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Last active January 14, 2017 02:41
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Server Config Object (hypothetical implementation and usage)
package local
import scalaz.Monoid._
object ServerConfig {
case class Port(get: Int = 8080)
case class Zookeeper(get: String = "default_zookeeper")
case class Environemnt(get: String = "default_env")
case class ServerConfig(
port: Port = Port(),
zookeeper: Zookeeper = Zookeeper(),
environment: Environment = Environment(),
implicit object MonoidPort extends Monoid[Port] {
def zero: Port = Port()
// left-biased overriding
// if either argument is the default, then the other argument "wins"
// if neither argument is the default, then the left argument "wins"
def append(x: Port, y: Port): Port = (x, y) match {
case (zero, _) => y
case (_, zero) => x
case _ => x
implicit object MonoidZookeeper extends Monoid[Zookeeper] {
def zero: Zookepper = Zookeeper()
// left-biased overriding
def append(x: Zookeeper, y: Zookeeper) = (x, y) match {
case (zero, _) => y
case (_, zero) => x
case _ => x
implicit object MonoidEnvironment extends Monoid[Environment] {
def zero: Environment = Environment("default_env")
// left-biased overriding
def append(x: Zookeeper, y: Zookeeper) = (x, y) match {
case (zero, _) => y
case (_, zero) => x
case _ => x
implicit object MonoidServerConfig extends Monoid[ServerConfig] {
def zero: ServerConfig = ServerConfig()
// left-biased overriding
def append(x: ServerConfig, y: ServerConfig) = (x, y) match {
(ServerConfig(x1, x2, x3), ServerConfig(y1, y2, y3)) =>
append(x1, y1),
append(x2, y2),
append(x3, y3)
object Usage {
import local.ServerConfig._
val commandlineServerConfig = ServerConfig(
port = Port(22),
environment = Environment("dev")
val oroborosServerConfig = ServerConfig(
zookeeper = Zookeeper("something_or_other")
val ansibleServerConfig = ServerConfig(
zookeeper = Zookeeper("this_not_that"),
port = Port(88)
// cascading configs, giving commandlineServerConfig highest priority.
// |+| is a method of `Monoid`, it's just infix `append`.
// any args that are unset in any of the configs will be set to default
// values
val realServerConfig =
commandlineServerConfig |+|
oroborosServerConfig |+|
val server = new Server(realServerConfig)
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