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Created May 27, 2024 02:20
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// iOS SDK BLE Example
#include <TSCLIB/TSCLIB.h>
#include <CoreBluetooth/CoreBluetooth.h>
TSCLIB *lib = [TSCLIB new];
NSMutableArray* deviceList = [lib searchBLEDevice: 2];
for(int i=0;i<deviceList.count;i++)
if([((CBPeripheral *)deviceList[i]).name isEqualToString:@"Alpha-3R"])//BLE NAME
[lib openportBLE:((CBPeripheral *)deviceList[i])];
//NSData *status = [lib printer_status];
//0x00:Normal, 0x01:Head opened, 0x10:Pause
[lib sendCommand:@"DIRECION 1\r\n"];
//[lib setup:@"100" height:@"120" speed:@"4" density:@"10" sensor:@"0" vertical:@"2"
[lib sendCommand:@"SIZE 100 mm, 120 mm\r\n"];
[lib sendCommand:@"SPEED 4\r\n"];
[lib sendCommand:@"DENSITY 10\r\n"];
[lib sendCommand:@"GAP 2 mm, 0 mm\r\n"];
//[lib sendCommand:@"BLINE 2 mm, 0 mm\r\n"];
[lib clearBuffer];
//Using downloaded font to print text
/*[lib sendCommand:@"CODEPAGE UTF-8\r\n"];
[lib sendCommand_utf8:@"TEXT 30,30,\"ARIALUNI.TTF\",0,8,8,\"中文 English にほンゴ 한국어\"\r\n"];*/
[lib sendCommand:@"TEXT 30,30,\"2\",0,2,2,\"1234567\"\r\n"];
[lib printerfont:@"30" y:@"100" fontName:@"2" rotation:@"0" magnificationRateX:@"2"
magnificationRateY:@"2" content:@"Printer Font Test!"];
//[lib windowsfont:30 y:170 height:32 rotation:0 style:0 withUnderline:0
fontName:@"Arial" content:@"中文 English にほンゴ한국어"];
//fontName: Please refer to ""
[lib barcode:@"30" y:@"300" barcodeType:@"39" height:@"70" readable:@"1"
rotation:@"0" narrow:@"2" wide:@"6" code:@"12345"];
//Download PCX
/*NSBundle *mainBunle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
NSString *absolutePath = [mainBunle pathForResource:@"UL" ofType:@"pcx"];
[lib downloadPCX:absolutePath asName:@"UL.PCX"];
[lib sendCommand:@"PUTPCX 300,250,\"UL.PCX\"\r\n"];*/
[lib printlabel:@"1" copies:@"1"];
[lib closeport:2.0];
//[lib closeport:10.0]; //With Windowsfont
//[lib closeport:30.0]; //With Windowsfont & downloadPCX
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