connect to travis server with green ssh command
Open .travis.yml
for find command line need to execute
# Lauch redis
$ redis-server
# before_script
$ mysql -e 'create database genesis_test'
# before_install:
sudo apt-get install libhiredis-dev
gem install recommendify -v '0.3.8'
# script
$ RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:migrate --trace
$ bundle exec rake db:test:prepare
$ RAILS_ENV=test rake sunspot:solr:start
$ bundle exec rspec spec/
I have obtained my token from the website: --> Profile --> Settings and used it with the following request:
This is the response I get:
Is there anything else I need to do? Is there any authorization needed to access the API with my token?
When doing a restart instead of debug my token is accepted: