(ns e31-animation |
(:require [cljfx.api :as fx] |
[cljfx.prop :as prop] |
[cljfx.composite :as composite] |
[cljfx.mutator :as mutator] |
[cljfx.lifecycle :as lifecycle] |
[cljfx.coerce :as coerce] |
[cljfx.component :as component]) |
(:import [java.util Collection] |
[javafx.event EventHandler] |
[javafx.scene Node] |
[javafx.scene.transform Transform] |
[javafx.animation TranslateTransition Interpolator Transition Timeline] |
[javafx.util Duration] |
[javafx.scene.layout Region] |
[javafx.beans.value WritableValue] |
[javafx.animation AnimationTimer Animation ParallelTransition RotateTransition |
PathTransition$OrientationType |
FadeTransition StrokeTransition FillTransition PauseTransition |
ScaleTransition |
KeyFrame KeyValue SequentialTransition PathTransition])) |
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) |
;;;;;;;;;;; |
;; Notes ;; |
;;;;;;;;;;; |
; This file runs a bunch of animations when evaluated. |
; The `Demo` section below contains the source for those |
; animations. It uses the below implementation, |
; in particular the `keyword->lifecycle` map in this namespace. |
; This is my first crack at animation with cljfx or JavaFX. It's mostly |
; as you might expect, implementing lifecycles for the |
; various packages javafx.animation classes, but here are some |
; notes on the more interesting parts. |
; `Timeline`s take KeyFrames which must be passed `WritableValue`s |
; like (.translateXProperty node) and (.translateXProperty node). |
; This is somewhat awkward to extract from descs. |
; To get a Property from a desc instance, I added the extension |
; lifecycle `ext-coerce`, which takes a :desc and a :coerce function |
; that is called on the result of `component/instance`. |
; eg., the component created from desc |
; {:fx/type ext-coerce |
; :desc {:fx/type :rectangle ...} |
; :coerce #(.translateYProperty ^Node %)} |
; returns the .translateYProperty as the `component/instance`. |
; This is particularly effective when combined with let-refs, so you |
; can declare the node beforehand and extract what Properties you need |
; as you go. See the `timeline` function in this namespace for example |
; usage. |
; I'm not sure if `ext-coerce` is a good name here, but I couldn't think |
; of anything better. |
; There are several `lifecycle/wrap-on-delete` calls here that work |
; around the fact that calling `.stop` on a "nested" animation throws |
; an IllegalStateException. I'm not sure how to get around this. |
; There are many `mutator/forbidden` usages for immutable values here, |
; it would be nice to have a lifecycle that more effectively deals with immutable values |
; as alluded to at the bottom of the README.md. |
; The :interpolator prop on ::key-value seemed to need |
; special handling for defaults and coersion in the :ctor, IIRC `prop/make` |
; didn't do what I expected when omitting :interpolator. |
;;;;;;;;;;; |
;; Setup ;; |
;;;;;;;;;;; |
;; Interfaces |
(defmacro compile-if [cond & args] |
(when (eval cond) |
`(do ~@args))) |
(compile-if (not (resolve 'ISetTimerHandler)) |
(definterface ISetTimerHandler |
(setTimerHandler [handler]))) |
;; Coercions |
(defn coerce-animation [x] |
(cond |
(= :indefinite x) Animation/INDEFINITE |
:else (int x))) |
(defn coerce-orientation [x] |
(cond |
(instance? PathTransition$OrientationType x) x |
:else (case x |
:none PathTransition$OrientationType/NONE |
:orthogonal-to-tanget PathTransition$OrientationType/ORTHOGONAL_TO_TANGENT |
(coerce/fail PathTransition$OrientationType x)))) |
(defn coerce-interpolator [x] |
(cond |
(instance? Interpolator x) x |
(vector? x) (condp = (nth x 0) |
:spline (case (count x) |
5 (let [[_ x1 y1 x2 y2] x] |
(Interpolator/SPLINE (double x1) |
(double y1) |
(double x2) |
(double y2))) |
(coerce/fail Interpolator x)) |
:tangent (case (count x) |
3 (let [[_ t v] x] |
(Interpolator/TANGENT (coerce/duration t) |
