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#!/bin/bash | |
# on centos minimal | |
yum install gcc | |
yum install make | |
yum install ncurses-devel | |
yum install lua lua-devel | |
yum install ruby ruby-devel | |
yum install python python-devel | |
yum install perl perl-devel | |
# vim7.3 | |
./configure --disable-selinux \ | |
--enable-luainterp \ | |
--enable-perlinterp \ | |
--enable-pythoninterp \ | |
--enable-python3interp \ | |
--enable-tclinterp \ | |
--enable-rubyinterp \ | |
--enable-multibyte \ | |
--disable-gui \ | |
--with-features=huge \ | |
[email protected] | |
make | |
make install |
Thanks for this. I had installed lua seperately (from source) as lua and lua-devel aren't in default repos on CentOS 5.8.
someone maybe need this:
yum install ncurses-devel
I had a few errors while running make under CentOS 6.4....
vim.h:2153:21: error: EXTERN.h: No such file or directory
vim.h:2154:19: error: perl.h: No such file or directory
vim.h:2155:19: error: XSUB.h: No such file or directory
Had previously had vim installed via yum and it had installed the packaged: perl-ExtUtils-Embed, this did not get removed when i uninstalled vim via yum.
But after removing this packaged vim compiled like a dream...
Thank you!!
After having some issues, I managed to install vim 7.4 by following instructions at
nice job
@zlx: http://www.vim.org/download.php