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Created January 24, 2015 18:48
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Export Skim annotations to HTML/Markdown with page sorting
(* ///
/// *)
property as_delims : AppleScript's text item delimiters
property en_notebook : "PDF Notes"
--If you don't want to tag the notes, set `en_tag` to ""
property en_tag : "pdf_notes"
--If you want annotations sorted by page number, set to `true`
--If you want annotations sorted by timestamp, set to `false`
property annotations_page_sorted : true
property export_style : item 1 of {"HTML", "Markdown"}
property export_destination : item 1 of {"Evernote", "Clipboard"}
property prefix : {{annotation:"text note", formatting:{html:"<p>", md:""}}, {annotation:"anchored note", formatting:{html:"<p>", md:""}}, {annotation:"underline note", formatting:{html:"<p>", md:""}}, {annotation:"strike out note", formatting:{html:"<p>", md:""}}, {annotation:"highlight note", formatting:{html:"<p>", md:""}}}
property title_front : {{annotation:"text note", formatting:missing value}, {annotation:"anchored note", formatting:{html:"<strong>", md:"**"}}, {annotation:"underline note", formatting:missing value}, {annotation:"strike out note", formatting:missing value}, {annotation:"highlight note", formatting:{html:"<strong>", md:"**"}}}
property title_back : {{annotation:"text note", formatting:missing value}, {annotation:"anchored note", formatting:{html:":</strong>", md:":**"}}, {annotation:"underline note", formatting:missing value}, {annotation:"strike out note", formatting:missing value}, {annotation:"highlight note", formatting:{html:":</strong>", md:":**"}}}
property body_front : {{annotation:"text note", formatting:{html:"", md:""}}, {annotation:"anchored note", formatting:{html:"", md:""}}, {annotation:"underline note", formatting:{html:"\"", md:"\""}}, {annotation:"strike out note", formatting:{html:"\"", md:"\""}}, {annotation:"highlight note", formatting:{html:"", md:""}}}
property body_back : {{annotation:"text note", formatting:{html:"", md:""}}, {annotation:"anchored note", formatting:{html:"", md:""}}, {annotation:"underline note", formatting:{html:"\"", md:"\""}}, {annotation:"strike out note", formatting:{html:"\"", md:"\""}}, {annotation:"highlight note", formatting:{html:"", md:""}}}
property suffix : {{annotation:"text note", formatting:{html:"</p>", md:""}}, {annotation:"anchored note", formatting:{html:"</p>", md:""}}, {annotation:"underline note", formatting:{html:"</p>", md:""}}, {annotation:"strike out note", formatting:{html:"</p>", md:""}}, {annotation:"highlight note", formatting:{html:"</p>", md:""}}}
on run
(* ///
/// *)
--Get path to current directory
set base_path to my get_base_path()
--Load Workflow helper scripts
set wf to load script (base_path & "_wf-helpers.scpt")
--Get user's export Preferences
set rec to my get_settings(wf)
set export_style to rec's |style|
set export_destination to rec's destination
--Get user's Highlight Preferences
set annotations_path to wf's get_storage() & "annotations_config.json"
set json to read (POSIX file annotations_path)
set clean to wf's replace(json, "\"", "\\\"")
set highlight_rec to wf's read_json(clean)
on error
--If user hasn't configured, set defaults
set highlight_rec to {{_title:"Summary", _color:{65535, 65531, 2689, 65535}}, {_title:"Disagree", _color:{64634, 467, 1798, 65535}}, {_title:"Agree", _color:{64907, 32785, 2154, 65535}}, {_title:"Reference", _color:{8608, 65514, 1548, 65535}}, {_title:"Quotable", _color:{8372, 65519, 65472, 65535}}, {_title:"Technique", _color:{64587, 609, 65481, 65535}}}
end try
(* ///
/// *)
tell application "Skim"
(* ///
PRE-PROCESSING: Check if annotated on iOS. If yes, convert annotations.