(double v))) |
5 (let [[_ t1 v1 t2 v2] x] |
(Interpolator/TANGENT (coerce/duration t1) |
(double v1) |
(coerce/duration t2) |
(double v2))) |
(coerce/fail Interpolator x)) |
(coerce/fail Interpolator x)) |
:else (case x |
:discrete Interpolator/DISCRETE |
:ease-both Interpolator/EASE_BOTH |
:ease-in Interpolator/EASE_IN |
:ease-out Interpolator/EASE_OUT |
:linear Interpolator/LINEAR |
(coerce/fail Interpolator x)))) |
;; Extension lifecycles |
(defn wrap-coerce-with-prop [lifecycle child-prop coerce-prop] |
(with-meta |
[::coerce-with-prop lifecycle child-prop coerce-prop] |
{`lifecycle/create (fn [_ desc opts] |
(let [child-desc (get desc child-prop) |
child (lifecycle/create lifecycle child-desc opts) |
coerce (get desc coerce-prop)] |
(when-not (fn? coerce) |
(throw (ex-info "Coercion must be fn" |
{:coerce-prop coerce-prop |
:coerce coerce}))) |
(with-meta {:child child |
:coerce coerce |
:value (coerce (component/instance child))} |
{`component/instance :value}))) |
`lifecycle/advance (fn [_ component desc opts] |
(let [old-coerce (:coerce component) |
new-coerce (get desc coerce-prop) |
child (:child component) |
old-instance (component/instance child) |
child-desc (get desc child-prop) |
new-child (lifecycle/advance lifecycle child child-desc opts) |
new-instance (component/instance new-child)] |
(when-not (fn? new-coerce) |
(throw (ex-info "Coercion must be fn" |
{:coerce-prop coerce-prop |
:coerce new-coerce}))) |
(cond-> component |
:always |
(assoc :child new-child) |
(or (not= old-instance new-instance) |
(not= old-coerce new-coerce)) |
(assoc :value (new-coerce new-instance))))) |
`lifecycle/delete (fn [_ component opts] |
(lifecycle/delete lifecycle (:child component) opts))})) |
(def coerce-lifecycle |
(wrap-coerce-with-prop lifecycle/dynamic :desc :coerce)) |
;; Animation |
(def animation-props |
(composite/props Animation |
:auto-reverse [:setter lifecycle/scalar :default false] |
:cycle-count [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce-animation :default 1.0] |
:on-cycle-count-changed [:property-change-listener lifecycle/change-listener] |
:delay [:setter lifecycle/scalar :default (coerce/duration 0)] |
:on-finished [:setter lifecycle/event-handler :coerce coerce/event-handler :default nil] |
:rate [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default 1.0] |
:jump-to [(mutator/setter |
#(if (string? %2) |
(.jumpTo ^Animation %1 ^String %2) |
(.jumpTo ^Animation %1 ^Duration %2))) |
lifecycle/scalar |
:coerce (fn [x] |
(if (string? x) |
x |
(coerce/duration x)))] |
:on-status-changed [:property-change-listener lifecycle/change-listener] |
:status [(mutator/setter |
#(case %2 |
:running (.play ^Animation %1) |
:paused (.pause ^Animation %1) |
:stopped (.stop ^Animation %1))) |
lifecycle/scalar |
:default :stopped])) |
;; AnimationTimer |
(def animation-timer-lifecycle |
(-> (composite/lifecycle |
{:ctor (fn [handler] |
(let [vhandler (volatile! handler)] |
(proxy [AnimationTimer] [] |
(handle [now] |
(when-some [handler @vhandler] |
(handler now))) |
(setTimerHandler [handler] |
(vreset! vhandler handler))))) |
:args [:handler] |
:props {:handler (prop/make (mutator/setter |
#(.setTimerHandler ^ISetTimerHandler %1 %2)) |
lifecycle/event-handler) |
;TODO is :state a good name? |
:state (prop/make (mutator/setter |
#(case %2 |
:starting (.start ^AnimationTimer %1) |
:stopped (.stop ^AnimationTimer %1))) |
lifecycle/scalar |
:default :stopped)}}) |
(lifecycle/wrap-on-delete |
#(try (.stop ^AnimationTimer %) |
(catch IllegalStateException _))))) |
;; Transition |
(def transition-props |
(merge |
animation-props |
(composite/props |
Transition |
:interpolator [:setter lifecycle/scalar |
:coerce coerce-interpolator |
:default :ease-in]))) |
;; TranslateTransition |
(def translate-transition-props |
(merge |
transition-props |
(composite/props |
TranslateTransition |
