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Simple jQuery (1.5+) AJAX Mocking (requires JSON, tested in jQuery 1.7))
* Simple jQuery (1.5+) AJAX Mocking - v0.1.0 - 11/16/2011
* Copyright (c) 2011 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
(function($) {
// Process all rules for a given AJAX request.
function processRules(options) {
// The dataType (eg. "json").
var dataType = options.dataType;
// If a rule is matched, override the built-in transport.
var transport;
// Iterate over all specified rules for this dataType
$.each($.mockAjax.rules[dataType], function(_, rule) {
// Test the AJAX request URL against this rule's regexp.
var matches = options.url.match(;
// If there was a match, override the default transport.
if (matches) {
transport = {
// Override the transport's send to immediately return a result.
send: function(_, done) {
// Get the response value.
var response = rule.response;
// If the response is a function, invoke it, passing in the matches
// array and the AJAX request options, and get its result.
if ($.isFunction(response)) {
response = response(matches, options);
// If the dataType is "json" or "jsonp" and not a string, serialize
// it into a valid JSON string. Note: requires JSON!
if (/^json/.test(dataType) && typeof response !== "string") {
response = window.JSON ? JSON.stringify(response) : String(response);
// Respond successfully!
done("200", "success", {status: response});
// Don't do anything on abort. Don't abort. Should this do anything?
abort: $.noop
// Don't process any other rules for this AJAX request.
return false;
return transport;
// Mock AJAX requests for a given dataType and map of rules.
$.mockAjax = function(dataType, userRules) {
var rules = $.mockAjax.rules[dataType];
// If no rules exist for this datatype, create a place to store them and
// register an ajax transport handler for that datatype.
if (!rules) {
rules = $.mockAjax.rules[dataType] = {};
$.ajaxTransport(dataType, processRules);
// For each user rule specified, add an entry into this dataType's rules
// object, overwriting any already-existing rule with the same pattern.
$.each(userRules, function(pattern, response) {
rules[pattern] = {
// Compile a matching regexp up-front to save processing later.
re: new RegExp("^" + pattern + "$"),
// Store the response value / function.
response: response
// Initialize an empty rules object.
$.mockAjax.rules = {};
// Simulate your API.
$.mockAjax("json", {
"/user": {status: -1},
"/user/(\\d+)": function(matches) {
return {status: 1, user: "sample user " + matches[1]};
// Unit tests.
test("user tests", function() {
$.getJSON("/user", function(data) {
ok(data, "data is returned from the server");
equal(data.status, "-1", "no user specified, status should be -1");
$.getJSON("/user/123", function(data) {
ok(data, "data is returned from the server");
equal(data.status, "1", "user found, status should be 1");
equal(data.user, "sample user 123", "user found, id should be 123");
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