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Last active December 21, 2015 06:19
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  • Save fredyr/6263249 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fredyr/6263249 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
FRP version of swannodette's examples on CSP and core.async.
;; Mouse move handler
(let [el "#only-mouse"
ch (Bacon.fromEventTarget js/window "mousemove")]
(-> ch
(.map (ƒ [e] (str (.-offsetX e) ", " (.-offsetY e))))
(.onValue (js/$ el) "text")))
(defn location [ch]
(.map ch (ƒ [[tag e]]
[tag {:x (.-offsetX e) :y (.-offsetY e)}])))
;; Independent timer events merged into a stream
(let [el "#processes"
ch (Bacon.mergeAll
(Bacon.interval 250 1)
(Bacon.interval 1000 2)
(Bacon.interval 1500 3))]
(-> ch
(.map (ƒ [p] (str "<div class='proc-" p "'>Process " p "</div>")))
(.slidingWindow 10)
(.onValue (js/$ el) "html")))
;; Maintain source name in the events
(defn tagged-event [target evt-name]
(-> (Bacon.fromEventTarget target evt-name)
(.map (ƒ [e] [evt-name e]))))
(defn set-html! [el val]
(.html (js/$ el) val))
;; Mouse move & keyboard handler
(let [ch (.merge (location (tagged-event js/window "mousemove"))
(tagged-event js/window "keyup"))]
(.onValue ch (ƒ [[tag e]]
(case tag
"mousemove" (set-html! "#mouse" (str (:x e) ", " (:y e)))
"keyup" (set-html! "#key" (str (.-keyCode e)))))))
;; Simplest auto complete
(def base-url
(let [search (ƒ [q] (.then (js/$.getJSON (str base-url q))
(ƒ [data] (aget data "1"))))
ch (-> (.asEventStream (js/$ "#input-field") "keyup")
(.throttle 250)
(.map (ƒ [e] (.val (js/$ (.-target e)))))
(.flatMapLatest (ƒ [q] (Bacon.fromPromise (search q)))))]
(.onValue ch (js/$ "#search") "text"))
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