latest techniques emerging from the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan. The handbook was conceived by deployed medical personnel who are teaching these techniques to their military colleagues as well as civilian practitioners. In addition to instructions for individual blocks, chapters address equipment, anesthetics, complications, pain management, air evacuation, and pediatric techniques. A spiral-bound paperback designed for practical use in the field and in the OR, the book has a water-resistant coating to protect its pages under harsh conditions. Also included in each book is an instructional DVD."},{title:"War Surgery in Afghanistan and Iraq, a Series of Cases, 2003-2007",imageUrl:"FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=2ee4b370-4885-459a-872c-ac9da9d5ded1",link:"bookDetail.aspx?ID=0a2c5bb0-6574-4c0c-93d9-cd278271584f",year:2008,description:"Describes the management of nearly 100 cases of acute combat trauma, conducted in the forward austere operative environment of war in the 21st century. Presented with vivid surgical photos, the cases encompass the spectrum of trauma that characterizes war today, as well as the medical interventions constantly evolving to treat these wounds. Publisher: Department of Defense, Office of The Surgeon General, US Army, Borden Institute. 2008: 442 p.; ill. Please note: several of the files are large and may take a few minutes to download."}]}})</script>
<script src="js/vue.min.js"></script><script> new Vue({ el: "#app", data: { books: [ { title: "Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=d695453d-2ee1-4bac-90e3-e7d48851f70e", link: "bookDetail.aspx?ID=66cffe45-c1b8-4453-91e0-9275007fd157", year: 2018, description: "Updated and expanded for the 2018 edition, Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare addresses the weaponization of biological agents, categorizing potential agents as food, waterborne, or agricultural agents or toxins, and discusses their respective epidemiology. Recent advances in biomedical knowledge are presented that include descriptions of individual agents and the illnesses induced. Authors discuss biotoxins and explain methods for early identification for anthrax, plague, smallpox, alphaviruses, and staphylococcal enterotoxins. Case studies and research on successful management practices, treatments, and antidotes are also included." }, { title: "Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Combat Casualty Care in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=1a85b02b-c395-4642-bf9e-c8a844897ac8", link: "bookDetail.aspx?id=d86a2495-e997-4bf1-b2a5-b9d167ea8cc7", year: 2015, description: "This book will impart lessons learned in the treatment thousands of head and neck injuries among service members and civilians in OEF/OIF. Topics covered are principles and demographics of head and neck surgery, military-unique issues and mass casualties, ballistics of injury, effects of weapons and body armor, pathophysiology, emergency management including maintaining airway and hemorrhage control, and techniques of acute and delayed surgery for blunt and penetrating injury, including preoperative planning, imaging and exploration, and procedures to repair soft tissue, vascular, craniofacial skeletal, laryngotracheal, pharyngoesophageal, mandibular, otologic, and nasal trauma." }, { title: "Combat Anesthesia: The First 24 Hours", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=60ee1441-4915-448e-9724-dedbc39d0b1d", link: "bookDetail.aspx?id=4f129d5e-973b-48d9-9fb1-514e6daf90e6", year: 2015, description: "Developed by UK and US anesthetists with extensive experience in theater, this book describes the latest anesthesia techniques, practices, and equipment used in current combat and humanitarian operations. Includes chapters on topics such as injuries and physiology, team members, protocols, vascular access, airway management, burns, imaging, pain management and medications, regional anesthesia, ventilation, and postoperative management." }, { title: "Forensic and Ethical Issues in Military Behavioral Health", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=fd720da8-1731-4ec0-97bd-ed97c5195d03", link: "bookDetail.aspx?id=fe14cb8d-6216-4df3-911f-4d15a26babf3", year: 2015, description: "Some of the most difficult topics in military mental health are ethical and forensic issues. Ethical issues refer to areas in which basic principles are in play: autonomy, justice, beneficence, and nonmaleficence. Forensic