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Created September 22, 2018 20:28
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unsigned long
virtual_to_physical( unsigned long virtual_address,
unsigned long dir_address )
unsigned long address;
unsigned long *dir = (unsigned long *) dir_address;
unsigned long tmp;
int d = (int) virtual_address >> 22 & 0x3FF;
int t = (int) virtual_address >> 12 & 0x3FF;
int o = (int) (virtual_address & 0xFFF);
//temos o endereço da pt junto com as flags.
tmp = (unsigned long) dir[d];
unsigned long *pt = (unsigned long *) (tmp & 0xFFFFF000);
//encontramos o endereço base do page frame.
tmp = (unsigned long) pt[t];
address = (tmp & 0xFFFFF000);
return (unsigned long) (address + o);
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