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Last active March 21, 2022 11:26
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  • Save friddle/74bc597a59fa0540e4523a099875ff6d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save friddle/74bc597a59fa0540e4523a099875ff6d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
cd $(dirname $0)
# only support debian/ubuntu
if [[ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]];then
echo "should run as root"
exit 1
if ! [[ -x "$(command -v docker)" ]];then
echo "must install docker"
exit 1
ip -o -f inet addr show|grep enp1s0
# 网卡
host_network_card=$(ip -o -f inet route|grep default|awk '{print $5}')
# 网关
host_gateway=$(ip -o -f inet route|grep default|awk '{print $3}')
# 子网
host_subnet=$(ip -o -f inet addr show|grep ${host_network_card}|awk '{print $4}')
host_netmask=$(ifconfig|grep ${host_network_card} -A 5|grep inet\\s|awk '{print $4}')
echo "当前服务器网卡为${host_network_card},网关为:${host_gateway},子网伪:${host_gateway},子网掩码伪${host_netmask}"
if [[ $ipv6_enable == "true" ]];then
host_ipv6_subnet=$(ip -o -f inet6 addr show|grep ${host_network_card}|awk '{print $4}')
host_ipv6_gateway=$(ip -o -f inet6 route|grep default|awk '{print $3}')
echo "ipv6子网掩码伪${host_ipv6_subnet},网关为${host_ipv6_gateway}"
# clean if run agina
echo "设置并清理配置"
ip link set ${host_network_card} promisc on||true
modprobe ip6table_filter||true
# 删除配置项
ip link delete v2raynet link ${host_network_card} type macvlan mode bridge||true > /dev/null
docker stop v2ray||true > /dev/null
docker rm v2ray||true > /dev/null
docker network rm v2raynet||true >/dev/null
if [[ -f /etc/network/interface_backup ]];then
cp /etc/network/interface_backup /etc/network/interface
echo "设置清理完成"
echo "create v2raynet network"
if [[ $ipv6_enable=="true" ]];then
docker network create -d macvlan --subnet=${host_subnect} --gateway=${host_gateway} --subnet=${host_ipv6_subnet} --gateway=${host_ipv6_gateway} --ipv6 -o parent=${host_network_card} v2raynet
docker network create -d macvlan --subnet=${host_subnect} --gateway=${host_gateway} -o parent=${host_network_card} v2raynet
echo "v2raynet info:"
docker network inspect v2raynet
# set host
ip link add v2raynet link ${host_network_card} type macvlan mode bridge
ip address add ${host_subnet} dev v2raynet
#ip route add default via dev v2raynet
ip link set v2raynet up
ifconfig v2raynet netmask ${netmask}
docker run --privileged=true -d -v $(pwd)/v2raya:/etc/v2raya/ --network=v2raynet -e V2RAY_ADDRESS= --restart=unless-stopped --name=v2ray mzz2017/v2raya
export v2rayIp=$(docker exec -ti v2ray ip addr show eth0 | grep "inet\b" | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1)
cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interface_backup
echo "
auto v2raynet
iface v2raynet inet static
address ${host_gateway/1$/0} # 宿主机静态IP地址
netmask ${host_netmask} # 子网掩码
dns-nameservers # DNS主服务器
dns-nameservers 2620:0:ccc::2:443 # DNS备用服务器
pre-up ip link add v2raynet link ${host_network_card} type macvlan mode bridge
post-down ip link del v2raynet link ${host_network_card} type macvlan mode bridge
" >> /etc/network/interfaces
echo "假如无缝翻墙。修改客户端为静态ip,其他设置不变,只需要把网关改成:${v2rayIp}"
echo "控制端地址为:http://${v2rayIp}:2017.请登录后配置docker服务。并用redirect启动v2ray服务"
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