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Created March 19, 2017 19:52
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Binary clock using Reason/React
type bitnum = (int, list bool);
let elem_of_list ls => ReactRe.arrayToElement (Array.of_list ls);
let text s => ReactRe.stringToElement s;
let cell_col bit => {
let color = if bit {"light"} else {"dark"};
<div className=("cell " ^ color) />
let cell_val digit => <div className="cell"> (text @@ string_of_int digit) </div>;
let column (digit, bits) => {
let cells = cell_col bits @ [cell_val digit];
<div className="col"> (elem_of_list cells) </div>
let columns cs => {
let cols = column cs;
<div className="colpair"> (elem_of_list cols) </div>
let legend digits => {
let cells = cell_val digits;
<div className="col legend"> (elem_of_list cells) </div>
let bitnum_of_int (n: int) :bitnum => {
let masks = List.map2 (land) [8, 4, 2, 1] [n, n, n, n];
let bits = (fun x => x > 0) masks;
(n, bits)
let decimal_parts (n: int) :list int => [n / 10, n mod 10];
module BinaryClock = {
include ReactRe.Component.Stateful;
type props = unit;
type state = {time: Js.Date.t};
let name = "BinaryClock";
let time_now () => {time: Js.Date.fromFloat ( ())};
let getInitialState _ => time_now ();
let componentDidMount {setState} => {
let onUpdate () => {
let stateSetter {state} => time_now ();
setState stateSetter
let _ = ReasonJs.setInterval (fun () => onUpdate ()) 1000;
let render {state} => {
let conv x => int_of_float x |> decimal_parts |> bitnum_of_int;
let cols =
[Js.Date.getHours state.time, Js.Date.getMinutes state.time, Js.Date.getSeconds state.time] |> conv |> columns;
<div> (elem_of_list ([legend [8, 4, 2, 1]] @ cols)) </div>
include ReactRe.CreateComponent BinaryClock;
let createElement = wrapProps ();
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