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Created July 15, 2014 13:44
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import Control.Monad.Identity
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Iter as I
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Iter.Reflection as R
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.IORef
destruct :: I.IterT IO a -> IO a
destruct m = do
h <- I.runIterT m
case h of
Left a -> return a
Right m' -> destruct m'
destruct' :: R.IterT IO a -> IO a
destruct' m = do
h <- R.view m
case h of
R.Pure a -> return a
R.Iter m' -> destruct' m'
constructBad :: Monad m => Int -> I.IterT m Int
constructBad n = foldl (\m n -> I.delay m >>= return . (n +)) (return 0) [1..n]
constructBad' :: Monad m => Int -> R.IterT m Int
constructBad' n = foldl (\m n -> R.unview (return (R.Iter m)) >>= return . (n +)) (return 0) [1..n]
-- test 8192 --> 9.52s (ghc -O2)
test :: Int -> IO Int
test n = destruct $ constructBad n
-- test' 8192 --> 0.02s (ghc -O2)
test' :: Int -> IO Int
test' n = destruct' $ constructBad' n
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