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Created January 29, 2011 17:09
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Clean way to grab a particular column of each row
;; CSV File:
;; first-name, last-name, phone <- headers (column names)
;; Ambrose, BS, 234333
;; Chris, Squire, 4333
;; 1. Extract to vector
;; TODO code :)
(def csv-rows ..)
;; [[ "first-name" "last-name" "phone"]
;; [ "Ambrose" "BS" 234333]
;; [ "Chris" "Squire" 4333]]
;; 2. Create indexable map from headers
(def header-index (zipmap (first csv-rows)
(iterate inc 0))
;; header-index
;; {"first-name" 0
;; "last-name" 1
;; "phone" 2}
(def get-all-columns [column-name]
(for [row (rest csv-rows)]
(-> column-name header-index row)))
;; (-> "first-name"
{"first-name" 0, "last-name" 1 .. }
["Ambrose", "BS", 234333])
;; = "Ambrose"
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