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Created March 21, 2024 12:51
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Multiprocessing with multiprocess library
from typing import Tuple, Callable, Dict, Any, Hashable, List
from multiprocess.pool import Pool
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from uuid import uuid4
class Task:
func: Callable
args: Tuple = ()
kwargs: Dict = field(default_factory=lambda: {})
def run_in_process_pool(
tasks: Dict[Hashable, Task],
no_of_processes: int | None = None,
context: Dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
total_no_of_tasks = len(tasks)
ctx_id = uuid4()
with tqdm(total=total_no_of_tasks) as progess_bar:
def _initializer():
# Create the globals
if context is not None:
globals()[ctx_id] = context
print(f"Process initialized successfully!")
def _wrap_task(task: Task):
def _wrapped_task():
context = globals()[ctx_id]
return task.func(*task.args, **task.kwargs, context=context)
return _wrapped_task
def _progress_callback(*args, **kwargs):
def _error_callback(the_error: Exception):
import traceback
print("Starting sub-processes...")
with Pool(no_of_processes, initializer=_initializer) as pool:
apply_results = {
key: pool.apply_async(
for key, task in tasks.items()
while not all(
[apply_result.ready() for apply_result in apply_results.values()]
results = {
key: apply_result.get() for key, apply_result in apply_results.items()
return results
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