Then save original document
/// *)
convert notes front document
save front document
on error msg
return msg & " in Pre-Processing."
end try
(* ///
PART 1: Dialog Box
/// *)
set _icon to base_path & "icon.png"
set _icon to POSIX file _icon as alias
set page_relation to text returned of (display dialog "Subtract printed page number from Skim's indexed page number." with title "Skimmer" default answer "0" with icon _icon) as number
on error msg
return msg & " in Part 1: Dialog Box"
end try
(* ///
PART 2: Get all necessary Information
/// *)
--Get key PDF information
set pdf_name to (name of front document)
set _file to (path of front document)
set file_url to my encode_text(_file, false, false)
set skimmer_url to "skimmer://" & file_url & "?page="
set all_notes to every note of front document
--Prepare all annotation lists
set notes_text to my get_header(export_style, "The ToC")
set notes_anchor to my get_header(export_style, "All of my Text Notes")
set notes_underline to my get_header(export_style, "All of the Underlined Text")
set notes_strikethru to my get_header(export_style, "All of the Strike-Through Text")
set notes_highlight to my get_header(export_style, "All of the Highlighted Text")
--Prepare existence checks
set {_text_, _anchor_, _underline_, _strikethru_, _highlight_} to {false, false, false, false, false}
(* ///
PART 3: The Meat-n-Potatoes of the Script
/// *)
repeat with i from 1 to count of all_notes
set _note to (item i of all_notes)
set _page to index of page of _note
set real_page to (_page + page_relation) as string
set this_url to skimmer_url & _page
if type of _note is text note then
set note_text to text of _note
set annotation to (my get_annotation((type of _note) as string, "", note_text, this_url, real_page))
copy (real_page & "||" & annotation) to end of notes_text
set _text_ to true
else if type of _note is anchored note then
set title_text to text of _note
set note_text to extended text of _note
set annotation to (my get_annotation((type of _note) as string, title_text, note_text, this_url, real_page))
copy (real_page & "||" & annotation) to end of notes_anchor
set _anchor_ to true
else if type of _note is underline note then
set note_text to text of _note
set annotation to (my get_annotation((type of _note) as string, "", note_text, this_url, real_page))
copy (real_page & "||" & annotation) to end of notes_underline
set _underline_ to true
else if type of _note is strike out note then
set note_text to text of _note
set annotation to (my get_annotation((type of _note) as string, "", note_text, this_url, real_page))
copy (real_page & "||" & annotation) to end of notes_strikethru
set _strikethru_ to true
else if type of _note is highlight note then
set note_text to text of _note
set title_text to my color2text(highlight_rec, color of _note)
set annotation to (my get_annotation(((type of _note) as string), title_text, note_text, this_url, real_page))
copy (real_page & "||" & annotation) to end of notes_highlight
set _highlight_ to true
end if
end repeat
(* ///
PART 4: Sort the Highlighted Text
/// *)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to my get_line_break()
if _text_ = true then
if annotations_page_sorted = true then
set notes_text to my sort_on_index(notes_text)
end if
set notes_text to (notes_text as string)
end if
if _anchor_ = true then
if annotations_page_sorted = true then
set notes_anchor to my sort_on_index(notes_anchor)
end if
set notes_anchor to (notes_anchor as string)
end if
if _underline_ = true then
if annotations_page_sorted = true then
set notes_underline to my sort_on_index(notes_underline)
end if
set notes_underline to (notes_underline as string)
end if
if _strikethru_ = true then
if annotations_page_sorted = true then
set notes_strikethru to my sort_on_index(notes_strikethru)
end if
set notes_strikethru to (notes_strikethru as string)
end if
if _highlight_ = true then
if annotations_page_sorted = true then
set notes_highlight to my sort_on_index(notes_highlight)
end if
set notes_highlight to (notes_highlight as string)
end if
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to as_delims
(* ///
PART 5: Concatenate all Existing Annotation Sections
/// *)
set final_text to ""
if _text_ = true then set final_text to final_text & notes_text
if _anchor_ = true then set final_text to final_text & notes_anchor
