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Created December 30, 2015 20:01
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import Signal
import Http
import Task
import Effects
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Json.Decode
type Action
= NoOp
| GetShortenedUrl
| SetShortenedUrl (Maybe String)
type alias Model =
{ shortenedUrl : Maybe String }
init : (Model, Effects.Effects Action)
init =
({ shortenedUrl = Nothing }, Effects.none)
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects.Effects Action)
update action model =
case action of
NoOp ->
(model, Effects.none)
GetShortenedUrl ->
(model, shortenedUrlGetter)
SetShortenedUrl val ->
({ model | shortenedUrl = val }, Effects.none)
shortenedUrlGetter = Json.Decode.string "./test.txt" body -- "http://localhost/tracker/link-admin/test.php" body
|> Task.toMaybe
|> SetShortenedUrl
|> Effects.task
body = Http.empty
messages =
Signal.mailbox []
actions : Signal.Mailbox Action
actions =
singleton action =
fromList list =
case list of
[] -> NoOp
(action::_) -> action
{ address = Signal.forwardTo messages.address singleton
, signal = fromList messages.signal
effectsAndModel : Signal (Model, Effects.Effects Action)
effectsAndModel =
updateJustModel action (model,_) = update action model
Signal.foldp updateJustModel init actions.signal
model : Signal Model
model = fst effectsAndModel
port tasks : Signal (Task.Task Effects.Never ())
port tasks = (Effects.toTask messages.address << snd) effectsAndModel
main = (view actions.address) model
view address model =
div []
[ button [ onClick address GetShortenedUrl ] [ text "Get Shortened Url" ]
, div []
[ text "Shortened URL: "
, text <| toString model.shortenedUrl
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