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Last active August 18, 2023 14:57
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(debian/ubuntu) One click Clear Pass configuration script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This is an one-click install script to configure ClearPass OnGuard. This script is intended to be run on Debian / Ubuntu based systems.
____/ /__ ___ _____ ___ ___ ____ ___
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\__/_/\__/\_,_/_/ / .__/\_,_/___/___/
A one-click install script for ClearPass OnGuard configuration in Debian / Ubuntu based systems.
Run this script anytime over the Internet: wget -qO- | bash
echo "$banner"
# 1. Setup restart-clearpass script
restart_clear_pass_script=$( cat << EOF
echo "Stopping clearpass onguard agent service..."
sudo service clearpass-onguard-agent-service stop
echo "Stopping clear service..."
sudo service clearpass-service stop
echo "Stopping onguard client..."
PID=$(pidof clearpass-onguard)
kill -9 $PID
echo "Starting clearpass onguard agent service..."
sudo service clearpass-onguard-agent-service start
echo "Starting clearpass service..."
sudo service clearpass-service start
echo "Starting onguard client..."
clearpass-onguard </dev/null &>/dev/null &
touch $restart_clear_pass_tmp_path
chmod +x $restart_clear_pass_tmp_path
echo "$restart_clear_pass_script" > $restart_clear_pass_tmp_path
sudo mv $restart_clear_pass_tmp_path $restart_clear_pass_bin_path
# 2. Replace OS Name to onguard agent controller service properly work
if [ "$(lsb_release -i -s)" != "Ubuntu" ];
sed -i 's/PRETTY_NAME=.*/PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 22.04"/g' $os_info_path
sed -i 's/NAME=.*/NAME="Ubuntu 22.04"/g' $os_info_path
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