extensible is a library for extensible data types. It provides extensible product and sum types parameterized by type-level lists.
This tutorial introduces extensible records, an application of the extensible products.
First, we pass a space-separated list of field names to mkField
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, DataKinds, TypeOperators, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unticked-promoted-constructors #-}
import Data.Extensible
import Control.Lens hiding ((:>))
mkField "name collective cry"
Template Haskell will generate values that represent field names. Don't worry about the atrocious type.
$ stack ghci --package lens --package extensible
> :load tutorial.hs
> :t name
:: forall (kind :: BOX)
(f :: * -> *)
(p :: * -> * -> *)
(t :: (Assoc GHC.TypeLits.Symbol kind -> *)
-> [Assoc GHC.TypeLits.Symbol kind] -> *)
(xs :: [Assoc GHC.TypeLits.Symbol kind])
(h :: kind -> *)
(v :: kind)
(n :: Data.Extensible.Internal.Nat).
(Labelling "name" p, Wrapper h,
Data.Extensible.Internal.KnownPosition n, Extensible f p t,
Elaborate "name" (FindAssoc "name" xs) ~ 'Expecting (n ':> v)) =>
Data.Extensible.Internal.Rig.Optic' p f (t (Field h) xs) (Repr h v)
Now we define a data type that contains a name of an animal, its collective noun, and an onomatopoeia if it exists.
type Animal = Record
[ "name" :> String
, "collective" :> String
, "cry" :> Maybe String
is a type of record that takes a list of pairs of field name (which has a kind Symbol
) and value type (*
Record :: [Assoc Symbol *] -> *
(:>) :: Symbol -> * -> Assoc Symbol *
Let there be a dove and a swan.
Construction is similar to a normal list. Nil
is an empty record, and (<:)
appends a value.
annotates a value by the field name.
-- (@=) :: FieldName k -> v -> Field Identity (k :> v)
-- infix 1 @=
dove :: Animal
dove = name @= "dove"
<: collective @= "dule"
<: cry @= Just "coo"
<: Nil
swan :: Animal
swan = name @= "swan"
<: collective @= "lamentation"
<: cry @= Nothing
<: Nil
The field names we've defined can be used as lenses.
> swan ^. name
We can update fields with the lens operators. A group of swans on the ground is called a bank; let's apply this.
> swan & collective .~ "bank"
name @= "swan" <: collective @= "bank" <: cry @= Nothing <: Nil
Now we can define a function that takes an Animal
and makes a phrase.
collectiveOf :: Animal -> String
collectiveOf a = unwords ["a", a ^. collective, "of", a ^. name ++ "s"]
> collectiveOf dove
"a dule of doves"
> collectiveOf swan
"a lamentation of swans"
can be generalized as follows:
collectiveOf :: (Associate "name" String s, Associate "collective" String s)
=> Record s -> String
The argument no longer has to be Animal
; this can be used for any records that have name
and collective
as String
This may look like complex machinery, but the number of constructs needed is just 6: Record
, :>
, mkField
, @=
, <:
, Nil
extensible has close affinity with lens and field names are reusable. It's useful as a replacement for standard haskell records.
Another advantage of extensible records is the ease of creating generic functions. The following example is a FromJSON
instance of records.
It's much smaller than the implementation based on GHC.Generics.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, DataKinds, TypeOperators, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unticked-promoted-constructors #-}
import Data.Extensible
import Control.Lens hiding ((:>))
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON(..), withObject)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.String
import GHC.TypeLits
instance Forall (KeyValue KnownSymbol FromJSON) xs => FromJSON (Record xs) where
parseJSON = withObject "Object" $ \v -> hgenerateFor (Proxy :: Proxy (KeyValue KnownSymbol FromJSON))
$ \m -> let k = symbolVal (proxyAssocKey m) in case v ^? ix (fromString k) of
Just a -> Field . pure <$> parseJSON a
Nothing -> fail $ "Missing key: " ++
and hgenerateFor
are the important points. Forall c xs
is a constraint that every element of xs
satisfies the constraint c
. In this case, it requires that every field name is a type level string and every field type is an instance of FromJSON
instantiates those constraints and yields a record.
Forall :: (k -> Constraint) -> [k] -> Constraint
:: (Applicative f, Forall c xs) =>
proxy c
-> (forall (x :: k). c x => Membership xs x -> f (Field Identity x))
-> f (Record xs)
Membership xs x
is the type of a witness that x
is an element of xs
. It is used to reify the field name using symbolVal
and proxyAssocKey
in the example above. Field . pure
constructs a field without specifying a concrete field name, unlike @=
> decode <$> fromString <$> getLine :: IO (Maybe Animal)
{"name": "zebra", "collective": "dazzle", "cry": "whoop"}
Just (name @= "zebra" <: collective @= "dazzle" <: cry @= Just "whoop" <: Nil)
Here is another example of a ToJSON instance.
Using extensible, you should be able to define a generic instance of your own typeclass without pain.