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Last active April 4, 2024 16:02
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-- Inspired by
-- and by Rob Pike's response:
import System.Info (os)
import Data.Map (Map, findWithDefault, fromList)
class AbstractOsObject a where
getOsString :: a -> String
coerce :: a -> BaseOsObject
data BaseOsObject
= BaseOsObject
{ getString :: String
instance AbstractOsObject BaseOsObject where
getOsString = getString
coerce = id
data ExtendedOsObject
= ExtendedOsObject
{ getExtendedOsString :: String
, someExtraStuff :: ()
instance AbstractOsObject ExtendedOsObject where
getOsString = getExtendedOsString
coerce = BaseOsObject . getExtendedOsString
unixBox :: BaseOsObject
unixBox = BaseOsObject "This is a UNIX box and therefore good."
windowsBox :: BaseOsObject
windowsBox = BaseOsObject "This is a Windows box and therefore bad."
defaultBox :: BaseOsObject
defaultBox = BaseOsObject "This is a default box."
appleBox :: ExtendedOsObject
appleBox = ExtendedOsObject "This is an Apple box and therefore superior." ()
dispatch :: Map String BaseOsObject
dispatch = fromList $
[ ("SunOs", coerce unixBox)
, ("Linux", coerce unixBox)
, ("linux", coerce unixBox)
, ("Windows NT", coerce windowsBox)
, ("Windows 95", coerce windowsBox)
, ("Mac OS", coerce appleBox)
, ("darwin", coerce appleBox)
, ("mingw32", coerce windowsBox)
, ("ios", coerce appleBox)
main :: IO ()
main = print $ getOsString osObj
osObj = findWithDefault defaultBox os dispatch
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