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Last active August 6, 2021 03:31
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minimal subsets matching condition
module SubsetsMatchingCondition where
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
data Cond a = Unsatisfied a | Satisfied a
deriving (Show)
-- | Construct *minimal* subsets that satisfy the
-- condition upon the monoidal fold. The monoidal
-- append must be "monotonic" for sensible results.
-- This is a quasi-group, by way of the explicit
-- inversion function argument @inv@.
ssCond :: (Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> (m -> m) -> (m -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
ssCond conv inv test = mapMaybe (\x -> case x of Satisfied l -> Just l ; _ -> Nothing) . go
go [] = []
go (x:xs)
| test (conv x) = Satisfied [x] : go xs
| otherwise =
-- ys already satisfies the condition; do not add x to it
f (Satisfied ys) r = Satisfied ys : r
f (Unsatisfied ys) r =
let z = foldMap conv (x : ys)
in if test z
-- (x:ys) satisfies the test and is a /candidate/ subset.
-- We now have to test whether (x:ys) is a /minimal/
-- subset. That is, that there is no true subset of
-- (x:ys) that also satisfies the test. Use the group
-- inversion function to "subtract" each element of
-- ys from the fold and test the result.
if any (test . (z <>) . inv) (fmap conv ys)
-- There are subsets of order n - 1 containing x that
-- satisfy test. (x:ys) not not a result; omit it.
then Unsatisfied ys : r
-- There are no subsets of order n - 1 containing x that
-- satisfy test. So (x:ys) is a valid result.
else Unsatisfied ys : Satisfied (x : ys) : r
-- (x:ys) does not satisfy the test. Keep it as an Unsatisfied
-- intermediate result.
Unsatisfied ys : Unsatisfied (x : ys) : r
in Unsatisfied [x] : foldr f [] (go xs)
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