issues refer to the intersection of military mental health issues and the law. Written by active duty psychiatrists and psychologists from the Army, Navy, and Air Force, as well as civilians from within and outside of the Department of Defense, this book includes chapters on training about forensic issues, a legal overview of confidentiality and reporting of military behavioral health records, sanity board evaluations, updates on disability proceedings, forensic psychological testing, death investigations and psychological autopsies, epidemiological consultation team findings, mitigation of risk and means restriction, psychiatric assistance in capital cases, posttraumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, rape and sexual trauma, suicide, and violence. New topics that were not previously covered will include behavioral science consultation teams and mefloquine and neurotoxicity." }, { title: "Medical Consequences of Radiological and Nuclear Weapons", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=55395d7c-a9b9-4be3-a15c-27f4011d7911", link: "bookDetail.aspx?id=b3cb37ed-08e7-4617-a40c-f148ee3d2303", year: 2013, description: "An updated version of the 1989 TMM, this volume addresses nuclear events and their consequences for the medical community. Topics covered include acute radiation syndrome, triage and treatment of radiation and combined-injury mass casualties, treatment of internal radionuclide contamination, behavioral and neurophysiological consequences of radiation exposure, cytogenetic biodosimetry, and more." }, { title: "Military Quantitative Physiology: Problems and Concepts in Military Operational Medicine", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=fe994c3f-aa10-4701-9a07-b5d5a98d9de4", link: "bookDetail.aspx?ID=be938260-6cc4-4260-9d4d-3981956fb0e3", year: 2012, description: "Addresses the following topics: prediction of human limits, modeling the physiological and medical effects of exposure to environmental extremes, measurement and prediction of sleep and performance in the operational environment, performance-maintaining and performance-enhancing drugs and food components, pyschosocial factors in harsh and remote environments, nutrition and military performance, water requirements and soldier hydration, evaluation of the thermal environment, protection of the skin, blast injury, load carriage, and injury control." }, { title: "Combat and Operational Behavioral Health", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=8d198b50-7e5d-482d-899f-58c62035ec47", link: "bookDetail.aspx?ID=2331c1fa-753b-449c-a2aa-dd10ea69b9b9", year: 2011, description: "This comprehensive publication covers all aspects of behavioral health in the military population, including traumatic brain injury, posttraumatic stress syndrome, combat and operational stress control, training for resiliency and other preventive measures, pain management, grief, family dynamics, rehabilitation and occupational therapy, medications, suicide prevention, forensic psychiatry, detainee care, substance abuse, eating disorders, ethics, and the roles of military behavioral health providers and chaplains, as well as the military`s evolving behavioral health policy and practices." }, { title: "Care of the Combat Amputee", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=0ee8181d-3ea9-4ffa-918a-46b8d82e7122", link: "bookDetail.aspx?ID=3e4c64b4-3b35-483f-900b-a394a0ae45eb", year: 2009, description: "Addresses all aspects of combat amputee care ranging from surgical techniques to long-term care, polytrauma and comorbidities such as traumatic brain injury and burns, pain management, psychological issues, physical and occupational therapy, VA benefits, prosthetics and adaptive technologies, sports and recreational opportunities, and return to duty and vocational rehabilitation. Written by experts in the military, Veterans Administration, and private sector, the book provides a significant update to the field of rehabilitation, with comprehensive coverage of emerging approaches, techniques, and technologies for amputee care." }, { title: "Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=6b60fedc-e24b-4872-b5f1-042dcf80c1cd", link: "bookDetail.aspx?id=d3d11f5a-f2ef-4b4e-b75b-6ba4b64e4fb2", year: 2008, description: "A comprehensive source of the information available on chemical agents, this book will increase the level of preparedness and response capability of military and civilian practitioners responsible for chemical casualty