(this section can omit information that is already on the project page, in which case a link will suffice)
- OS:
- Devices:
- Orientation:
- Framework: (eg iOS UIKit framework, cocos2d-x, Unity)
- Multiple resolution policy (how the app handles multiple screen resolutions, sizes and aspect ratios)
- Branches of the repository and which to use for development, release etc
Full setup/build/compile instructions. Be sure to test on someone else's machine to ensure that local machine specific paths or lack of libraries/frameworks do not prevent building.
Optional section. All SDKs, pods and dependencies used, 1st/3rd party and what they are used for. If necessary, specific versions that they rely on. eg StoreKit, Facebook, AFNetworking, Cocoapods
Optional section. What the app does, how it does it, which class does it, where to search for code that does X. Map the project brief to the code.
eg. save feature implemented by file XYZ
location awareness implemented by file XYZ
Persistent storage used (NSUserDefaults, core data)
Server-side communication (Parse, Heroku, web APIs)
App linking
Optional section. Needed if a special setup is used, multiple apps are built from the same project or any other special case.
Hacks, workarounds, gotchas, potential issues. Any implementation that differs from official documentation. Changes to 1st/3rd party source code. Link to forks of libraries if official library is not used.
Known bugs or other problems.
Debug code that needs to be disabled manually.
anything that does not fit into the above
Remove instructions and nonapplicable sections from this document.