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Created January 18, 2022 13:29
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// Register receiver method is the handler for
// /register endpoint, this method takes echo.Context
// in which is located the user input as json request
// as input with the following format:
// {
// "email":"[email protected]",
// "user":{
// "username":"exampleusername",
// "password":"Hello4world!"
// }
// }
// and returns a Json containing the error with this format:
// {
// "error": {
// "Message_": "Example message error"
// }
// }
func (a *App) Register(c echo.Context, v validator.Validate) (err error) {
r := new(Response)
u := new(UserRegister)
u.User.UUID = uuid.New()
// Bind the user input saved in context to the u(User) variable and validate it
if err = c.Bind(u); err != nil {
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error())
if err = c.Validate(u); err != nil {
return err
if err = v.Struct(u.User); err != nil {
return err
user := &cognito.SignUpInput{
Username: aws.String(u.User.Username),
Password: aws.String(u.User.Password),
ClientId: aws.String(a.AppClientID),
UserAttributes: []*cognito.AttributeType{
Name: aws.String("email"),
Value: aws.String(u.Email),
secretHash := computeSecretHash(a.AppClientSecret, u.User.Username, a.AppClientID)
user.SecretHash = aws.String(secretHash)
// Make signup operation using cognito's api
_, r.Error = a.CognitoClient.SignUp(user)
if r.Error != nil {
return c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, r)
return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, r)
// OTP receiver method is the handler for
// /otp endpoint, this method takes echo.Context
// in which is located the user input as json request
// as input with the following format:
// {
// "username":"exampleusername",
// "otp":"123456"
// }
// otp field is received via email
// and returns a Json containing the error with this format:
// {
// "error": {
// "Message_": "Example message error"
// }
// }
func (a *App) OTP(c echo.Context) (err error) {
r := new(Response)
o := new(OTP)
if err = c.Bind(o); err != nil {
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error())
if err = c.Validate(o); err != nil {
return err
user := &cognito.ConfirmSignUpInput{
ConfirmationCode: aws.String(o.OTP),
Username: aws.String(o.Username),
ClientId: aws.String(a.AppClientID),
secretHash := computeSecretHash(a.AppClientSecret, o.Username, a.AppClientID)
user.SecretHash = aws.String(secretHash)
_, r.Error = a.CognitoClient.ConfirmSignUp(user)
if err != nil {
return c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, r)
return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, r)
// Login receiver method is the handler for
// /login endpoint, this method takes echo.Context
// in which is located the user input as json request
// as input with the following format:
// {
// "username":"exampleusername",
// "password":"ExamplePassword1!"
// }
// and returns a Json containing the error with this format:
// {
// "AuthenticationResult": {
// "AccessToken": "AccessTokenExample",
// "ExpiresIn": 3600,
// "IdToken": "IdTokenExample",
// "NewDeviceMetadata": null,
// "RefreshToken": "RefreshTokenExample",
// "TokenType": "Bearer"
// },
// "ChallengeName": null,
// "ChallengeParameters": {},
// "Session": null
// }
func (a *App) Login(c echo.Context) (err error) {
// r := new(Response)
u := new(User)
if err = c.Bind(u); err != nil {
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error())
if err = c.Validate(u); err != nil {
return err
// if err = v.Struct(u.User); err != nil {
// return err
// }
params := map[string]*string{
"USERNAME": aws.String(u.Username),
"PASSWORD": aws.String(u.Password),
secretHash := computeSecretHash(a.AppClientSecret, u.Username, a.AppClientID)
params["SECRET_HASH"] = aws.String(secretHash)
authTry := &cognito.InitiateAuthInput{
AuthFlow: aws.String("USER_PASSWORD_AUTH"),
AuthParameters: map[string]*string{
"USERNAME": aws.String(*params["USERNAME"]),
"PASSWORD": aws.String(*params["PASSWORD"]),
"SECRET_HASH": aws.String(*params["SECRET_HASH"]),
ClientId: aws.String(a.AppClientID), // this is the app client ID
authResp, err := a.CognitoClient.InitiateAuth(authTry)
if err != nil {
return c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, authResp)
a.Token = *authResp.AuthenticationResult.AccessToken
return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, authResp)
func (a *App) ForgotPassword(c echo.Context) (err error) {
u := new(UserForgot)
if err = c.Bind(u); err != nil {
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error())
if err = c.Validate(u); err != nil {
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error())
secretHash := computeSecretHash(a.AppClientSecret, u.Username, a.AppClientID)
cognitoUser := &cognito.ForgotPasswordInput{
SecretHash: aws.String(secretHash),
ClientId: aws.String(a.AppClientID),
Username: &u.Username,
forgotPasswordOutput, err := a.CognitoClient.ForgotPassword(cognitoUser)
if err != nil {
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error())
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusOK, forgotPasswordOutput)
func (a *App) ConfirmForgotPassword(c echo.Context, v validator.Validate) (err error) {
u := new(UserConfirmationCode)
if err = c.Bind(u); err != nil {
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error())
if err = c.Validate(u); err != nil {
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error())
if err = v.Struct(u.User); err != nil {
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error())
secretHash := computeSecretHash(a.AppClientSecret, u.User.Username, a.AppClientID)
cognitoUser := &cognito.ConfirmForgotPasswordInput{
SecretHash: aws.String(secretHash),
ClientId: aws.String(a.AppClientID),
Username: &u.User.Username,
ConfirmationCode: &u.ConfirmationCode,
Password: &u.User.Password,
resp, err := a.CognitoClient.ConfirmForgotPassword(cognitoUser)
if err != nil {
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error())
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusOK, resp)
func (a *App) Verify()
func computeSecretHash(clientSecret string, username string, clientId string) string {
mac := hmac.New(sha256.New, []byte(clientSecret))
mac.Write([]byte(username + clientId))
return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(mac.Sum(nil))
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