care. Includes detailed explanations of chemical detectors and protection equipment, diagnosis, decontamination techniques, established and emerging countermeasures, and therapy techniques, as well as the history of chemical warfare and casualty management." }, { title: "Recruit Medicine", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=a838692a-6b0a-4029-84af-08992cad9815", link: "bookDetail.aspx?ID=886607be-900d-4621-94b1-cecc68c01aa7", year: 2006, description: "Aimed at all those involved in providing care and determining policy for military recruits, this volume covers important aspects of recruit medicine, such as the medical qualifications process; health promotion and environmental risk management; chronic diseases such as asthma; injury prevention and management; communicable illnesses; behavioral, dental, and women`s health; and recruit mortality. Recruit medicine combines aspects of epidemiology, preventive medicine, primary care, orthopedics, gynecology, psychiatry, and dentistry. Publisher: Department of Defense, Office of The Surgeon General, US Army, Borden Institute. 2006: 581 p.; ill." }, { title: "Military Preventive Medicine: Mobilization and Deployment, Vol 2", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=8656184e-368b-4e53-ab1b-4b0fa50bfc65", link: "bookDetail.aspx?ID=232d8377-6616-4557-81f2-219f8f9b8a42", year: 2005, description: "Offers comprehensive research on a range of topics related to preventive medicine, including the exploration of epidemiology in the field, various infectious diseases, preventive medicine efforts following disasters and the effects of postdeployment on soldiers. Publisher: Department of Defense, Office of The Surgeon General, US Army, Borden Institute. 2005: 735 p.; ill." }, { title: "Military Preventive Medicine: Mobilization and Deployment, Vol 1", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=d2f73d1b-26b8-4ff4-aa20-c5f6c564a3e2", link: "bookDetail.aspx?ID=14419d2d-ae71-4409-ac21-c32592c5f515", year: 2003, description: "Explores the various natural and manmade challenges faced by today`s soldier upon mobilization and deployment. Offers comprehensive research on a range of topics related to preventive medicine, including a historic perspective on the principles of military preventive medicine, national mobilization and training, preparation for deployment, and occupational and environmental issues during sustainment. Publisher: Department of Defense, Office of The Surgeon General, US Army, Borden Institute. 2003: 704 p.; ill." }, { title: "Ophthalmic Care of the Combat Casualty", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=ea8db017-3c55-40b9-a79a-f589dd63d067", link: "bookDetail.aspx?ID=4503a58c-5b6c-43f9-afef-0adb36fcc635", year: 2003, description: "Offers a comprehensive reference for treatment of ocular injuries; contains detailed information about a new trauma scale, ocular anesthesia, laser injuries, geographical ophthalmology, and ocular injuries caused by terrorist blasts. Includes color photos, more than 600 detailed illustrations, and a step-by-step guide for treatment of ocular injuries, including illustrations of the surgical repair of simple and complex eye injuries. Publisher: Department of the Army, Office of the Surgeon General, Borden Institute. 2003: 495 p.; ill." }, { title: "Military Medical Ethics Vol. 1", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=25eaab43-ba30-4c68-8b72-38c0e15458c7", link: "bookDetail.aspx?ID=106cb6b1-3327-47f3-a350-b2fb57beb928", year: 2003, description: "Explores the ongoing tension between the medical profession and the profession of arms as experienced by the military physician, including an extensive and detailed discussion of the many lessons learned from previous wars. Topics range from discussions of traditional medical ethics, military ethics, and the unique field of military medical ethics, to a discussion of medicine gone awry, as exemplified by the Nazi doctors, the Japanese biomedical experimentation programs during the WWII era, and the radiation experiments conducted in the United States. The authors were selected based on their expertise in their respective academic disciplines. Some are uniformed officers; some are civilian academics. Many support military medicine; a few do not. Combined they provide a lively discussion of the topics covered in these two volumes. Although written for uniformed medical officers, this book is also particularly important for civilian medicine at this time in history. Publisher: Department of Defense, Office of The Surgeon General, US Army, Borden Institute. 