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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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# License: CC0
class Digraph(object):
""" Digraph is a simple and more or less efficient implementation of a
directed graph. It aims to provide all necessary methods for digraphs and to
be simple to understand. Therefore, Digraph isn't efficient in any way. When
you are looking for an efficient digraph implementation, look at FastDigraph.
def __init__(self, data=None):
self.arcs = set()
self.arc_weights = {}
if data is not None:
def add(self, v1, v2, weight=None):
self.add_arc((v1, v2), weight)
def add_arc(self, arc, weight=None):
self.arc_weights[arc] = weight
def weight(self, v1, v2, default=None):
return self.arc_weights.get((v1, v2), default)
def remove(self, v1, v2):
self.remove_arc((v1, v2))
def remove_arc(self, arc):
def neighbors(self, v):
for v1, v2 in self.arcs:
if v1 == v:
yield v2
def adjacent(self, v1, v2):
return (v1, v2) in self.arcs
def vertices(self):
s = set()
for vs in self.arcs:
for v in vs:
if v not in s:
yield v
def update(self, arcs):
for t in arcs:
if len(t) == 3:
v1, v2, weight = t
elif len(t) == 2:
weight = None
v1, v2 = t
self.add(v1, v2, weight=weight)
def __iter__(self):
for v1, v2 in self.arcs:
yield (v1, v2, self.weight(v1, v2))
def __contains__(self, arc):
return arc in self.arcs
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.arcs)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.arcs)
def arcs_dot(self):
for v1, v2 in self.arcs:
yield "\"{v1}\" -> \"{v2}\"".format(v1=hash(v1), v2=hash(v2))
def vertices_dot(self):
for v in self.vertices():
yield "\"{v}\" [label=\"{l}\"]".format(v=hash(v), l=str(v))
def dot(self):
yield from self.vertices_dot()
yield from self.arcs_dot()
def dijkstra(self, src, weight=None):
if weight is None: weight = self.weight
# Dijkstra algorithm state
distance = {}
previous = {}
unvisited = set()
# Define distance from source to source as 0
distance[src] = 0
# Define any other distance to infinity and create entry for previous
# object in hash table
for vertex in self.vertices():
if vertex != src:
distance[vertex] = float("inf")
previous[vertex] = None
while unvisited:
vertex = sorted(unvisited, key=lambda v: distance[v]).pop(0)
for neighbor in self.neighbors(vertex):
dist = float(weight(vertex, neighbor, 0))
alt = distance[vertex] + dist
if alt < distance[neighbor]:
distance[neighbor] = alt
previous[neighbor] = vertex
return distance, previous
def dijkstra_path(self, src, dst, weight=None):
path = []
dist, prev = self.dijkstra(src, weight=weight)
while dst in prev:
path.insert(0, dst)
dst = prev[dst]
return path
def dijkstra_tree(self, src, weight=None):
if weight is None: weight = self.weight
dist, prev = self.dijkstra(src, weight=weight)
g = Digraph()
for k, v in prev.items():
g.add(v, k, weight(v, k))
return g
def subtree(self, src, initial=[]):
g = Digraph()
g.handle_neighbors = False
s = set(initial)
unvisited = set([src])
while unvisited:
v = unvisited.pop()
for n in set(self.neighbors(v)) - s:
g.add(v, n, self.weight(v, n))
return g
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