:by-x [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default 0.0] |
:by-y [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default 0.0] |
:by-z [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default 0.0] |
:duration [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/duration |
:default 400] |
:from-x [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN] |
:from-y [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN] |
:from-z [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN] |
:node [:setter lifecycle/dynamic] |
:to-x [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN] |
:to-y [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN] |
:to-z [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN] |
:state [(mutator/setter |
#(case %2 |
:playing (.play ^TranslateTransition %1) |
:stopped (.stop ^TranslateTransition %1))) |
lifecycle/scalar |
:default :stopped]))) |
(def translate-transition-lifecycle |
(composite/describe TranslateTransition |
:ctor [] |
:prop-order {:status 1} |
:props translate-transition-props)) |
;; RotateTransition |
(def rotate-transition-props |
(merge transition-props |
(composite/props |
RotateTransition |
:axis [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/point-3d] |
:by-angle [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default 0.0] |
:duration [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/duration :default 0] |
:from-angle [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN] |
:to-angle [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN] |
:node [:setter lifecycle/dynamic]))) |
(def rotate-transition-lifecycle |
(composite/describe RotateTransition |
:ctor [] |
:prop-order {:status 1} |
:props rotate-transition-props)) |
;; SequentialTransition |
(def sequential-transition-props |
(merge transition-props |
(composite/props |
SequentialTransition |
:children [:list lifecycle/dynamics] |
:node [:setter lifecycle/dynamic]))) |
(def sequential-transition-lifecycle |
(composite/describe SequentialTransition |
:ctor [] |
:prop-order {:status 1} |
:props sequential-transition-props)) |
;; ParallelTransition |
(def parallel-transition-props |
(merge transition-props |
(composite/props |
ParallelTransition |
:children [:list lifecycle/dynamics] |
:node [:setter lifecycle/dynamic]))) |
(def parallel-transition-lifecycle |
(composite/describe ParallelTransition |
:ctor [] |
:prop-order {:status 1} |
:props parallel-transition-props)) |
;; PathTransition |
(def path-transition-props |
(merge transition-props |
(composite/props |
PathTransition |
:node [:setter lifecycle/dynamic] |
:duration [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/duration |
:default 400] |
:path [:setter lifecycle/dynamic] |
:orientation [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce-orientation |
:default :none]))) |
(def path-transition-lifecycle |
(composite/describe PathTransition |
:ctor [] |
:prop-order {:status 1} |
:props path-transition-props)) |
;; FadeTransition |
(def fade-transition-props |
(merge transition-props |
(composite/props |
FadeTransition |
:node [:setter lifecycle/dynamic] |
:duration [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/duration |
:default 400] |
:from-value [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN] |
:to-value [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN] |
:by-value [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double]))) |
(def fade-transition-lifecycle |
(composite/describe FadeTransition |
:ctor [] |
:prop-order {:status 1} |
:props fade-transition-props)) |
;; FillTransition |
(def fill-transition-props |
(merge transition-props |
(composite/props |
FillTransition |
:shape [:setter lifecycle/dynamic] |
:duration [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/duration |
:default 400] |
:from-value [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/color :default nil] |
