CREATE (philip:Person {name:"Philip"})-[:IS_FRIEND_OF]->(emil:Person {name:"Emil"}),
(philip)-[:IS_FRIEND_OF]->(michael:Person {name:"Michael"}),
(philip)-[:IS_FRIEND_OF]->(andreas:Person {name:"Andreas"})
create (sushi:Cuisine {name:"Sushi"}), (nyc:City {name:"New York"}),
(iSushi:Restaurant {name:"iSushi"})-[:SERVES]->(sushi),(iSushi)-[:LOCATED_IN]->(nyc),
(zam:Restaurant {name:"Zushi Zam"})-[:SERVES]->(sushi),(zam)-[:LOCATED_IN]->(nyc),
MATCH (nyc:City {name:"New York"})<-[:LOCATED_IN]-(restaurant)-[:SERVES]->(cusine)
RETURN nyc, restaurant, cusine
We want to answer the following question
"" Find Sushi Restaurants in New York that my friends like. ""
To satisfy this question, we have to know who’s asking: Philip and he’s asking for 4 connected facts
People that are friends of Philip
Restaurants located in New York
Restaurants that server Sushi
Restaurants that his Friends like
MATCH (philip:Person {name:"Philip"}),
(restaurant:Restaurant)-[:LOCATED_IN]->(:City {name:"New York"}),
(restaurant)-[:SERVES]->(:Cuisine {name:"Sushi"}),
RETURN, collect( as likers, count(*) as occurence
ORDER BY occurence DESC