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Created January 18, 2012 11:01
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Bootstrapping LanguageBoxes from Squeak 4.3
"===== Set up Squeak's compiler correctly ====="
Scanner prefAllowUnderscoreSelectors: true.
Scanner allowUnderscoreAsAssignment: false.
"===== Things that Squeak needs from Pharo ====="
Installer cache
addPackage: 'Pharo-Compatibility-fbs.1';
addPackage: 'VB-Regex-AdrianLienhard.48';
"===== Development tools ====="
"From Levente Uzonyi:"
Installer cache "squeaksource
project: 'RoelTyper';"
install: 'RoelTyper'.
"Installer squeaksource
project: 'OCompletion';
addPackage: 'Ocompletion-ul.74'."
"Smalltalk at: #ECToolSet ifPresent: [ :ecToolSet |
ecToolSet register.
ToolSet default: ecToolSet ]."
"From Michael Davies:"
"Omnibrowser including Refactoring engine and OCompletion. Version 1.2"
Installer cache "ss
project: 'MetacelloRepository';"
install: 'ConfigurationOfOmniBrowser'.
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfOmniBrowser) project
perform: #version:
with: '1.2') load: #(Dev).
"===== Refactoring Browser ====="
Installer cache
addPackage: 'AST-Core-lr.89';
addPackage: 'RB-Pharo-Compatibility-fbs.1'; "Pharo won't need this"
addPackage: 'AST-Compiler-lr.34';
"More Squeak-specific stuff"
RBCompiler disable.
Installer cache
install: 'RB-Stage2-Compatibility-fbs.1'.
RBCompiler enable.
"===== PetitParser ======"
Installer cache
addPackage: 'PetitParser-lr.222';
addPackage: 'PetitTests-lr.41';
addPackage: 'PetitSmalltalk-fbs.60'; "Pharo can use 'PetitSmalltalk-lr.56';"
addPackage: 'QuasiQuote-lr.64';
addPackage: 'Helvetia-Core-lr.29';
addPackage: 'Shout-lr.97';
QQCompiler enable.
Smalltalk saveAs: 'LanguageBoxes-pre.image'.
"===== Finally, bootstrap LanguageBoxes itself ====="
Installer cache
addPackage: 'Cutie-HelvetiaTestFixtures-fbs.5';
addPackage: 'Cutie-Helvetia-Parser-fbs.1';
addPackage: 'Cutie-Helvetia-Trans-fbs.1';
CHCompiler enable.
(MCCacheRepository default
loadVersionFromFileNamed: 'Monticello-fbs.492.mcz') load.
'LanguageBoxes-lr.28.mcz') do: [:each |
(MCCacheRepository default
loadVersionFromFileNamed: each) imperativeLoad].
Smalltalk saveAs: 'LanguageBoxes-pre2.image'.
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