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Created May 16, 2024 05:53
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Extract created_at timestamps for OpenRouter models from their webpage
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import subprocess
import re
# Any OpenRouter model page should do the trick, e.g.
# curl > or.html
# Due to skill issues this script needs prettier installed to format the code
# so Python can correctly search it with RegEx
# Open the local HTML file and read its contents
with open("or.html", "r") as f:
html_content =
# Parse the HTML content using BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, "html.parser")
lines = soup.prettify().split("\n")
matched_lines = ""
for line in lines:
if line.lstrip().startswith("self.__next_f.push("):
matched_lines += line.lstrip() + "\n"
# Format the code using prettier
formatted_lines =
created_at_matches = re.findall(r'"created_at":"([^"]*)"', formatted_lines)
base_model_slug_matches = re.findall(r'"base_model_slug":"([^"]*)"', formatted_lines)
# Ensure the lists have the same length
while len(created_at_matches) > len(base_model_slug_matches):
while len(base_model_slug_matches) > len(created_at_matches):
# Create a set of unique (created_at, base_model_slug) pairs
unique_pairs = set()
for i in range(len(created_at_matches)):
if created_at_matches[i] and base_model_slug_matches[i]:
pair = (created_at_matches[i], base_model_slug_matches[i])
if pair not in unique_pairs:
f"INSERT INTO added_models (timestamp, id) VALUES ('{created_at_matches[i]}', '{base_model_slug_matches[i]}');"
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