2003: 868 p.; ill." }, { title: "Military Medical Ethics Vol. 2", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=151450f4-ab12-49e4-8bd2-a83663a3d42d", link: "bookDetail.aspx?ID=d25c00de-8284-40bf-8448-72a775fb5110", year: 2003, description: "Explores the ongoing tension between the medical profession and the profession of arms as experienced by the military physician, including an extensive and detailed discussion of the many lessons learned from previous wars. Topics range from discussions of traditional medical ethics, military ethics, and the unique field of military medical ethics, to a discussion of medicine gone awry, as exemplified by the Nazi doctors, the Japanese biomedical experimentation programs during the WWII era, and the radiation experiments conducted in the United States. The authors were selected based on their expertise in their respective academic disciplines. Some are uniformed officers; some are civilian academics. Many support military medicine; a few do not. Combined they provide a lively discussion of the topics covered in these two volumes. Although written for uniformed medical officers, this book is also particularly important for civilian medicine at this time in history. Publisher: Department of Defense, Office of The Surgeon General, US Army, Borden Institute. 2003: 868 p.; ill." }, { title: "Medical Aspects of Harsh Environments, Vol 1", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=ef9453ce-ddc8-406d-84ae-312fd8197182", link: "bookDetail.aspx?ID=eebb9338-2027-46d5-a5f2-f245e2019b6c", year: 2002, description: "Describes and illustrates the medical conditions caused by heat and cold, including topics ranging from heat illness prevention to the treatment of hypothermia. Provides historical background and current information on the physiology, physical derangements, psychology, prevention, and treatment of heat- and cold-related environmental illnesses and injuries. Contains a color atlas of cold injuries and their treatment. Publisher: Department of the Army, Office of The Surgeon General, Borden Institute. 2002: 609 p.; ill." }, { title: "Medical Aspects of Harsh Environments, Vol 2", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=9b2c3661-5769-4769-8f13-0d7c13732b4a", link: "bookDetail.aspx?ID=7c0ebab2-6720-4e15-883b-dbfaafa960f9", year: 2002, description: " Discusses medical considerations with respect to mountain environments, high altitudes, and conditions below sea level. Includes researched information and illustrations on human adaptation to these harsh environments and the physical, cognitive, and psychological effects of exposure. Addresses the medical aspects of several special environments: aboard ships at sea, the hyperbaric world of diving, supersonic aviation, spaceflight, and chemical-biological protective suits. Publisher: Department of the Army, Office of The Surgeon General, Borden Institute. 2002: 595 p.; ill." }, { title: "Rehabilitation of the Injured Combatant, Vol 2", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=8059e761-f238-4dfd-9ebe-9a243a831dff", link: "bookDetail.aspx?ID=c1040687-6f92-4f23-8b22-b167702d2813", year: 1999, description: "Offers a valuable reference for physicians and providers who care for those injured while fighting. Discusses topics ranging from peripheral nerve injuries to vocational rehabilitation and community reintegration of the wounded combatant. Publisher: Department of the Army, Office of The Surgeon General, Borden Institute. 1999: 556 p; ill." }, { title: "Rehabilitation of the Injured Combatant, Vol 1", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=de244fc1-1e34-489a-8498-be79e84abea1", link: "bookDetail.aspx?ID=8358cc86-f61c-4042-9a79-4071e7b22e5a", year: 1998, description: "Focuses on the aspects of rehabilitative care that are specifically related to wounds sustained through combat and military training. Covers topics such as spinal cord injury rehabilitation, traumatic brain injury and physical therapy in wartime environment. Publisher: Department of the Army, Office of The Surgeon General, Borden Institute. 