:to-value [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/color :default nil]))) |
(def fill-transition-lifecycle |
(composite/describe FillTransition |
:ctor [] |
:prop-order {:status 1} |
:props fill-transition-props)) |
;; StrokeTransition |
(def stroke-transition-props |
(merge transition-props |
(composite/props |
StrokeTransition |
:shape [:setter lifecycle/dynamic] |
:duration [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/duration |
:default 400] |
:from-value [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/color :default nil] |
:to-value [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/color :default nil]))) |
(def stroke-transition-lifecycle |
(composite/describe StrokeTransition |
:ctor [] |
:prop-order {:status 1} |
:props stroke-transition-props)) |
;; ScaleTransition |
(def scale-transition-props |
(merge transition-props |
(composite/props |
ScaleTransition |
:node [:setter lifecycle/dynamic] |
:duration [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/duration |
:default 400] |
:from-x [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN] |
:from-y [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN] |
:from-z [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN] |
:to-x [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN] |
:to-y [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN] |
:to-z [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN] |
:by-x [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double] |
:by-y [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double] |
:by-z [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double]))) |
(def scale-transition-lifecycle |
(composite/describe ScaleTransition |
:ctor [] |
:prop-order {:status 1} |
:props scale-transition-props)) |
;; PauseTransition |
(def pause-transition-props |
(merge transition-props |
(composite/props |
PauseTransition |
:duration [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/duration |
:default 400]))) |
(def pause-transition-lifecycle |
(composite/describe PauseTransition |
:ctor [] |
:prop-order {:status 1} |
:props pause-transition-props)) |
;; Timeline |
(def key-value-props |
{:target (prop/make mutator/forbidden |
(lifecycle/if-desc #(instance? WritableValue %) |
lifecycle/scalar |
lifecycle/dynamic)) |
:end-value (prop/make mutator/forbidden |
lifecycle/scalar) |
; :default and :coerce handled in :ctor because :interpolator is immutable |
:interpolator (prop/make mutator/forbidden |
lifecycle/scalar)}) |
(def key-value-lifecycle |
(composite/lifecycle |
{:ctor (fn [target end-value interpolator] |
(KeyValue. target |
end-value |
(if interpolator |
(coerce-interpolator interpolator) |
Interpolator/LINEAR))) |
:args [:target :end-value :interpolator] |
:props key-value-props})) |
(def key-frame-props |
{:time (prop/make mutator/forbidden |
lifecycle/scalar |
:coerce coerce/duration) |
:name (prop/make mutator/forbidden |
lifecycle/scalar |
:default nil) |
:on-finished (prop/make mutator/forbidden |
lifecycle/event-handler |
:default nil) |
:values (prop/make mutator/forbidden |
(lifecycle/wrap-many |
;TODO allow vector case |
(lifecycle/if-desc #(instance? KeyValue %) |
lifecycle/scalar |
(lifecycle/if-desc #(and (map? %) |
(contains? % :fx/type)) |
lifecycle/dynamic |
key-value-lifecycle))))}) |
(def key-frame-lifecycle |
(composite/lifecycle |
{:ctor (fn [^Duration time |
^String name |
^EventHandler on-finished |
^Collection values] |
(KeyFrame. time name on-finished values)) |
:args [:time :name :on-finished :values] |
:props key-frame-props})) |
(def timeline-props |
(merge animation-props |
(composite/props |
Timeline |
; Future syntax ideas for key-frames |
; eg. At 2 sec, move node's x prop to 30 |
; {[2 :s] [(get-ref :node-x) 30} |
; |
; (defalias KeyFrameKey |
; (U TimeDesc |
; (HMap :mandatory {:time TimeDesc} |
