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Created July 22, 2015 18:26
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Memory game
# implementation of card game - Memory
import simplegui
import random
turns = 0
deck = []
state = 0
exposed = []
cardWidth = 34
cardHeight = 92
firstCardIndex = 0
secondCardIndex = 0
# helper function to initialize globals
def new_game():
global deck,exposed,state,selectedCard,turns
exposed =[]
deck = range(0,8) + range (0,8)
for i in range(16):
state = 0
turns = 0
# define event handlers
def mouseclick(pos):
# add game state logic here
global state,turns,firstCardIndex,secondCardIndex
if state == 0 :
currentIndex = pos[0]//50
state = 1
turns = 1
exposed[currentIndex] = True
firstCardIndex = currentIndex
elif state == 1 :
currentIndex = pos[0]//50
if not exposed[currentIndex]:
state = 2
secondCardIndex = currentIndex
exposed[currentIndex] = True
elif state == 2:
currentIndex = pos[0]//50
turns = turns +1
if not exposed[currentIndex]:
if (deck[firstCardIndex]!=deck[secondCardIndex]):
exposed[firstCardIndex] = False
exposed[secondCardIndex] = False
firstCardIndex = 0
secondCardIndex = 0
state =1
exposed[currentIndex]= True
firstCardIndex = currentIndex
# cards are logically 50x100 pixels in size
def draw(canvas):
global exposed
label.set_text("Turns = "+str(turns))
for i in range(16):
if (exposed[i]):
canvas.draw_polygon([[40-cardWidth/2+48*i, 47-cardHeight/2], [40+cardWidth/2+48*i, 47-cardHeight/2], [40+cardWidth/2+48*i, 47+cardHeight/2], [40-cardWidth/2+48*i, 47+cardHeight/2]], 5, "Teal")
canvas.draw_text(str(deck[i]), (34+48*i, 60), 26, "Blue")
canvas.draw_polygon([[40-cardWidth/2+48*i, 47-cardHeight/2], [40+cardWidth/2+48*i, 47-cardHeight/2], [40+cardWidth/2+48*i, 47+cardHeight/2], [40-cardWidth/2+48*i, 47+cardHeight/2]], 10, "Yellow", "Red")
# create frame and add a button and labels
frame = simplegui.create_frame("Memory", 800, 100)
frame.add_button("Reset", new_game)
label = frame.add_label("Turns = 0")
# register event handlers
# get things rolling
# Always remember to review the grading rubric
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