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Last active February 17, 2024 02:14
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Convenience extensions for Combine adding memory-save bindings and Cancellable management
import Combine
/// Classes implementing this protocol can be target of convenience Publisher
/// bindings and assignments without causing accidental retain cycles.
/// Those bindings and assignments are also released together with the target.
/// For example:
/// aPublisher.bind(to: self) { me, object in
/// me.doSomething(with: object)
/// }
/// aPublisher.assign(to: \.property, on: self)
public protocol SelfBindable: AnyObject {
/// A "bag" to store subscriptions in that should be cancelled
/// when `self` is deallocated.
var cancellables: Set<AnyCancellable> { get set }
extension Publisher {
/// "Binds" the publisher to the target, i.e. the target receives values and completion events
/// and ensures that the subscription is cancelled with the target is deallocated.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: The target object to bind the publisher to.
/// - receiveCompletion: The closure to execute on completion. The first parameter is the binding target.
/// - receiveValue: The closure to execute on receipt of a value. The first parameter is the binding target.
public func bind<Target: SelfBindable>(to target: Target, receiveCompletion: @escaping (Target, Subscribers.Completion<Self.Failure>) -> Void, receiveValue: @escaping (Target, Self.Output) -> Void) {
self.sink(receiveCompletion: { [weak target] completion in
if let target = target { receiveCompletion(target, completion) }
}, receiveValue: { [weak target] element in
if let target = target { receiveValue(target, element) }
}).store(in: &target.cancellables)
extension Publisher where Self.Failure == Never {
/// "Binds" the publisher to the target, i.e. the target receives values events
/// and ensures that the subscription is cancelled with the target is deallocated.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: The target object to bind the publisher to.
/// - receiveValue: The closure to execute on receipt of a value. The first parameter is the binding target.
public func bind<Target: SelfBindable>(to target: Target, receiveValue: @escaping (Target, Self.Output) -> Void) {
self.sink { [weak target] element in
if let target = target { receiveValue(target, element) }
}.store(in: &target.cancellables)
/// Assigns each element from a publisher to a property on an object.
/// The subscription created this way is cancelled when the target is deallocated.
/// Using this method will also _not_ create any reference cycle between the subscription and the target.
/// - Parameters:
/// - keyPath: A key path that indicates the property to assign.
/// - target: The object that contains the property. The subscriber assigns the object’s property every time it receives a new value.
public func assign<Target: SelfBindable>(to keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Target, Self.Output>, on target: Target) {
self.sink { [weak target] element in
target?[keyPath: keyPath] = element
}.store(in: &target.cancellables)
extension Publisher where Self.Output == Void {
/// "Binds" the publisher to the target, i.e. the target receives values and completion events
/// and ensures that the subscription is cancelled with the target is deallocated.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: The target object to bind the publisher to.
/// - receiveCompletion: The closure to execute on completion. The first parameter is the binding target.
/// - receiveValue: The closure to execute on receipt of a value. The parameter is the binding target.
public func bind<Target: SelfBindable>(to target: Target, receiveCompletion: @escaping (Target, Subscribers.Completion<Self.Failure>) -> Void, receiveValue: @escaping (Target) -> Void) {
self.sink(receiveCompletion: { [weak target] completion in
if let target = target { receiveCompletion(target, completion) }
}, receiveValue: { [weak target] in
if let target = target { receiveValue(target) }
}).store(in: &target.cancellables)
extension Publisher where Self.Output == Void, Self.Failure == Never {
/// "Binds" the publisher to the target, i.e. the target receives values events
/// and ensures that the subscription is cancelled with the target is deallocated.
/// - Parameters:
/// - target: The target object to bind the publisher to.
/// - receiveValue: The closure to execute on receipt of a value. The parameter is the binding target.
public func bind<Target: SelfBindable>(to target: Target, receiveValue: @escaping (Target) -> Void) {
self.sink { [weak target] in
if let target = target { receiveValue(target) }
}.store(in: &target.cancellables)
#if os(macOS) || os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)
import ObjectiveC.runtime
/// Extends `NSObject` to provide a `cancellables` Set via associated objects,
/// so that any `NSObject` subtype can be target of self-binding API above.
extension NSObject: SelfBindable {
private struct AssociatedKeys {
static var CancellablesKey = "CancellablesKey"
/// Helper for wrapping the ``Set<AnyCancellable>`` into an (associated) object.
private final class Wrapped<T> {
let value: T
init(_ x: T) {
value = x
public var cancellables: Set<AnyCancellable> {
get {
if let cancellables = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &NSObject.AssociatedKeys.CancellablesKey) as? Wrapped<Set<AnyCancellable>> {
return cancellables.value
} else {
let cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &NSObject.AssociatedKeys.CancellablesKey, Wrapped(cancellables), objc_AssociationPolicy.OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
return cancellables
set {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &NSObject.AssociatedKeys.CancellablesKey, Wrapped(newValue), objc_AssociationPolicy.OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
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