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Last active October 6, 2018 05:18
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Testing the year to year stability of snaps for the WR position
### Testing the year to year stability of
### snaps for the WR position
### Josh Hermsmeyer 10-5-18
### SQL to generate the dataset from Armchair Analysis
# SELECT a.player, a.snp, a.trg, b.fname, b.lname, b.pos1, c.seas
# FROM offense a
# INNER JOIN player b ON a.player = b.player
# INNER JOIN game c ON a.gid = c.gid
# WHERE pos1 = 'WR' AND a.snp > 0
# data can be found here:
### Read in the csv, create a season2 variable to join on
### and group and summarize by season
snaps <- read_csv('data/snaps_wr.csv') %>%
mutate(season2 = seas + 1) %>%
group_by(player, seas, season2) %>%
summarize(snp = mean(snp),
trg = mean(trg))
### Join the data on itself for a year over year analysis
snaps_joined <- snaps %>%
left_join(snaps, by = c("season2" = "seas", "player")) %>%
na.omit() %>%
filter(snp.x >= 30)
### Create a simple model using snaps and targets per game predictors in year 1
### and targets per game in year y+1 as the response variable
model_snaps_trg <- lm(data = snaps_joined, trg.y ~ trg.x + snp.x)
### Same as above just this time with targets per game alone
model_trg <- lm(data = snaps_joined, trg.y ~ trg.x)
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