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Created August 8, 2014 06:08
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Gradle versioning using Git tags
def getGitDescribe = { ->
return 'git describe --tags --dirty'.execute().text.trim()
def isSnapshotBuild = { ->
def hasModifiedDeletedOrOtherFiles = !'git ls-files -mdo --exclude-standard'.execute().text.trim().isEmpty()
def hasStagedFiles = !'git diff-index --no-ext-diff --name-only --cached HEAD'.execute().text.trim().isEmpty()
def hasAdditionalCommits = getGitDescribe().contains('-')
hasModifiedDeletedOrOtherFiles || hasStagedFiles || hasAdditionalCommits
class Version {
Integer major, minor, patch, commits
Boolean isSnapshot
static def from(gitDescribe, isSnapshot) {
def matcher = gitDescribe =~ '(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)(-\\d+)?'
if (matcher) {
def major =
def minor =
def patch =
def commits = ? : 0
new Version(major:major, minor:minor, patch:patch, commits:commits, isSnapshot:isSnapshot)
} else {
new Version(major:0, minor:0, patch:0, commits:1, isSnapshot:false)
def Integer getCode() {
major * 100000 + minor * 10000 + patch * 1000 + commits
def String getName() {
def adjustedPatch = isSnapshot ? patch + 1 : patch
def suffix = isSnapshot ? '-SNAPSHOT' : ''
String.format('%d.%d.%d%s', major, minor, adjustedPatch, suffix)
def String toString() {
def suffix = isSnapshot ? '-SNAPSHOT' : ''
String.format('%d.%d.%d-%d%s', major, minor, patch, commits, suffix)
subprojects {
ext.androidVersion = Version.from(getGitDescribe(), isSnapshotBuild())
version = ext.androidVersion.getName()
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