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KK4TEE / first.ks
Last active September 18, 2023 05:30
This program for the Kerbal Space Program mod kOS launches a ship from the KSC and flies it into orbit
// This program launches a ship from the KSC and flies it into orbit
//Set the ship to a known configuration
SAS off.
RCS on.
lights on.
lock throttle to 0. //Throttle is a decimal from 0.0 to 1.0
gear off.
areina /
Created October 12, 2012 15:00
Manage your email in emacs with mu4e

Manage your gmail account in emacs with mu4e

There're a lot of combinations to manage your email with emacs, but this works for me. I've a backup and I can manage my daily email.

The stack:

  • emacs
  • offlineimap
  • mu
  • mu4e
earthgecko /
Last active February 27, 2025 08:43
shell/bash generate random alphanumeric string
# bash generate random alphanumeric string
# bash generate random 32 character alphanumeric string (upper and lowercase) and
NEW_UUID=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1)
# bash generate random 32 character alphanumeric string (lowercase only)
cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1