; :optional {:interpolator InterpolatorDesc |
; :name Str |
; :on-finished EventHandlerDesc} |
; :absent-keys #{:fx/type}))) |
; (defalias KeyFrameValue |
; (U '[Desc Any] |
; '[Desc Any Interpolator] |
; (HMap :mandatory {:target Desc} |
; :optional {:end-value Any |
; :interpolator Interpolator} |
; :absent-keys #{:fx/type}))) |
; (defalias KeyFrameDesc |
; (U javafx.animation.KeyFrame |
; '[KeyFrameKey (U KeyFrameValue (Vec KeyFrameValue))] |
; (HMap :mandatory {:time TimeDesc} |
; :optional {:values KeyFrameValues} |
; :absent-keys #{:fx/type}))) |
; (defalias KeyFrameValues |
; (Seqable KeyFrameDesc)) |
:key-frames [:list (lifecycle/wrap-many |
(lifecycle/if-desc #(instance? KeyFrame %) |
lifecycle/scalar |
; reserve Descs for now |
(lifecycle/if-desc #(and (map? %) |
(contains? % :fx/type)) |
lifecycle/dynamic |
key-frame-lifecycle)))]))) |
(def timeline-lifecycle |
(-> |
(composite/describe Timeline |
:ctor [] |
:prop-order {:status 1} |
:props timeline-props) |
(lifecycle/wrap-on-delete |
#(try (.stop ^Timeline %) |
; cannot stop children in nested animations |
(catch IllegalStateException _))))) |
;; keyword->lifecycle |
(def keyword->lifecycle |
{::animation-timer animation-timer-lifecycle |
::translate-transition translate-transition-lifecycle |
::rotate-transition rotate-transition-lifecycle |
::parallel-transition parallel-transition-lifecycle |
::sequential-transition sequential-transition-lifecycle |
::path-transition path-transition-lifecycle |
::fade-transition fade-transition-lifecycle |
::fill-transition fill-transition-lifecycle |
::pause-transition pause-transition-lifecycle |
::scale-transition scale-transition-lifecycle |
::stroke-transition stroke-transition-lifecycle |
::timeline timeline-lifecycle}) |
(def ext-coerce coerce-lifecycle) |
;;;;;;;;;; |
;; Demo ;; |
;;;;;;;;;; |
(defn init-state [] |
{}) |
(declare *state renderer) |
(when (and (.hasRoot #'*state) |
(.hasRoot #'renderer)) |
(fx/unmount-renderer *state renderer) |
(reset! *state (init-state))) |
(def *state |
(atom (init-state))) |
(defn- let-refs [refs desc] |
{:fx/type fx/ext-let-refs |
:refs refs |
:desc desc}) |
(defn- get-ref [ref] |
{:fx/type fx/ext-get-ref |
:ref ref}) |
(defn animate-entrance-desc [{:keys [desc]}] |
{:pre [desc]} |
(let-refs {:node desc} |
(let-refs {:animation1 |
{:fx/type ::parallel-transition |
:node (get-ref :node) |
:auto-reverse true |
:cycle-count :indefinite |
:status :running |
:children [; rotate 180 degrees |
{:fx/type ::rotate-transition |
:node (get-ref :node) |
:duration [0.5 :s] |
:from-angle 0 |
:to-angle 185 |
:interpolator :ease-both} |
; while also moving left to right |
{:fx/type ::translate-transition |
:node (get-ref :node) |
:duration [0.5 :s] |
:from-x 0 |
:to-x 75 |
:interpolator :ease-both}]}} |
(get-ref :node)))) |
(defn translate-x-property [^Node instance] |
(.translateXProperty instance)) |
(defn translate-y-property [^Node instance] |
(.translateYProperty instance)) |
(defn timeline [{:keys [desc]}] |
{:pre [desc]} |
(let-refs {:node desc} |
(let-refs {:node-x {:fx/type ext-coerce |
:desc (get-ref :node) |
:coerce translate-x-property} |
:node-y {:fx/type ext-coerce |
:desc (get-ref :node) |
:coerce translate-y-property}} |
(let-refs {:timeline {:fx/type ::sequential-transition |
:node (get-ref :node) |
:cycle-count :indefinite |
:auto-reverse true |
:status :running |
:children |
[{:fx/type ::timeline |
:key-frames |
#{{:time [2 :s] |
:values [{:target (get-ref :node-x) |
:end-value 30}]} |
{:time [0.5 :s] |
:values [{:target (get-ref :node-y) |
:end-value 50}]} |
{:time [1 :s] |
:values [{:target (get-ref :node-y) |
:end-value 0}]}}} |
{:fx/type ::pause-transition |
:duration [0.4 :s]} |
{:fx/type ::timeline |
:key-frames #{{:time [2 :s] |
:values [{:target (get-ref :node-y) |
:end-value 0}]} |
{:time [1 :s] |
:values [{:target (get-ref :node-y) |