if _underline_ = true then set final_text to final_text & notes_underline
if _strikethru_ = true then set final_text to final_text & notes_strikethru
if _highlight_ = true then set final_text to final_text & notes_highlight
(* ///
PART 6: Export the Notes
/// *)
if export_destination = "Evernote" then
set _evernote_ to false
repeat until _evernote_ = true
tell application "System Events"
if not (exists process "Evernote") then
tell application id "com.evernote.Evernote" to activate
delay 1
tell application id "com.evernote.Evernote" to activate
end if
if (exists process "Evernote") then set _evernote_ to true
end tell
end repeat
tell application id "com.evernote.Evernote"
if (not (notebook named en_notebook exists)) then
make notebook with properties {name:en_notebook}
end if
if export_style = "HTML" then
set newNote to create note title pdf_name with html final_text notebook en_notebook
else if export_style = "Markdown" then
set newNote to create note title pdf_name with text final_text notebook en_notebook
end if
if not en_tag = "" then
if (not (tag named en_tag exists)) then
set tg to make tag with properties {name:en_tag}
set tg to tag en_tag
end if
assign tg to newNote
end if
--synchronize Evernote
repeat until isSynchronizing is false
end repeat
repeat until isSynchronizing is false
end repeat
end tell
else if export_destination = "Clipboard" then
set the clipboard to final_text
end if
return "Exported notes to " & export_destination & " as " & export_style
end tell
end run
on sort_on_index(the_list)
set sorted to my _sortlist(the_list)
set final to {}
repeat with i from 1 to count of sorted
set this to (item i of sorted)
set {idx, content} to my explode("||", this)
on error number -1728
set content to this
end try
copy content to end of final
end repeat
return final
end sort_on_index
on get_line_break()
if export_style = "HTML" then
return "<br></br>"
else if export_style = "Markdown" then
return (ASCII character 10) & (ASCII character 10)
end if
end get_line_break
on get_base_path()
set {as_delims, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, "/"}
set _path to (text items 1 thru -2 of (POSIX path of (path to me)) as string) & "/"
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to as_delims
return _path
end get_base_path
on get_settings(wf)
set _bundle to wf's get_bundle()
set settings_path to (path to "cusr" as text) & "Library:Application Support:Alfred 2:Workflow Data:" & _bundle & ":settings.json" as text
set the file_ to open for access file settings_path
set json_ to (read file_)
close access file_
set clean to wf's replace(json_, "\"", "\\\"")
set rec to wf's read_json(clean)
return rec
end get_settings
on get_header(_style, _header)
set line_break to my get_line_break()
if _style = "HTML" then
return {"<hr />" & line_break & "<h2>" & _header & "</h2>"}
else if _style = "Markdown" then
return {line_break & "- - -" & line_break & "## " & _header & " ##"}
end if
end get_header
on get_sub_header(_style, _header)
set line_break to my get_line_break()
if _style = "HTML" then
return line_break & "<h4>" & _header & "</h4>"
else if _style = "Markdown" then
return line_break & "#### " & _header & " ####"
end if
end get_sub_header
on get_annotation(_type, _title, note_text, hyperlink, real_page)
set _prefix to my get_prefix(_type, _title)
set _body to my get_body(_type, note_text)
set _link to my get_link(_type, real_page, hyperlink)
set _suffix to my get_property_formatting(suffix, _type)
return _prefix & space & _body & space & _link & _suffix
end get_annotation
on get_prefix(_type, _title)
set _prefix to my get_property_formatting(prefix, _type)
set _title_front to my get_property_formatting(title_front, _type)
set _title_back to my get_property_formatting(title_back, _type)
return _prefix & _title_front & _title & _title_back
end get_prefix
on get_body(_type, note_text)
set _body_front to my get_property_formatting(body_front, _type)
set _body_back to my get_property_formatting(body_back, _type)
return _body_front & note_text & _body_back
end get_body
on get_link(_type, real_page, hyperlink)
set link_front to {formatting:{html:"(", md:"("}}
set link_back to {formatting:{html:")", md:")"}}
set _link_front to my get_property_formatting(link_front, _type)
set _link_back to my get_property_formatting(link_back, _type)
set _page to my get_abbr(_type, real_page)
set _url to my get_url(_type, hyperlink)
if export_style = "HTML" then