1998: 478 p.; ill." }, { title: "Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare ", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=04f352a4-19bf-4279-97be-683c06fea68f", link: "bookDetail.aspx?ID=bddf382f-3ca0-44ba-bd67-fdc48bfa03de", year: 1997, description: "With the increasing reality of chemical and biological attacks in war and terrorism, this book is a single-source compendium of the important aspects of chemical and biological agents including descriptions of the agents, and the pathophysiology of the injuries, diagnosis, and management of the injuries. Publisher: Department of the Army, Office of The Surgeon General, Borden Institute. 1997: 721 p.; ill." }, { title: "Anesthesia and Perioperative Care of the Combat Casualty", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=b2f59c90-62e6-488d-9936-e87b5ef2cf90", link: "bookDetail.aspx?ID=3ebfb1fd-2292-4555-9883-80f69fb70df4", year: 1995, description: "Describes and illustrates the entire spectrum of combat casualty care from initial wounding through anesthetic management to critical care in the intensive care unit. Written from the perspective of the military anesthetic provider. Won the Gold Award for Technical Books in the WASHINGTON EDPRESS competition, \"Excellence in Print Awards 1996.\" Publisher: Department of the Army, Office of The Surgeon General, Borden Institute. 1995: 931 p.; ill." }, { title: "War Psychiatry", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=030ea1d1-e6f3-4966-9819-74a49cf99473", link: "bookDetail.aspx?ID=32eabeff-48ce-42ec-b902-a52be47a051a", year: 1995, description: "Discusses the evolution of the concept of combat stress reaction, the delivery of mental health care on the various battlefields soldiers are likely to experience, and the psychological consequences of having endured the intensity and lethality of modern combat. Publisher: Department of the Army, Office of The Surgeon General, Borden Institute. 1995: 515 p.; ill." }, { title: "Military Psychiatry: Preparing in Peace for War", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=7f1b9ae3-f3b3-4d9b-9256-578484501326", link: "bookDetail.aspx?ID=d11e2f62-c2ed-4535-a06e-219ec5fc4595", year: 1994, description: "Explores various mental health issues that may occur in the military during peacetime. Publisher: Department of the Army, Office of The Surgeon General, Borden Institute. 1994: 331 p.; ill." }, { title: "Military Dermatology ", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=2224627a-a898-468d-8b44-9d5880f56c09", link: "bookDetail.aspx?ID=1f0a4ba9-6bbb-41d2-9e94-a1e9e08ba4abink", year: 1994, description: "Places military dermatology in its historical context. Emphasizes and illustrates the conditions that specialists and general medical officers in the field are likely to see. Discusses diseases that are uncommon in the United States but prevalent worldwide in specific geographical locations. Publisher: Department of the Army, Office of The Surgeon General, Borden Institute. 1994: 617 p.; ill." }, { title: "Occupational Health: The Soldier and the Industrial Base ", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=87e6f40a-f531-428e-9a21-55e90afe4005", link: "bookDetail.aspx?ID=f11740ab-4e44-4ca2-9eab-43f75a033eef", year: 1993, description: "Describes the occurrence and prevention of occupational threats from the environment and military equipment. Also offers preventive measures that decrease the occupational threat. Publisher: Department of the Army, Office of The Surgeon General, Borden Institute. 1993: 643 p.; ill." }, { title: "Conventional Warfare: Ballistic, Blast, and Burn Injuries", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=80435bf3-5377-4e6b-b012-dbdf8ecc3c79", link: "bookDetail.aspx?ID=a99f565c-4029-4f74-b57a-2a6747614173", year: 1991, description: "Addresses in detail conventional weapons, their effects, and the treatment of the casualties that they generate. Reviews the historical significance of these injuries, and explains the basic scientific principles underlying the injuring mechanisms so that the medical officer will have an understanding of the injuries they must treat. Publisher: Department of the Army, Office of The Surgeon General, Borden Institute. 1990: 396 p.; ill." }, { title: "Medical Consequences of Nuclear Warfare", imageUrl: "FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=9523d7a8-e888-4c1f-9ed3-92e2d4bee13a", link: "bookDetail.aspx?ID=48e71196-7781-4eb9-b638-c436b2cbfa21", year: 1989, description: "Addresses the increasingly important medical challenges of the consequences and management of radiation injuries. Publisher: Department of the Army, Office of The Surgeon General, Borden Institute. 1989: 287 p.; ill." }] }}) </script>
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