:end-value 50}]}}}]}} |
(get-ref :node))))) |
(defn path-transition [{:keys [desc]}] |
(let-refs {:node desc} |
(let-refs {:path {:fx/type ::path-transition |
:node (get-ref :node) |
:path {:fx/type :circle |
:radius 35} |
:duration [1 :s] |
:orientation :orthogonal-to-tanget |
:cycle-count :indefinite |
:status :running}} |
(get-ref :node)))) |
(defn fade-transition [{:keys [desc]}] |
(let-refs {:node desc} |
(let-refs {:fade {:fx/type ::fade-transition |
:node (get-ref :node) |
:from-value 1.0 |
:to-value 0.3 |
:cycle-count :indefinite |
:duration [1 :s] |
:auto-reverse true |
:status :running}} |
(get-ref :node)))) |
(defn fill-transition [{:keys [desc]}] |
(let-refs {:shape desc} |
(let-refs {:fade {:fx/type ::fill-transition |
:shape (get-ref :shape) |
:from-value :green |
:to-value :red |
:cycle-count :indefinite |
:duration [1 :s] |
:auto-reverse true |
:status :running}} |
(get-ref :shape)))) |
(defn scale-transition [{:keys [desc]}] |
(let-refs {:node desc} |
(let-refs {:fade {:fx/type ::scale-transition |
:node (get-ref :node) |
:by-x 1 |
:by-y 5 |
:cycle-count :indefinite |
:duration [1 :s] |
:auto-reverse true |
:status :running}} |
(get-ref :node)))) |
(defn stroke-transition [{:keys [desc]}] |
(let-refs {:shape desc} |
(let-refs {:fade {:fx/type ::stroke-transition |
:shape (get-ref :shape) |
:from-value :red |
:to-value :yellow |
:cycle-count :indefinite |
:duration [0.5 :s] |
:auto-reverse true |
:status :running}} |
(get-ref :shape)))) |
(defn grow-shrink [current limit] |
(if (even? (int (/ current limit))) |
(mod current limit) |
(- limit (mod current limit)))) |
(defn with-header [text row col desc] |
{:fx/type :h-box |
:fill-height true |
:grid-pane/row row |
:grid-pane/column col |
:spacing 10 |
:children [{:fx/type :label |
:text text} |
desc]}) |
(defn view [{{:keys [timer-duration] :or {timer-duration 0}} :state}] |
{:fx/type :stage |
:showing true |
:always-on-top true |
:width 600 |
:height 600 |
:scene {:fx/type :scene |
:root {:fx/type :grid-pane |
:row-constraints (repeat 4 {:fx/type :row-constraints |
:percent-height 100/4}) |
:column-constraints (repeat 2 {:fx/type :column-constraints |
:percent-width 100/2}) |
:children [(with-header |
"Parallel rotate+translate" |
0 0 |
{:fx/type animate-entrance-desc |
:desc {:fx/type :rectangle |
:width 50 |
:height 100}}) |
(with-header |
"Animation timer" |
1 0 |
(let [max-width 200 |
max-height 100] |
(let-refs |
{:timer {:fx/type ::animation-timer |
:handler {:event/type ::animation-timer} |
:state :starting}} |
{:fx/type :rectangle |
:width (grow-shrink timer-duration max-width) |
:height (grow-shrink timer-duration max-height)}))) |
(with-header |
"Sequential Timelines" |
2 0 |
{:fx/type timeline |
:desc {:fx/type :rectangle |
:width 50 |
:height 100}}) |
(with-header |
"Path transition" |
3 0 |
{:fx/type path-transition |
:desc {:fx/type :rectangle |
:width 50 |
:height 100}}) |
(with-header |
"Fade transition" |
0 1 |
{:fx/type fade-transition |
:desc {:fx/type :rectangle |
:width 50 |
:height 100}}) |
(with-header |
"Fill transition" |
1 1 |
{:fx/type fill-transition |
:desc {:fx/type :rectangle |
:width 50 |
:height 100}}) |
(with-header |
"Scale transition" |
2 1 |
{:fx/type scale-transition |
:desc {:fx/type :rectangle |
:width 50 |
:height 15}}) |
(with-header |
"Stroke transition" |
3 1 |
{:fx/type stroke-transition |
:desc {:fx/type :rectangle |
:stroke-width 10 |
:arc-height 20 |
:arc-width 20 |
:width 50 |
:height 100}})]}}}) |
(def renderer |
(fx/create-renderer |
:middleware (fx/wrap-map-desc (fn [state] |
{:fx/type view |
:state state})) |
:opts {:fx.opt/type->lifecycle (some-fn keyword->lifecycle |
fx/keyword->lifecycle |
fx/fn->lifecycle) |
:fx.opt/map-event-handler |
#(case (:event/type %) |
::animation-timer |
(swap! *state update :timer-duration (fnil inc 0)) |
)})) |
(fx/mount-renderer *state renderer) |
(defn -main [& args]) |