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Created January 28, 2020 16:05
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from ctypes import c_ushort
class CRC16(object):
crc16_tab = []
# The CRC's are computed using polynomials. Here is the most used
# coefficient for CRC16
crc16_constant = 0xA001 # 40961
def __init__(self, modbus_flag=False):
# initialize the precalculated tables
if not len(self.crc16_tab):
self.mdflag = bool(modbus_flag)
def calculate(self, input_data=None):
is_string = isinstance(input_data, str)
is_bytes = isinstance(input_data, bytes)
if not is_string and not is_bytes:
raise Exception("Please provide a string or a byte sequence "
"as argument for calculation.")
crcValue = 0x0000 if not self.mdflag else 0xffff
for c in input_data:
d = ord(c) if is_string else c
tmp = crcValue ^ d
rotated = c_ushort(crcValue >> 8).value
crcValue = rotated ^ int(self.crc16_tab[(tmp & 0x00ff)], 0)
return crcValue
except Exception as e:
print("EXCEPTION(calculate): {}".format(e))
def init_crc16(self):
'''The algorithm uses tables with precalculated values'''
for i in range(0, 256):
crc = c_ushort(i).value
for j in range(0, 8):
if (crc & 0x0001):
crc = c_ushort(crc >> 1).value ^ self.crc16_constant
crc = c_ushort(crc >> 1).value
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