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Created August 20, 2013 17:52
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static private class TaskUnionRepeatQuery implements TaskQuery
public Cursor query(SQLiteOpenHelper openHelper,
Uri url,
String[] projectionIn,
String selection,
String[] selectionArgs,
String sort)
if (projectionIn.length % 2 != 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a multiple of 2. Are you using the right projection?");
SQLiteDatabase db = openHelper.getReadableDatabase();
String taskQuery = "";
taskQuery += "SELECT ";
//first half of projection arguments are for task table
for(int i=0; i<projectionIn.length / 2 - 1; ++i)
taskQuery += projectionIn[i] + ",";
taskQuery += projectionIn[projectionIn.length / 2 - 1];
//end of selection
taskQuery += " FROM ";
taskQuery += TASK_TABLE;
taskQuery += " WHERE ";
taskQuery += TaskCol.TASK_REPEAT_TYPE+"=0";
if (selection != null)
taskQuery += " AND ";
taskQuery += selection;
String repeatQuery = "";
repeatQuery += "SELECT ";
//second half of projection arguments are for repeat table
for(int i=projectionIn.length / 2; i<projectionIn.length - 1; ++i)
repeatQuery += projectionIn[i] + ",";
repeatQuery += projectionIn[projectionIn.length - 1];
//end of selection
repeatQuery += " FROM ";
repeatQuery += " WHERE ";
repeatQuery += TaskCol.TASK_REPEAT_TYPE+">0";
if (selection != null)
repeatQuery += " AND ";
repeatQuery += selection;
String rawQuery = "";
rawQuery += taskQuery+" UNION "+repeatQuery;
rawQuery += " ORDER BY " + sort;
String[] newSelectionArgs = null;
if (selectionArgs != null)
newSelectionArgs = new String[2*selectionArgs.length];
int len = 0;
for(String selectionArg:selectionArgs)
newSelectionArgs[len++] = selectionArg;
for(String selectionArg:selectionArgs)
newSelectionArgs[len++] = selectionArg;
return db.rawQuery(rawQuery, newSelectionArgs);
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