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Haskell Time Crib Sheet
-- ghcid -c'stack repl --resolver nightly --package time' haskell-time.hs --allow-eval
-- # Haskell Time Crib Sheet
-- Excellent sources for this small guide include:
-- *
-- *
-- *
-- *
{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields, NamedFieldPuns #-}
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Fixed (Pico)
import qualified Data.Time as T
import qualified Data.Time.Format.ISO8601 as T
(formatShow, iso8601Format, formatParseM)
-- ## Basics
-- ### Get the current UTC time
getCurrentTime :: IO T.UTCTime
getCurrentTime = T.getCurrentTime
-- $> getCurrentTime
-- ### Print UTC time as ISO-8601
printIso8601 :: T.UTCTime -> String
printIso8601 utct = T.formatShow T.iso8601Format utct
-- $> printIso8601 <$> getCurrentTime
-- ### Parse UTC time from ISO-8601
parseUtcIso8601 :: String -> Maybe T.UTCTime
parseUtcIso8601 raw =
parseNoOffset raw <|> parseWithOffset raw
parseNoOffset =
T.formatParseM T.iso8601Format
parseWithOffset =
fmap T.zonedTimeToUTC . T.formatParseM T.iso8601Format
-- $> parseUtcIso8601 "2012-01-23T00:00:00Z"
-- $> parseUtcIso8601 "2012-01-23T00:00:00+00:00"
-- $> parseUtcIso8601 "2012-01-23T00:00:00-07:00"
-- ## Manipulation
-- ### Add (or subtract) seconds (or minutes or hours) to UTC time
addSeconds :: Integer -> T.UTCTime -> T.UTCTime
addSeconds n utct = T.addUTCTime (fromInteger n) utct
-- $> addSeconds (60 * 60 * 2) <$> getCurrentTime
-- ### Add (or subtract) days (or weeks) to UTC time
addDays :: Integer -> T.UTCTime -> T.UTCTime
addDays n utct = T.addUTCTime (fromInteger n * T.nominalDay) utct
-- $> addDays (-1 * 7 * 2) <$> getCurrentTime
-- ### Add (or subtract) months (or years) to UTC time
addMonths :: Integer -> T.UTCTime -> T.UTCTime
addMonths n utct =
[email protected]{ localDay } = T.utcToLocalTime T.utc utct
localDay' = T.addGregorianMonthsClip n localDay
T.localTimeToUTC T.utc lt{ T.localDay = localDay' }
-- $> addMonths (-2) <$> getCurrentTime
-- ## Local Time
-- ### Get local date
getLocalDate :: T.TimeZone -> T.UTCTime -> (Integer, Int, Int)
getLocalDate tz utct =
T.LocalTime{ localDay } = T.utcToLocalTime tz utct
T.toGregorian localDay
-- $> getLocalDate (read "PDT") <$> getCurrentTime
-- ### Get local time
getLocalTime :: T.TimeZone -> T.UTCTime -> (Int, Int, Pico)
getLocalTime tz utct =
T.LocalTime{ localTimeOfDay } = T.utcToLocalTime tz utct
T.TimeOfDay{ todHour, todMin, todSec } = localTimeOfDay
(todHour, todMin, todSec)
-- $> getLocalTime (read "PDT") <$> getCurrentTime
-- ### Get local day of week
getLocalDayOfWeek :: T.TimeZone -> T.UTCTime -> T.DayOfWeek
getLocalDayOfWeek tz utct =
T.LocalTime{ localDay } = T.utcToLocalTime tz utct
T.dayOfWeek localDay
-- $> getLocalDayOfWeek (read "PDT") <$> getCurrentTime
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