- Name: Yuki AKI
- Nationality: Japan
- Language:
- Japansese(native)
- English(studying, for life days, as little developer)
- TOEIC: 835
- Company: LINE Fukuoka
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/___freddi___
- Github: https://github.com/freddi-kit
- SlideShare: https://www.slideshare.net/YukiAki
- SpeakerDeck: https://speakerdeck.com/freddi
- Qiita: https://qiita.com/freddi_
- Swift (3 years, ongoing)
- C++ (3 years, stoppping)
- Python (4 years, stoppping)
- Java
- Dart
- Kotlin
- Javascript
- iOS (3 years)
- Android
- Flutter
- Deep Learning (2years)
- Part Time Engineer at OPTiM, inc. (2016 - 2019)
- Deep Learning
- C++
- Python
- Part Time Engineer at LINE Fukuoka (2018 - 2019)
- iOS, UIKit
- Swift
- Guraduated From Kyushu Institute of Technology
- Bachelor of Computer Science
- Engineer at LINE Fukuoka (2019 -)
- iOS, UIKit
- Swift
- Speaker at try! Swift Tokyo 2019
- Speaker at try! Swift NYC 2019
- Speaker at SwiftcKaigi#1
- Introduction on Web
Speaker at try! Swift Tokyo 2020(Canceled)
Instructor of try! Swift World 2020
- Introduction on Web
Speaker at iOSDC 2020
Contributer of Swift
- Fixed Swift Intermediate language Optimizer bug
- Fixed SIL Docs
Contributer of XcodeGen
- Added feature supporting Local Swift Package
Contributer of xcode-install
- Added download option
Deep dive into Swift Literal (try! Swift Tokyo 2019)
A Deeper dive into Swift Literal (try! Swift NYC 2019)
Tutorial for developing SILOptimizer(Swift Compiler Optimizer) (SwiftcKaigi#1)
Look into new not popular feature of Swift4.2
What is Swifty, from enum
How to be Virtual Youtuber by DeepLearning
How to read code of Swift Optimizer in Compiler
Program Diagnostic in SILOptimizer
Making CPU by Swift
For Developing URL Routing of SwiftUI App
Contributing to XcodeGen
Debugging To The Gate
- How to improve your compling time of Swift, from type-check side
Easy tutorial for Optimizer of Swift Compiler
Tutorial for Literals in Swift
Make delegate by TypeErasure
Deep Dive into Equatable from Swift4.1
Correct way to implement of behavior on page moving of UIPageViewController
Implement Paging easy on UIScrollView
How to prohibit swipe down of UIImagePickerController, by child ViewController