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Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant frenchy64

  • Madison, Wisconsin
  • 16:12 (UTC -06:00)
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frenchy64 / Io Example Problems
Created June 25, 2019 18:23 — forked from jezen/Io Example Problems
The example problems have gone missing from the Io language website, so here’s a backup.
#Sample code
#Hello world
"Hello world!" print
factorial := method(n, if(n == 1, 1, n * factorial(n - 1)))
99 bottles of beer
(ns typed.core
(:require [clojure.core.typed :as t]))
(t/ann-datatype Foo [fooName :- t/Str])
(deftype Foo [fooName])
(t/ann-datatype Bar [barName :- t/Str])
(deftype Bar [barName])
(t/ann theName [(t/U Foo Bar) -> t/Str])
# Script for installing tmux on systems where you don't have root access.
# tmux will be installed in $HOME/local/bin.
# It's assumed that wget and a C/C++ compiler are installed.
# exit on error
set -e
frenchy64 / typed-clojure.txt
Created October 28, 2012 05:26 — forked from daveray/typed-clojure.txt
typed clojure typos
1.2 Motivation, second sentence: "This is idea not new"
page 18: "singleton types in ATTT a much more advanced"
page 21: "We now have sufficient information to synthesise the type of listing 2.2 to be (List Float)".
Should that be "... to be (LazySeq Float)"?
page 22: "Colored Local Type Inference is a candidate for"
Should there be more here, or is that leading into 2.9?
frenchy64 / gist:3237042
Created August 2, 2012 13:18 — forked from swannodette/gist:3217582
(ns sudoku
(:refer-clojure :exclude [==])
(:use clojure.core.logic))
(defn get-square [rows x y]
(for [x (range x (+ x 3))
y (range y (+ y 3))]
(get-in rows [x y])))
(defn init [vars hints]