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Created June 25, 2015 18:30
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Stopwatch game
import simplegui
time = 0
successful_stops = 0
total_stops = 0
running = False
minutes = 0
tens_of_seconds = 0
seconds_in_excess = 0
tenths_of_seconds = 0
def format(time):
global minutes,tens_of_seconds,seconds_in_excess,tenths_of_seconds
minutes = time // 600
tens_of_seconds = (time%600)//100
seconds_in_excess= ((time%600)//10)%10
tenths_of_seconds = time % 10
return ""+str(minutes)+":"+str(tens_of_seconds)+""+ str(seconds_in_excess)+"."+str(tenths_of_seconds)
def start_button():
global running
running = True
def stop_button():
global running,successful_stops,total_stops,time,tenths_of_seconds
running = False
total_stops +=1
if (time%10==0):
successful_stops = successful_stops+1
def reset_button():
global minutes,tens_of_seconds,seconds_in_excess,tenths_of_seconds
global running,sucessful_stops,total_stops,time
running = False
minutes = 0
tens_of_seconds = 0
seconds_in_excess = 0
tenths_of_seconds = 0
sucessful_stops = 0
total_stops = 0
time = 0
def time_handler():
global time
time = time + 1
def display_score():
global sucessful_stops,total_stops
return ""+str(successful_stops)+"/"+str(total_stops)
# Handler to draw on canvas
def draw(canvas):
canvas.draw_text(format(time), [100,112], 48, "Blue")
canvas.draw_text(display_score(), [199,20], 30, "Teal")
# Create a frame and assign callbacks to event handlers
frame = simplegui.create_frame("Stopwatch game", 350, 200)
frame.add_button("Start", start_button)
frame.add_button("Stop", stop_button)
frame.add_button("Reset", reset_button)
timer = simplegui.create_timer(100,time_handler)
# Start the frame animation
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