return _link_front & _url & _page & _link_back
else if export_style = "Markdown" then
return _link_front & _page & _url & _link_back
end if
end get_link
on get_url(_type, hyperlink)
set url_front to {formatting:{html:"<a href=\"", md:"("}}
set url_back to {formatting:{html:"\">", md:")"}}
set _url_front to my get_property_formatting(url_front, _type)
set _url_back to my get_property_formatting(url_back, _type)
return _url_front & hyperlink & _url_back
end get_url
on get_abbr(_type, real_page)
set abbr_front to {formatting:{html:"p. ", md:"[p. "}}
set abbr_back to {formatting:{html:"</a>", md:"]"}}
set _abbr_front to my get_property_formatting(abbr_front, _type)
set _abbr_back to my get_property_formatting(abbr_back, _type)
return _abbr_front & real_page & _abbr_back
end get_abbr
on get_property_formatting(_property, _type)
if export_style = "HTML" then
return html of formatting of _property
else if export_style = "Markdown" then
return md of formatting of _property
end if
on error
repeat with the_item in _property
if annotation of the_item = _type then
if export_style = "HTML" then
return html of formatting of the_item
on error msg
return ""
end try
else if export_style = "Markdown" then
return md of formatting of the_item
on error msg
return ""
end try
end if
end if
end repeat
end try
return ""
end get_property_formatting
--convert highlights into text values
on color2text(rec, noteColor)
set colorText to "[***]"
repeat with i from 1 to count of rec
set this to item i of rec
if noteColor is this's _color then
set colorText to this's _title
end if
end repeat
return colorText
end color2text
--URL encode text
on encode_text(this_text, encode_URL_A, encode_URL_B)
set the standard_characters to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
set the URL_A_chars to "$+!'/?;&@=#%><{}[]\"~`^\\|*"
set the URL_B_chars to ".-_:"
set the acceptable_characters to the standard_characters
if encode_URL_A is false then set the acceptable_characters to the acceptable_characters & the URL_A_chars
if encode_URL_B is false then set the acceptable_characters to the acceptable_characters & the URL_B_chars
set the encoded_text to ""
repeat with this_char in this_text
if this_char is in the acceptable_characters then
set the encoded_text to (the encoded_text & this_char)
set the encoded_text to (the encoded_text & encode_char(this_char)) as string
end if
end repeat
return the encoded_text
end encode_text
on encode_char(this_char)
set the ASCII_num to (the ASCII number this_char)
set the hex_list to {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}
set x to item ((ASCII_num div 16) + 1) of the hex_list
set y to item ((ASCII_num mod 16) + 1) of the hex_list
return ("%" & x & y) as string
end encode_char
on _sortlist(theList)
-- a stack-based, non-recursive quicksort
local theList, s, l, a, b, c, j, r, v, i, tmp
if theList's class is not list then error "not a list." number -1704
if (count theList each number) > 0 and ¬
((count theList each string) > 0) then
error "can't sort a list containing both " & ¬
"number and text values." number -1704
end if
script k -- list access speed kludge
property lst : theList's items
end script
if k's lst's length < 2 then return k's lst
set s to {a:1, b:count k's lst, c:missing value} -- unsorted slices stack
repeat until s is missing value
set l to s's a
set r to s's b
set s to get s's c
set i to l
set j to r
set v to k's lst's item ((l + r) div 2)
repeat while (j > i)
repeat while (k's lst's item i < v)
set i to i + 1
end repeat
repeat while (k's lst's item j > v)
set j to j - 1
end repeat
if (i ≤ j) then
set tmp to k's lst's item i
set k's lst's item i to k's lst's item j
set k's lst's item j to tmp
set i to i + 1
set j to j - 1
end if
end repeat
if (l < j) then set s to {a:l, b:j, c:s}
if (r > i) then set s to {a:i, b:r, c:s}
end repeat
return k's lst
on error eMsg number eNum
error "Can't sortList: " & eMsg number eNum
end try
end _sortlist
on explode(delimiter, input)
local delimiter, input, ASTID
set ASTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delimiter
set input to text items of input
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
return input --> list
on error eMsg number eNum
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
error "Can't explode: " & eMsg number eNum
end try
end explode
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