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Last active May 16, 2017 22:04
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import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Function;
public abstract class Either<L, R> {
public static <L0, R0> Either<L0, R0> left(L0 value) {
return new Left<L0, R0>(value);
public static <L0, R0> Either<L0, R0> right(R0 value) {
return new Right<L0, R0>(value);
public abstract <T0> T0 fold(Function<L, T0> ifLeft, Function<R, T0> ifRight);
public final Optional<L> getLeft() {
return fold(
(L l) -> Optional.of(l),
(R r) -> Optional.empty()
public final <T0> Either<T0, R> mapLeft(Function<L, T0> f) {
return fold(
(L l) -> Either.left(f.apply(l)),
(R r) -> Either.right(r)
public final <T0> Either<T0, R> flatMapLeft(Function<L, Either<T0, R>> k) {
return fold(
(L l) -> k.apply(l),
(R r) -> Either.right(r)
public final Optional<R> getRight() {
return fold(
(L l) -> Optional.empty(),
(R r) -> Optional.of(r)
public final <T0> Either<L, T0> mapRight(Function<R, T0> f) {
return fold(
(L l) -> Either.left(l),
(R r) -> Either.right(f.apply(r))
public final <T0> Either<L, T0> flatMapRight(Function<R, Either<L, T0>> k) {
return fold(
(L l) -> Either.left(l),
(R r) -> k.apply(r)
private final static class Left<L0, R0> extends Either<L0, R0> {
L0 value;
Left(L0 value) {
this.value = value;
public <T0> T0 fold(Function<L0, T0> ifLeft, Function<R0, T0> ifRight) {
return ifLeft.apply(this.value);
private final static class Right<L0, R0> extends Either<L0, R0> {
R0 value;
Right(R0 value) {
this.value = value;
public <T0> T0 fold(Function<L0, T0> ifLeft, Function<R0, T0> ifRight) {
return ifRight.apply(this.value);
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